Showing posts with label republicans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label republicans. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Trump Reading Room TRUE COMICS "There Are NO Master Races"

Sometimes Don the Con's sheepie have to be reminded of basic biological facts...
...and what better way than with pictures?
Appearing in Parents Magazine Press' True Comics #39 (1944), this short piece took anthropological scientific data (from the brochure shown below) and presented it in an easily-digestible form, which even today's Trumpettes could understand...I hope!
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The Races of Mankind
(the HTF illustrated pamphlet that served as the basis for the strip shown above!)

Monday, December 11, 2017

What "America" does Alabama's Roy Moore Want?

Is it this one?
Alabama Congressional candidate Roy Moore wants to return slavery to America (as well as eliminate womens' right to vote), as detailed in an interview he gave in 2011!
During Moore’s appearance, one host said he supported getting rid of every amendment after the Tenth Amendment.
"That would eliminate many problems," Moore said in response to the host on the audio KFile unearthed.
"You know people don't understand how some of these amendments have completely tried to wreck the form of government that our forefathers intended," he continued.
Moore criticized the 17th Amendment, which calls for the direct election of senators by voters rather than state legislatures, and the 14th Amendment, which was passed during the Reconstruction period following the Civil War and guaranteed citizenship and equal rights and protection to former slaves.
Amendments incorporated into the U.S. Constitution after the 10th Amendment expand civil rights protections granted by the Bill of Rights.
They include the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery, the 15th Amendment, which prohibited the federal and state governments from denying citizens the right to vote based on that person's race, and the 19th Amendment, which extended suffrage to women.
Click HERE to see the America Roy Moore and President Don (the Con) Trump (who recorded a robocall for the Alabaman and backs the racist/sexist) apparently want to restore!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Trump Staycation Collectibles!

If you're a "deplorable" who supports Don (the Con) Trump... probably can't afford to take a vacation this summer since you're not employed, or can't afford to do anything but take a "staycation" if you do get time off from your job!
So, to avoid the humiliation of admitting you can't afford to go anywhere, we're offering the chance to at least look like you went somewhere with a line of kool branded collectibles!
(You can claim you said "hi" to Donnie's buddy Vlad!)

Friday, January 20, 2017

An Inauguration Day YouTube Special: SHADOW ON THE LAND (based on "It Can't Happen Here"!)

Thanks to the "poorly educated" (Don the Con's own words)...
...we're about to live a fictional nightmare from almost a century ago!
Ironically, a classic work of fiction parallels the events of the past year...and begins to look like a blueprint for the future!
It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis tells the tale of Presidental candidate and demagogue Berzelius “Buzz” Windrip who uses many of Don (the Con) Trump's rhetorical tactics to sway the uneducated, bitter white men of post-Great Depression America into voting him into office and the terrible fascistic nation that results from letting such as him gain control!
The tale ends with Windrip starting an unwarranted war with Mexico as the masses finally realize Windrip can't deliver on his grandiose promises and begin a Second American Revolution.
The book was written in 1935 and used Adolph Hitler's rise to power in Germany as it's plotline template! 
There was a 1968 tv pilot loosely-based on the concept, entitled Shadow on the Land starring, among others, Gene Hackman, John Forsythe, and Carol Linley...
It didn't sell because it was considered too far-fetched!
Will Don the Con continue down the path of Buzz Windrip (and Hitler)?
Lord, I hope not...but it sure looks like it!

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in a variety of digital and print formats 

Sunday, November 13, 2016

A YouTube Special: SHADOW ON THE LAND (based on "It Can't Happen Here"!)

Thanks to the "poorly educated" (Don the Con's own words)...
...we're about to live a fictional nightmare from almost a century ago!
Ironically, a classic work of fiction parallels the events of the past year...and begins to look like a blueprint for the future!
It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis tells the tale of Presidental candidate and demagogue Berzelius “Buzz” Windrip who uses many of Don (the Con) Trump's rhetorical tactics to sway the uneducated, bitter white men of post-Great Depression America into voting him into office and the terrible fascistic nation that results from letting such as him gain control!
The tale ends with Windrip starting an unwarranted war with Mexico as the masses finally realize Windrip can't deliver on his grandiose promises and begin a Second American Revolution.
The book was written in 1935 and used Adolph Hitler's rise to power in Germany as it's plotline template! 
There was a 1968 tv pilot loosely-based on the concept, entitled Shadow on the Land starring, among others, Gene Hackman, John Forsythe, and Carol Linley...
It didn't sell because it was considered too far-fetched!
Will Don the Con continue down the path of Buzz Windrip (and Hitler)?
Lord, I hope not...but it sure looks like it!

