Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts

Sunday, June 25, 2023

The RetroBlogs Summer Blogathons Return with TWO Themes...

First up is
The Summer of...The Shadow!
We're re-presenting not one, not two, but three never-reprinted decades-old series featuring He Who know the rest!
The remainder of the never-reprinted non-Mike Kaluta-illustrated issues of the 1970s Shadow comic series (we already ran one HERE) written by Denny O'Neil and Michael Uslan, featuring art by Frank Robbins and ER Cruz in
Crime & Punishment!
The remainder of the never-reprinted, campy,1960s Shadow "costumed superhero" series written by Jerry Siegel and illustrated by Paul Reinman. (and, yes, we already ran several of them HERE, HERE, and HERE) published by Archie Comics, in
And, because the response to our previous prose novel presentations was so positive, we're going to run the last original novel under the "Maxwell Grant" pseudonym (though it was really genre novelist Dennis Lynds, not Shadow creator Walter Gibson) through three RetroBlogs...
Hero Histories
Crime and Punishment

and here at
Atomic Kommie Comics!
Plus, we're returning to a blog we've inadvertently-neglected this past year with a festival featuring the greatest martial arts performer of all time...
We've been doing "theme months" at
July will of the month of...
...with re-presentations of never-reprinted tales from both the 1960s Dell comic (above), and the 1980s Marvel/Star comic!
And, the final July post (after the Barbie movie opens on July 21st) will be about a 1960s comic created to tie-in with a competitor's line of fashion dolls!
If we weren't doing these re-presentations, we'd be the first in line to read them!
The Summer Fun begins
July 3rd!

Sunday, September 4, 2022

We Hope You Enjoyed Our 2022 RetroBlog Summer Blogathons...

...with the theme of "crossover", featuring posts of long-out of print (OOP) tales with multi-genre appeal!
First up...
...was a double-feature of the conclusion of Thor and Jane Foster's long-running soap opera-style Silver Age romance in
...along with Jane Foster's first time wielding Thor's hammer in
Then the OOP Street Fighter the Movie (1995) comic adaptation in both
Pop Art Martial Arts
Plus the OOP graphic novel that served as the basis for a recent flick starring Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford in...
Western Comics Adventures
and right here at
Atomic Kommie Comics
And, finally...
The multiversal (and OOP) first Doctor Strange prose novel, Nightmare (1979) by William Rotsler in both
Medical Comics and Stories
PLUS: A standalone OOP "beach read" Gothic Romance in
True Love Comics Tales
(Hey, it's a long-standing tradition!)
Come Back Next Summer for More RetroBlogs Fun!

Sunday, August 28, 2022

The RetroBlogs Summer Blogathon Concluded...

...with a Re-Presentation of the Long-OOP Prose Novel from 1979...

...which spanned two blogs, Seduction of the Innocent and Medical Comics and Stories!

But, because we were posting to both blogs daily, instead of alternating between them with one-a-day posts, we had problems creating the correct hyperlinks to flow the reading experience from chapter to chapter smoothly!
Now, that was (dare we say it?), a
But, everything has been corrected due to cyber-sorcery and now you can read the entire novel starting HERE!
We've done other prose novels...
Captain America: the Great Gold Steal
Batman vs the 3 Villains of Doom
...but they were each posted to a single blog!
When we do more OOP prose novels in the future, that's the format we'll return to!
Hey, we're eccentric...but we're not insane!

Sunday, August 14, 2022

A Long-Standing RetroBlogs Summer Blogathon Tradition Continues...

...with the annual feature-length "beach read" Gothic Romance comic at
starting Monday
(Normally we post at TLCT on Wednesdays, but it's a four-part story, so we're starting early!)

