Showing posts with label t-shirt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label t-shirt. Show all posts

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Design of the Week--Space Ace

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...
Before Don Bluth appropriated the name for his video game, there were a couple of totally different Space Aces in the Golden Age of Comics!
This particular one was a Flash Gordon-type set in the then-distant future year of 2000, complete with one-man spacecraft, moving sidewalks, flying cars, mile-high skyscrapers, human colonies on other worlds, etc.! (You remember all that stuff, don't you?)
And, of course, aliens!
LOTS of aliens!

One of the interesting things about this image is that it doesn't feature a scantily-clad woman being held captive by the tentacled alien, making it particularly age-appropriate (but still retro-kool) for under-10 year-old kids' (pre-K / 4th Grade) back-to-school stuff!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Design of the Week--Cosmo Cat!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...
A perfect back-to-school design featuring a classic animation-style funny animal who's also a sci-fi super-hero!
Behold...Cosmo Cat!
Available both on high-end organic cotton clothing from American Apparel and our usual high-quality (but less pricey) line of garb and goodies!

Grab him while you can!
He'll only be in orbit for a week!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Design of the Week--Dillinger Is Coming!

Each Wednesday, we'll post a graphic design on kool kollectibles, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another, totally-different image!
Last week it was Honus Wagner on the rarest baseball card in the world!
It's gone now! You can't get it any more!
This week it's Dillinger is Coming!
And he is coming, in just two weeks, on July 1st in the new Michael Mann flick Public Enemies starring Johnny Depp as the legendary bank robber John Dillinger!
Our design this week is taken from the teaser poster for the 1940s biopic Dillinger! starring Lawrence Tierney, noted for "tough guy" roles, as Dillinger.
(It looks especially good on our black / dark t-shirts!)
Instead of wearing Johnny Depp, like everyone else, show your pop-cult cred and join in the tradition of "Secret Chic" pioneered by Atomic Kommie Comics™ using graphics from earlier versions of new flix and tv series as our design inspiration!
Impress your friends (who probably never even heard of the 1940s Dillinger!) with your knowledge of celluloid history and your good taste in t-shirts and accessories!
Order now, 'cause in a week, it'll be gone!'s our 300th post!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Do YOU Squidoo?

I do.
I like the ease of use, the variety of "modules" for various functions, and the fact I can be more concerned with content than with html.
While they're primarily selling tools for Atomic Kommie Comics™, I also try to make them destinations for those wanting more info about the stuff we're into and links to related merchandise (not my own) from Amazon or eBay.
I have over three dozen active lenses (and several in development...)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Man of (Celluloid) Steel

In our continual quest to bring you the koolest komic kollectibles, Atomic Kommie Comics™ is expanding our selection to include a new line of clothing / accessories.
Yesterday you saw Hornet & Kato and Kato & Hornet.
Today, it's The Man of Celluloid Steel!
Scanned from a cool Swedish poster for the revered 1940s Superman cartoons, it's a startling retro-style graphic guaranteed to produce "oohs and ahhs" from any pop-culture fans!
And, of course, all the products in our new line are from American Apparel plus the company imaging and shipping the items is totally eco-friendly!

So, fly the eco-friendly skies with The Man of Celluloid Steel!

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Buzz on The Green Hornet

In our continual quest to bring you the koolest komic kollectibles, Atomic Kommie Comics™ is expanding our selection to include a new line of clothing / accessories.
Here are the first new offerings...
The first thing you'll notice is an even bigger image than on our previous shirts (up to 11" x 17") making them ideal for both casual wear and beach wear... plus; we're increasing the classic retro image selection! There will be new designs here not available at our other stores! (And, our best-selling classic designs will shortly be made available in larger-image versions!)
The second, less obvious, but equally-vital, thing is that all the products in our new line are from American Apparel and the company imaging and shipping the items is totally eco-friendly!

As to the designs themselves...
As you may have guessed, I'm a big fan of The Green Hornet. (After all, my nom-de-net is his secret identity!)
So, with a new film coming next year, I thought now would be the time to reintroduce the "classic" version to our pop culture-savvy clientelle in the "secret chic" tradition you've taken to heart

We're starting with two images from the theatrical release of the tv series.
Unlike the simultaneously-produced Batman series movie, this film was not an original production, but an edited compilation of four tv episodes!
And, at present, it's the only version of the tv series available on commercial dvd!

You may notice the emphasis on the late Bruce Lee in the design.
Green Hornet was his first major role, and the film, released after his untimely passing and the box-office success of Enter the Dragon, was meant to capitalize on the then-current martial arts cinema fad.
Regardless of the motive, they're both striking images, well-worthy of addition to any fan's clothing collection.
Note: we'll be adding art from both movie serials and the original comic books shortly!

But, that's not all!
Our new line will also include spies, space opera and sci-fi / fantasy, each in their own little cyber-storefront!
The buzz is building...not only on The Green Hornet, but for Atomic Kommie Comics™!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pirates of Somalia--now on Dark Shirts!

Keeping on the cutting edge of current events, Atomic Kommie Comics™ presents a trio of designs NOW ON DARK SHIRTS commemorating the defeat of the Somalian pirates who learned...
Pirates? Bring 'Em On!
Pirates Asked for It!
Threaten Americans? DON'T!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Vote FOR Terror--The Black Terror, that is! ;-)

Anyone can vote for Hillary or Barack.
But only you can rock the vote for the one-and-only Black Terror!
He knows what has to be done to those guys in Washington, and you know he'll do it!
Show you don't take no s#1t from anyone!
Proudly wear the Atomic Kommie Comics candidate who will clean up politics (and leave a bloody trail in the process)!
He's as relevant now as in the 1940s, where this classic cover first appeared during the Golden Age of Comics.
Go to Black Terror & Tim and cast your vote with the one thing that really counts...your wallet!
While you're there, you might want to visit the other Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics.
(And don't forget to see his current adventures in Alex Ross' Project SuperPowers, on sale now at comics shops everywhere! BUY IT!)

