Showing posts with label topps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label topps. Show all posts

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Kirby Reading Room BOMBAST "Bombast Lives!" Conclusion

We Have Already Seen...

Revived from suspended animation after 15,000 years genetically-engineered warrior Bombast encounters problems in then-current (1993) Chicago!
Besides not understanding any current language, the Garzan soldier's actions are misunderstood and the police, led by the Savage Dragon, attempt to apprehend him!
He narrowly manages to evade the authorities and...
To Be Continued on Friday at our sister RetroBlog...
as NightGlider makes her introduction!
BTW: there's an in-joke on the cover almost nobody born after 1975 will get!
(But almost all the readers of Topps' never-reprinted Bombast #1 in 1993 did understand and appreciate!)
All the listed creatives worked on Marvel's Sgt Fury and His Howling Commandos!
"Wah-Hooo!" was the squad's battle cry!)
Additional BTW: all the creatives were active during the Silver Age and Bronze Age!
But both Dick Ayers and John Severin began working in comics at the end of the Golden Age!
And Jack (King) Kirby himself was there at the dawn of the Golden Age up to the "present" (1993)!
So that's three generations of creators who happily leaped to participate in this project on the strength of Kirby's name alone!

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retelling of elements of the Secret City Saga which also combines other Kirby projects like Galaxy GreenCaptain Victory and Silver Star!

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Kirby Reading Room BOMBAST "Bombast Lives!" Part 1

Moving from 15,000 years ago (as we saw yesterday) to the "present day" of 1993...
...Chicagoans (including Savage Dragon) are about to meet the first of the Ninth Men to be revived from suspended animation!

To Be Continued...
And before you ask, yes, Erik Larsen granted permission to utilize his Chicago-based Image Comics character, Savage Dragon, in this tale to help foster the "Silver/Bronze Age" feel with an almost-traditional "heroes meet up but fight due to a misunderstanding" event.
Considering how much Jack Kirby has influenced Larsen's storytelling/illustrating style, I suspect Erik might have wanted to, at least, pencil the tale, but was unable to do so!
As it is, plotter Roy Thomas, writer Gary Freidrich, penciler Dick Ayers, and inker John Severin are all in top form as they follow through with the concept in this never-reprinted story from Topps' Bombast #1 (1993), producing a kool example of how comics used to be before the "Dark Age of Comics" begun by Watchmen and Dark Knight Returns in the mid-1980s!

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retelling of elements of the Secret City Saga which also combines other Kirby projects like Galaxy GreenCaptain Victory and Silver Star!

Monday, April 17, 2023

Monday Madness SECRET CITY SAGA "Gazra"

Begin the never-reprinted tale here... we journey back through the mists of time, to the era of the Ninth Men!
(Don't worry, everything will make sense by the end of this chapter!)
Written by Roy Thomas and illustrated by Walt Simonson, the series was conceived and produced as a lighter (but not campy) Silver/Bronze Age-style response to the then-current "dark" trend in comics which began with Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen.

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retelling of elements of the Secret City Saga which also combines other Kirby projects like Galaxy GreenCaptain Victory and Silver Star!

Sunday, April 16, 2023

It's the 30th Anniversary of the SECRET CITY SAGA!!!

30 years ago this month...
..., the final project Jack Kirby launched before his untimely passing appeared at Topps Comics!
Utilizing themes and designs he had never allowed to be used by other publishers, Kirby worked with editor Jim Salicrup and writer Roy Thomas to develop a "KirbyVerse" incorporating various concepts into a cohesive storyline.
Numerous high-profile creators along with established Silver Age (and even a couple of Golden Age) talents jumped on-board to participate in the world-building!
These three characters were the protagonists...
...and you'll see their never-reprinted story right here beginning tomorrow, and running though several RetroBlogs for the next couple of months!
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Kirby: Genesis
A retelling of elements of the Secret City Saga which also combines other Kirby projects like Galaxy GreenCaptain Victory and Silver Star!

Friday, February 19, 2021

Friday Fun: Mars STILL Attacks...25 Years Later!

With the landing of NASA's Perseverance Mars probe, and, in a fit of nostalgia, I searched the Net for info about the movie Mars Attacks. (I worked for Topps Comics when the film came out in 1996!)
Imagine my surprise to discover...thanks to the WayBack Machine, that the movie's site was operational until July of 2011, and still exists HERE a decade later!
If you want to see a classic example of pre-Web 2.0 site-making, have a look!
It's retro-kool!
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Mars Attacks!
The Art of the Movie

Friday, November 3, 2017

Friday Fun "Whatever happened to Carmelita Rodriguez?"

The innocent victim of Dracula vs Zorro reappeared in Topps' Zorro #9 (1994)...

...but writer Don McGregor's plans for her future apperances were disrupted by the book's cancellation two issues later!
However, a Zorro spin-off title, Lady Rawhide, kept going as a line of mini-series, and Carmelita became one of the protaganists of the 1996-97 mini-series Other People's Blood...
...first as a victim requiring rescue by the heroine...
...then as the one who rescues the heroine...
...though that's not readily apparent by the cover art!
Sadly, this is as much of this reprinted (in 1999) tale I'm going to re-present, but you can order it below...
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