Showing posts with label republicans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label republicans. Show all posts

Friday, December 23, 2011

Sometimes Truth, Justice, and The American Way DO Triumph!

Now THIS is the guy we elected...
...faster than a filibuster, more powerful than the Speaker of the House, able to leap tall Tea Partyers at a single bound...

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Good Will Must Originate in the Industrial Plant!

It's amazing how the solutions to current problems can be found in old comic books! shown in this strip from Picture News in Color and Action #3 (1946)
Considering how Republican 2012 Presidential candidates are publicly throwing around ideas like eliminating minimum wage and child labor laws and Republicans are actively backing labor-busting initiatives, it's frightening to consider how far we've regressed!
Are debtors' prisons next?
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Friday, December 2, 2011

What We MUST Do to Avoid the Disaster of Inflation!

Is it 2011 or 1946?
The more things change, the more they remain the same!
This dire warning from Picture News #4 in 1946 frighteningly-mirrors the state of America in 2011!
Bowles was the head of the Office of Price Administration, set up by President Franklin D Roosevelt just before World War II began.
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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tax Cuts for Corporations & the Rich...

I don't usually get involved in politics on this blog...
but this whole budget mishigas in Washington has me confused.
Why can't we tax the rich?
Why can't we tax corporations?