Friday, August 12, 2022

Friday Fun HARVEY "Beauty and the Beach"

When summer vacation comes, comic book teens run for, where else...
...the beach!
This never-reprinted tale from Marvel's Harvey #5 (1972) was the penultimate issue of their last attempt at "teen" humor.
Written and penciled by Stu Schwartzberg and inked by Henry Scarpelli (clearly imitating Dan DeCarlo's art style which became the "look" of Archie Comics), this book and Millie the Model ended in 1972-73, leaving Archie and his spawn standing alone (except for occasional one-shots) in the teen humor genre to this day.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

The RetroBlogs Summer Blogathon Goes Western AND Sci-Fi With...

...the OOP 2006 graphic novel that served as the basis for the 2011 cross-genre flick starring Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, and Olivia Wilde in...
and right here at
Atomic Kommie Comics
Note: it's really different from the movie!
Here's the Prologue...
Join us on Monday at
Western Comics Adventures...

Sunday, July 31, 2022

There's NO Stopping the Summer RetroBlog Blogathons...

We hope you've been enjoying our Summer Crossover Blogathons including... a double-feature of the conclusion of Thor and Jane Foster's long-running soap opera-style Silver Age romance in
...along with Jane Foster's first time wielding Thor's hammer in
The OOP Street Fighter the Movie (1995) comic adaptation in both
Pop Art Martial Arts

Next, on Monday, August 8th...
The OOP graphic novel that served as the basis for the recent cross-genre flick starring Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, and Olivia Wilde in...
Western Comics Adventures
and right here at
Atomic Kommie Comics
Note: it's really different from the movie!

Sunday, July 17, 2022

The RetroBlogs Summer Blogathon Kicks Serious Butt...

...with the OOP Street Fighter: the Battle for Shadaloo (1995) comic adaptation beginning on Sunday at...
Secret Sanctum of Captain Video
...and continuing Monday at...
Pop Art Martial Arts

Don't Miss It
or M Bison will be really pissed at you!
(And you don't want that!)

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Verily, the RetroBlogs Summer Blogathons Cometh...

...this Wednesday, as, tying into the new Marvel movie Thor: Love and Thunder...
...we simultaneously present two (sorta) related comics about the God of Thunder...

...a double-feature of the conclusion of Thor and Jane Foster's long-running soap opera-style Silver Age romance in

...along with Jane Foster's first time wielding Thor's hammer in
Be at both blogs on Wednesday, or face the wrath of Odin the All-Father!

Sunday, June 26, 2022

The RetroBlogs Summer Blogathons Are Coming...

Our theme this year is "crossover", featuring posts of long-out of print (OOP) tales with multi-genre appeal!
First up... a double-feature of the conclusion of Thor and Jane Foster's long-running soap opera-style Silver Age romance in
...along with Jane Foster's first time wielding Thor's hammer in
The OOP Street Fighter the Movie (1995) comic adaptation in both
The OOP graphic novel Cowboys and Aliens that served as the basis for a recent fun flick in
Western Comics Adventures
and right here at
Atomic Kommie Comics
And, finally...
The OOP first Doctor Strange prose novel, Nightmare (1979) by William Rotsler in both
PLUS: A standalone OOP "beach read" Gothic Romance in
True Love Comics Tales
(Hey, it's a long-standing tradition!)
The Fun Starts Right After July 4th!

Sunday, June 12, 2022

You Believed CoronaVirus was OVER?

As the Medical Menace makes an unwelcome comeback...
...why not Shelter-in-Place and read COMIC BOOKS about imaginary (hopefully) epidemic/pandemics devastating America (or Earth) in the past, present, and on this blog, and on our other RetroBlogs, including...
...Medical Comics and Stories...
...Seduction of the Innocent...
...Hero Histories...
...War: Past, Present and Future...

...the aptly-named
...True Love Comics Tales
(You'd be amazed at how many romance comics stories revolve around disease!)...
...Horror Comics of the 1950s...
...Crime & Punishment...
...Secret Sanctum of Captain Video...
...Western Comics Adventures!
There will also be new CoronaVirus-oriented posts from time to time, but we're getting back on track with, among other things, our traditional Summer Blogathons!
Be here next Saturday for details!