Monday, February 18, 2008

NEW: "Lost" Heroes of the Golden Age LogoWear!

Along with classic covers from the Golden Age of Comics, Atomic Kommie Comics is now offering (due to a number of requests) the logos that adorned the comics as stand-alone images on our collectibles in our Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics line.
If you go to LogoWear you'll see the current batch of goodies including The Black Terror, The Fighting Yank, The Green Lama, Amazing-Man, and The Face. Anthology titles like Exciting Comics, Startling Comics, Keen Detective Funnies, etal, will also be coming shortly, along with many more heroes like The Flame, The Owl, Frankenstein, etc.

Note: these are not the new, trademarked logos for the Project SuperPowers versions of the public domain characters, but the original logos from the 1940s-50s! Personally, we hope Dynamite will do some tie in products with art by Ross, Sadowski, etc. (I'll be one of the first in line to buy them when they do! Hell, you should see the amount of Alex Ross stuff I have in my collection!) ;-)
BUY Project SuperPowers #0 (out now), and if you're looking for some kool kollectibles featuring the classic heroes, stop by here!

Friday, February 8, 2008

MORE "Lost" Heroes FOUND!

With Project SuperPowers a certified hit (If you haven't already picked it up, go BUY IT NOW!) and The Next Issue Project about to hit the stores, Atomic Kommie Comics has expanded our lineup of Golden Age heroes whose classic covers now adorn collectibles from T-Shirts to messenger bags to mugs, etc. in our Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics line!
America's Best Comics
Big 3
Air Man
Black Terror (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
Boy King (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
Captain Triumph (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
The Claw
The Clock
The Face aka "Mr Face"
Fantom of the Fair
Fighting Yank (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
The Flame
Golden Boy (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
Green Lama (including a "1st cover appearance" cover image!)
HydroMan & Rainbow Boy (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
Miss Masque "Masquerade" (including a "1st cover appearance" image!)
Monster of Frankenstein "F-Troop"
The Owl
Samson, who's in BOTH Project SuperPowers & The Next Issue Project! (including a "1st appearance" cover image!)
Silver Streak (including a "1st cover appearance" image!)
Sky Wizard
V-Man (one of the souls who make up "The American Spirit")
Zip-Jet/RocketMan & RocketGirl
Plus: a Solo Heroes section with characters who have only one cover image available at this point, including The Arrow, Amazing Man, Black Cobra, DareDevil (the 1940s original aka "the Death-Defying 'Devil"), Detective Eye, Doc Strange, Green Giant, Green Mask, PyroMan, & SkyMan. (But we're constantly adding new images as we acquire or borrow more Golden Age comics!)
And: Lost Heroes LogoWear with our retro-style logo!

And BUY Project SuperPowers & The Next Issue Project!

Monday, February 4, 2008

You, too, can be FIGHTING YANK! (or at least wear his uniform shirt)!

We at Atomic Kommie Comics are really blown away by Alex Ross' Project SuperPowers!
(What can I say, I'm a serious fanboy!)
In fact, besides the retro cover art we offer at Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics, we've started a line of "hero insignia" shirts which will come in handy come convention season in making uniforms for the costume contest!
First up is Fighting Yank, with a bold 48-star flag unfurling proudly on the chest (Remember, Hawaii & Alaska didn't become states until the late 1950s!) and a tiny official Lost Heroes logo on the back collar area (where it won't be seen under your cape!).
Available as a sweatshirt or long-sleeve t-shirt, depending on how much padding you feel you need to achieve the "heroic" look you want. Tricorn hat not included. Sorry.
And, we the usual assortment of other kool kollectibles like MousePads, Messenger Bags, Magnets, etc.
Coming soon: more Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics hero insignia shirts including Black Terror, Miss Masque, Targeteers, etc.
Plus: Comic Book Logo shirts 'n stuff using the original cover logos for Black Terror, Green Lama, Flame, etc, as well as the titles like America's Best Comics, Startling Comics, Exciting Comics, Silver Streak, etc. most of them started in before graduating to their own books!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I Am the Legend of the Last Omega Man on Earth

Richard Matheson's plague-disaster novel I Am Legend has now been filmed three times, first as the low-budget Last Man on Earth with horror villain Vincent Price as the (surprise!) hero, the medium-budget Omega Man with 60s-70s post-apocalypse hero Charlton Heston as Neville, and finally, the big-budget I Am Legend, with wise-cracking action-movie star Will Smith as Neville.

Since every trendnoid will be wearing an I Am Legend t-shirt, why not show your sci-fi savvy and be unique by donning garb with the cool retro artwork of the previous films?
Here's links to the long-sleeve dark shirts...
The Last Man on Earth
The Omega Man

And a link to these, and other Horror Flick shirts...
Horror Movie Shirts

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Shirts Inspired by Ken Burns' The War...

After seeing Ken Burns' The War, we thought of doing something in the same vein, showing the gritty, dramatic, truth in honest, non-romanticised terms. Not like Sgt. Fury or Our Army at War, but something that would pay respect to the dogfaces and leathernecks who actually won the war!
We proudly present... our World War II line , classic comic images drawn by veterans, for veterans, history and WWII buffs, or anyone who admires the men and women who put their lives on the line to stop true evil from conquering the world, not because they wanted to, but because they had to!