Saturday, May 16, 2020

Why Violate Shelter in Place Rules When You Can Stay Home...

...and read free comics of fictional epidemics/pandemics destroying America (or Earth) Mon-Fri here on this blog...
...and weekly / bi-weekly on our other RetroBlogs, including our newest one...
...Medical Comics...
...Horror Comics of the 1950s...
...Hero Histories...
...Secret Sanctum of Captain Video...
...War: Past, Present and Future...
...Western Comics Adventures...
(You'd be amazed at how many romance comics stories revolve around disease!)...
...Crime & Punishment...
...and the aptly-named
Besides the daily posts here at Atomic Kommie Comics, there'll be at several new ones spread out among the various RetroBlogs each week!
Don't Miss Them!

Friday, May 15, 2020

Friday Fun / CoronaVirus Comics MYSTERY MEN COMICS "Rex Dexter and the Radium Creatures of Capris"

Even in the " far future" of the year 2000 (as seen from 1939)...
..., plagues can affect the inhabitants of Earth!
And only a stalwart, heroic, usually lantern-jawed space hero could save us...
Ah, radiation!
Was there nothing it couldn't cure back then?
The use of Earth-based magnetism to propel and recover un-powered spacecraft is a rather unique touch that writer/artist Dick Briefer seems to have come up with on the spur of the moment.
BTW, we've re-presented the entire Rex Dexter series on this blog, and you can read every one of his startling space-bound sagas by clicking HERE!
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Thursday, May 14, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics CHAMBER OF DARKNESS "Day of the Red Death!"

Here's another "adaptation" of Edgar Allan Poe's classic tale of disease...
...which, for a change, freely admits the source material!
In fact, out of the mouth of Stan (the Man) Lee himself...
A rich, uncaring guy who has the power to destroy the entire world and wouldn't hesitate to allow a plague to do long as he was safe!
Now who does that remind us of?
Writer Roy Thomas had been a teacher before turning to writing/editing comics, and he loved utilizing classic literature in his work!
Don Heck, whose Marvel work was usually inked by others, apparently relished the opportunity to do both penciling and inking, as he had done in his 1950s horror and war comics work!
In addition, John Romita Sr turned in a wonderfully-rendered cover which was somewhat obscured by the black tints used to create "mood".
Look at the original art to see the detail you might've missed on the printed version...
Kool, eh?
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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder / CoronaVirus Comics SPACE ADVENTURES "Tale About Time: The Quest Begins"

Remember the phrase "Everything you think you know is wrong!"...
...because this sequel to the three-parter we just ran HEREHERE, and HERE will redefine the concept!
The questions continue to pile up, and one of the most famous artists of the Silver Age takes over the Wednesday!
(Not that Jim Aparo was any slouch, but this guy is known even outside comics!)
This sequel to the tale from Space Adventures #60 (1967) was by the first story's scripter, Denny O'Neil using his "Sergius O'Shaughnessy" pseudonom, and appeared almost a year later in Space Adventures #2 (1968).
No, that's not a typo.
This is "Volume 2" of Space Adventures, which had been cancelled the year before with #60!
However, while this is Vol 2, #2, it's the first issue of the revival since there was no Vol 2 #1!
Geez, the time travel paradoxes in this story are easier to explain than comic book numbering!
BTW, you may have noticed that the primary plot from the first tale...
...biological warfare, has been left by the wayside, in order to simplify the synopsis!
(Remember, there's a year-long gap between the original issues in 1967-68, not just a couple of weeks)
But you and we know that plot element's there, and it's the subtext for the remainder of this saga!
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(which shares a number of plot elements with this story)

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics PICTURE STORIES FROM SCIENCE "Battle Against Bacteria"

Here's an explanation of the human body's defenses that's so simple...
...even Don da Con could understand it!
(Plus it has pictures!)
Yes, I know bacteria aren't viruses, but the principles are the same...
Written by Morris Nelson Sachs and illustrated by Don Cameron, this never-reprinted short from EC's Picture Stories from Science #2 (1947) was produced when EC was Educational Comics, not the later horror, crime, and sci-fi oriented Entertaining Comics!
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