Showing posts with label Secret Sanctum of Captain Video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Secret Sanctum of Captain Video. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2024

See Psychedelic Sharks & The FIRST Aquatic Super-Hero...THE SHARK!

Before Shark Week Begins,
You gotta see this to believe it!
(If only these had been done as black-lite posters!)

Read the whole tale, based on the TV series Adventures in Paradise, at our "brother" RetroBlog, Secret Sanctum of Captain Video, HERE, HERE, and HERE!
Before Aquaman!
Before Prince Namor; the Sub-Mariner!
There Was...

The son of Neptune (who may or may not be the Roman god), The Shark once lived in an undersea kingdom, but set out to fight all crime committed at sea by anyone; human, sea-dweller, or extraterrestrial alien!
He's called "Shark" because sharks often accompany him...and eat his enemies!
The character is also a skilled scientist, who creates and uses technology far beyond then-current human science! 
  • His super-powers include...
  • The ability to breathe underwater
  • Superhuman strength and near-invulnerability (which he loses on land unless he's in physical contact with a magic knife given him by his father)
  • Mental control of sea life!
  • Ability to create creatures made of water, which he can direct mentally!
With a strip appearing in both Amazing-Man Comics and Stars and Stripes Comics, The Shark lasted until Centaur Publishing (which also published pulp magazines) gave up comics. 
You can read six of his tales (including his premiere) at another of our "brother" RetroBlogs, Hero HistoriesHERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE!

Sunday, September 4, 2022

We Hope You Enjoyed Our 2022 RetroBlog Summer Blogathons...

...with the theme of "crossover", featuring posts of long-out of print (OOP) tales with multi-genre appeal!
First up...
...was a double-feature of the conclusion of Thor and Jane Foster's long-running soap opera-style Silver Age romance in
...along with Jane Foster's first time wielding Thor's hammer in
Then the OOP Street Fighter the Movie (1995) comic adaptation in both
Pop Art Martial Arts
Plus the OOP graphic novel that served as the basis for a recent flick starring Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford in...
Western Comics Adventures
and right here at
Atomic Kommie Comics
And, finally...
The multiversal (and OOP) first Doctor Strange prose novel, Nightmare (1979) by William Rotsler in both
Medical Comics and Stories
PLUS: A standalone OOP "beach read" Gothic Romance in
True Love Comics Tales
(Hey, it's a long-standing tradition!)
Come Back Next Summer for More RetroBlogs Fun!

Sunday, July 17, 2022

The RetroBlogs Summer Blogathon Kicks Serious Butt...

...with the OOP Street Fighter: the Battle for Shadaloo (1995) comic adaptation beginning on Sunday at...
Secret Sanctum of Captain Video
...and continuing Monday at...
Pop Art Martial Arts

Don't Miss It
or M Bison will be really pissed at you!
(And you don't want that!)

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Monday, December 6, 2021


He's the Jolly Old Elf in a red suit!
They are BIG Green Men from Mars with an even BIGGER robot!
Before Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas, they were the ingredients for the weirdest Christmas movie ever!
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians was filmed in 1964 in that bastion of cinema, Long Island New York (in an unused airplane hanger!

Starring a host of tv and b-movie actors including handsome-but-wooden Leonard Hicks as the benevolent Martian leader Kimar, 60s villain/voiceover artist Vincent Beck (who did lots of work for Irwin Allen's sci-fi shows) as the film's mustache-twirling Martian villain, Voldar, and John Call as a pretty damn convincing Santa Claus, the flick is touted these days as the debut of future talentless chantuse Pia Zadora as Kimar's daughter Girmar.
(Thankfully, she has rather limited screen time.)

The plot's pretty simple.
The children of Mars are in a funk.
The adult Martians deduce it's due to the children's strict and sterile upbringing, and that to "normalize" them, the kids must have fun!
And what could be more fun than celebrating Christmas?
But, to do a proper Christmas, you need a Santa Claus!
Thus, the Martians journey to Earth to kidnap Santa Claus and force him to create a Christmas celebration on Mars!
Then, as they used to say in TV Guide's plot listings, hilarity ensues! (well, sorta)

As an example of low-budget filmmaking, it's amazingly-effective.
Every penny (what few of them they had) is up on the screen.
The costuming and Santa's Workshop and Mars sets are as good as those of tv shows of the period.
(The Martian robot is probably the weakest element from a design and execution standpoint, but, hey, nobody's perfect!)
There's extensive use of military stock footage (from Dr. Strangelove, no less).
And, the idea to utilize the Wham-O Air Blaster toy guns as Martian weapons was either a stroke of marketing genius or clever use of limited funds.
Either way, sales of the guns shot thru the roof after the film hit the kiddie matinee circuit!

If you're between 3-9 years old, the flick's a lot of fun.
If you're between 10 and whatever the local drinking age is, it'll drive you nuts, especially the theme song!
If you're over the local drinking age, do so before watching! It's available on a host of public domain DVDs and BluRays as well as one of the Mystery Science Theatre 3000 snarkfests.

