Showing posts with label video game. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video game. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder GAME BOY "In the Palm of Your Hand..." Part II

We Have Already Seen...

...well, I'm not going to even try to top the tale's writer's superb synopsis of the situation...
Written by George Carragonne, penciled by Gray Morrow, Todd Haedrich and Jim Shooter (as "Paul Creddick"), and inked by Art Nichols, Valiant's Game Boy #1 (1990) was part of a line of Nintendo-related titles that lasted only two years (1990-91).
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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder GAME BOY "In the Palm of Your Hand..." Part I

Every major video game company has done tie-in comics!
But this one was based on the actual hand-held game unit (along with it's most popular game, Super Mario Land!
...Next Wednesday!
Written by George Carragonne, penciled by Gray Morrow, Todd Haedrich and Jim Shooter (as "Paul Creddick"), and inked by Art Nichols, Valiant's Game Boy #1 (1990) was part of a line of Nintendo-related titles that lasted only two years (1990-91).

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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder ATARI FORCE Part Two "Chapter Three: Spoils of War"

When Last We Left the Mysterious Woman in Dark Burgundy...

...(who actually was Atari's Security Chief), had started relating the "back story" about her experiences in 1998's Five Day War that almost destroyed the Earth...
Written by Roy Thomas and Gerry Conway, penciled by Ross Andru, and inked by Dick Giordano and Mike DeCarlo, this tale, included with the Atari Berzerk video game cartridge in 1982 is completes the background about both the crew and their mission.
The remaining three comics in the series (also included with VG cartridges) are about their adventures in various universes.
Note: the next chapter of Scanner One's travels (which we'll present in the near future) is not named after the game it's included with!
That honor went to a tale that, while part of this series, featured a new group of characters who were native to one of the universes and was published as a separate graphic novel!

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Art of Atari

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder ATARI FORCE Part Two "Chapter Two: UNMASKED"

When Last We Left the Heavily-Guarded Atari Institute in Post-Five-Day War 2005...

...I couldn't have synopsized it better myself!
Let's see what they see...

As much as we hate to interrupt a fascinating tale by a charming (and extremely-lethal) Irish lass on the day before St Patrick's Day, the fact the chapter ends here compels us to do so!
But, when you return next Wednesday, we'll finish her tale, as well as reveal the details about the top-secret mission!
(BTW, you did notice the ship is basically a giant Atari logo, right?)

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Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder ATARI FORCE Part Two "Chapter One: BERSERK" Concluded

We Have Already Seen...

...a dark-clad woman infiltrating the heavily-guarded Atari Institute where a team of hand-picked specialists are being briefed on a top-secret mission!
However, she inadvertently trips an alarm, and the flashing red lights trigger a reaction in one of the team members...
...which you'll see
...when you see both the secret project and learn the identity of the black-clad...err...dark burgundy-clad intruder!
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Art of Atari