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in a variety of digital and print formats 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Those Who Cannot Remember the Past are Condemned to Repeat It

Thank to the "poorly educated" (Don the Con's own words)...
...we're about to relive a nightmare from almost a century ago!
Ironically, a classic work of fiction parallels the events of the past year...including last night!
It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis tells the tale of Presidental candidate and demagogue Berzelius “Buzz” Windrip who uses many of Don (the Con) Trump's rhetorical tactics to sway the uneducated, bitter white men of post-Great Depression America into voting him into office and the terrible fascistic nation that results from letting such as him gain control!
The book was written in 1935 and used Adolph Hitler's rise to power in Germany as it's plotline template!
Will Don the Con continue down the path of Buzz Windrip (and Hitler)?
Lord, I hope not...
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in a variety of digital and print formats 

Sunday, November 6, 2016

You CAN Vote EARLY in Most States!

Here's a handy (very) basic guide...
...published by Harvey Comics in 1952 (60 years ago)!
Amazing how it's both generic and pertinent even decades later!

Sunday, July 10, 2016


Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another.
This week we jump into the political world with a design we introduced in 2012, but is equally-timely today!
Besides the usual t-shirts, mugs, magnets, and other goodies, we're also offering this one as a poster for your office, dorm, bedroom, or (mounted on a stick) a protest march!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Donald Trump = George Wallace?

When your own fans compare you to George Wallace... a retired welder at the Trump rally in Alabama did...
"Donald Trump is telling the truth and people don't always like that," said Donald Kidd, a 73-year-old retired pipe welder from Mobile.
"He is like George Wallace, he told the truth. It is the same thing." know Trump's hitting the target demographic he wants.
Nativist, reactionary, undereducated.
Wallace was so proud of his racist attitudes that he had them included in a comic book produced in 1960 during his election campaign!
These pages are excerpts of the 16-page comic considered instrumental in Wallace's victory in 1960.
You can see the complete comic HERE.
You'll note an emphasis on "states' rights" of the sort Tea Partiers advocate as well as the paranoid fear that the Feds wanted to "take over" Alabama.
BTW, In his inaugural speech after winning the race, Wallace promised "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever."
Note: Ironically, Wallace was a Democrat.
However, Federally-forced desegregation as well as the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 caused many racist Democrats to switch to the Republican Party (which began catering to the right-wing audience with the "Southern Strategy") or, as in the case of Wallace, joining the newly-created American Independent Party.
In the late 1970s, Wallace became a born-again Christian and recanted his racist attitudes.
But I don't think the 1970s Wallace was the one Donald Kidd was referring to...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Here's a handy basic guide...
...published by Harvey Comics in 1952 (60 years ago)!
Amazing how it's both generic and pertinent decades later!
Note: You can see the color cover from this HTF comic book HERE!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Romney and Ryan...the Secret Conspiracy!

And you thought our comparison of Republican methods to Communist techniques (as shown HERE) was off-base?
They're laughing at you, America!
Those dirty Conservatives think they're so smart that they can put clues literally right under your collective nose and you won't realize it!
Once Chairman Romney has been "elected", it's "Game Over" for the middle-class.
There will be only the 1% Party and the 99% Proletariat.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Reading Room: JOE WORKER & THE STORY OF LABOR Conclusion

With union-busting becoming bigger than ever, we should take a look at the past... avoid it becoming our future!
NOTE: contains scenes of racism and religious/ethnic oppression in a historical context.
May be considered NSFW today, but this comic was distributed to schoolchildren in 1948.
With both corporations and local (state and city) governments trying to destroy the gains made for union members over the past hundred years (as shown in Wisconsin), it pays to see what was done before, and how history is on the verge of repeating itself.

Written by Malcom Atler under the pseudonym "Nat Schacnner", illustrated by Jack Alderman.
You'll note that each page is a self-contained tale.
They were originally prepared and formatted as half or full-page b/w comic strips to run in union newspapers/newsletters, then recompiled (with color added) for this comic book.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


With union-busting becoming bigger than ever, we should take a look at the past... avoid it becoming our future!
NOTE: contains scenes of racism and religious/ethnic oppression in a historical context.
May be considered NSFW today, but this comic was distributed to schoolchildren in 1948.
Still more on Monday!
With both corporations and local (state and city) governments trying to destroy the gains made for union members over the past hundred years (as shown in Wisconsin), it pays to see what was done before, and how history is on the verge of repeating itself.

Written by Malcom Atler under the pseudonym "Nat Schacnner", illustrated by Jack Alderman.
You'll note that each page is a self-contained tale.
They were originally prepared and formatted as half or full-page b/w comic strips to run in union newspapers/newsletters, then recompiled (with color added) for this comic book.