And you just knew we at Atomic Kommie Comics™ were going to include Santa Claus Conquers the Martians in our Cool Christmas collection on stuff including kid and adult sweatshirts, hoodies, mugs and coasters, tree ornaments, throw blankets and snugglies, and greeting cards!
BTW: The image is from the comic book tie-in. There was also a 45rpm single of the theme, a spoken-word LP album of the movie's dialogue, and a novelization, all of which are HTF...and expensive when you do find them!
Be Here Next Monday,
Now I can't get that damn theme out of my head..."Hoo-ray for Santy Claus..."

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Asians and Asian-Americans in Comics...the Saga Continues

Even more from our ongoing examination of how American comics portray Asians and Asian-Americans...
Start with the only Golden Age Desi jungle girl in (where else?)
The Lone Ranger rides to the rescue of oppressed Chinese settlers in the old West, first in a never-reprinted comic tale in...
...then listen to the dramatic radio show the comic was adapted from at...
and finally, witness the villainy of the character who personified the racist concept of "Yellow Peril" for over a century in...

There's lots more coming!
Don't miss it!

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Asians and Asian-Americans in Comics...Continued

More from our ongoing examination of how American comics portray Asians and Asian-Americans...
Meet the only costumed Golden Age Asian super-heroine in (where else?)
The Blackhawks' Chinese teammate "Chop-Chop" gets not just one, but two different stories of how he joined the already-established aviator team!
His Silver Age origin at his politically-incorrect (and somewhat racist) Golden Age Origin at
Meet the immortal "World's Greatest Lover" who seduces (among others) Pacific Islanders in...
Discover secrets about the 1970s Charlie Chan cartoon (and other media versions) that you never dreamed of in...
and finally, meet the villain who's personified the racist concept of "Yellow Peril" for over a century in...

There's lots more coming!
Don't miss it!

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Asians and Asian-Americans in Comics

How have American comics treated Asians and Asian-Americans?
We're presenting a RetroBlog-wide look, starting with a comic based on the 1960s Dr Kildare TV series in Medical Comics and Stories!
(Note: that doesn't include partners/sidekicks like the The Green Hornet's Kato or Crimson Avenger's Wing who didn't have their own strips. But Hero Histories will get to them!)
There's more coming, as every RetroBlog presents a post you won't want to miss!

Friday, October 30, 2020

Friday Fun / Humor in a Jugular Vein "Blechhula!" & "Night Gawker"

Here's two creepy classics from the 1970s that should've been comic books, but weren't! presented in our "brother" RetroBlog specializing in TV/movie/radio comics, Secret Sanctum of Captain Video!
Both were satirized in never-reprinted strips from Marvel's short-lived humor comics Spoof and ARRRGH!
Blacula never made it to comics, but Night Stalker has appeared under the Moonstone banner since 2002.

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Sunday, August 23, 2020

Most Excellent! Bill & Ted's Never-Repinted Premiere Adventure Begins Tomorrow!

...we thought it only appropriate to re-present the never-reprinted hard-to-find adaptation of their first cinematic adventure!
Note: it was published as a tie-in to the home video release, after the movie appeared in theaters!
Behold this most excellent tale starting tomorrow, Monday the 24th at Secret Sanctum of Captain Video!

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Stay Safe by Sheltering in Place with RetroBlogs' Summer Blogathons...

...we'll keep you entertained with time-lost rare and never-reprinted tales you'll find only at...
...our newest RetroBlog
...controversial Western tales featuring TV's Confederate protagonists the Gray Ghost and the Rebel at
Barbaric action in the Conan/Kull tradition at
...along with the already-announced
Perry Mason...whose never-reprinted comic books will show you why the new HBO series is closer than you think to the early novels!
Check out
Crime & Punishment
for his hard-boiled adventures!
And, to make it a Super-Summer Blogathon...
The book-length saga of Superman dying from "Virus X" was one of the classic (and often reprinted) Silver Age tales of the Man of Steel!
But. that's not what we're showing...since it's been reprinted numerous times over the years (and deservedly so)!
Did you know it was re-conceived as an expanded, multi-part, never-reprinted, story in Action Comics several years later?
That's what you'll see at
Hero Histories
in July!
Plus, we're presenting not one, but two Blogathons featuring the Man of Steel's cousin in stories unseen for 50 years!

Several of Supergirl's (somewhat kinky) romances in
True Love Comics Tales!

The Maiden of Might's weirdest, wildest adventures in
There's still more (we have to keep you entertained and safe), but you'll have to be back next Sunday to find out about them...

Saturday, March 28, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics...Because Somebody Has to Take Your Minds Off the Current Disaster... presenting tales of fictional epidemics both on this blog...
...and our other RetroBlogs, including...
(you'd be amazed at how many romance comics stories involve disease)...
...and, this week, the remainder of the RetroBlogs will have CoronaVirus-themed posts!
Plus, we're introducing a new RetroBlog...Medical Comics...dedicated to tales of doctors, nurses, technicians, even orderlies, all of whom we literally couldn't live without!