Showing posts with label patriotic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label patriotic. Show all posts

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Design of the Week--Spy Smasher Smashes Spies!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week..the return of one of the 1940s major anti-Axis comic book heroes!

Spy Smasher was one of the many rich playboys-turned-superheroes who filled the four-color pages of the Golden Age of Comics, but with one critical difference...he only fought those who worked for the Axis against the US!
Introduced in Whiz Comics #2*, Wealthy inventor Alan Armstrong, engaged to a Navy admiral's daughter, decided to secretly help his prospective father-in-law deal with cases of sabotage.
Utilizing his high-tech equipment, Alan adopted the identity of "Spy Smasher", following up on leads provided by Admiral Corby faster than the red-tape-hindered Navy officer could.
His primary weapon was the GyroSub, a combo autogyro/airplane/submarine.
So great was reader response that Spy Smasher quickly received his own comic as well as appearing in the anthology America's Greatest Comics, where he crossed-over with Captain Midnight!

Spy Smasher was also the only other Fawcett Comics character, besides Captain Marvel, to be made into a movie serial! (Captain Midnight, who also had a serial, was licensed to Fawcett, it wasn't owned by them.)
The serial introduced a twin brother, Jack Armstrong, who was engaged to admiral's daughter Eve Corby, not Alan, (who was still Spy Smasher).
When Jack fills-in for Alan, he's killed by Nazi gunmen in the only time a serial cliffhanger ending proves to be true!
Both Jack and Alan Armstrong were played by handsome Kane Richmond, who was second only to Buster Crabbe in playing various superheroes on screen. (Kane was also The Shadow, Brick Bradford, and male sidekicks to Brenda Starr and Tiger Woman.)
And, as a Martian spaceship pilot, he fought Buster Crabbe as Flash Gordon in Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars! (Small universe, ain't it?)

We introduced Spy Smasher in our Lost Heroes vs Hitler Calendar, but now the time has come to unleash him on his own!
Pick him up this week on mugs, t-shirts, and other goodies since this particular design is NOT going to be part of his ongoing line of collectibles!

FREEBIE!: Chapter One of Spy Smasher: the Movie Serial! Watch it or download it!

*Whiz Comics #1 was only produced as a limited-edition "ashcan" to secure copyright. Whiz #2 is the "first" issue of the comic title.  It also introduced the Golden Age (SHAZAM!) Captain Marvel, Ibis the Invincible, and Golden Arrow.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hero(ine) History Retro Edition: Captain America 1966!

With the new Captain America movie filming, we thought it time to take a look at the original 1940s movie Cap.
And, to make it even more fun, we'd look at it from a Silver Age perspective...
Specifically, an article from the HTF 1960s magazine On the Scene Presents: Super-Heroes!
 (Click on the pix for larger images)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Flag Day!

Yes, I know it's a 48-star flag, but this World War II-era banner was such a nifty image (with the Pledge, no less), that I couldn't resist using it!
And, while we're on the subject of the flag, you might want to take a look at our Flag-Draped Heroes, with one cover each on kool kollectibles, as well as patriotic heroes with more than one cover available like Captain Courageous, The Fighting Yank, The Unknown Soldier, and V-Man!
(And, if you order now, you'll have them in time for the 4th of July without paying rush charges!)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Classic Captain America Art Gallery

Today we're presenting a gallery of Captain America art from the Silver Age by Jim Steranko (above) and the character's co-creator Jack Kirby (all the rest).
Because I love Silver Age art and I felt like it
Y'know I don't plug my collectibles everyday! Just most days...  ;-)
Click on the art to enlarge

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Who should play Captain America in the new movie?

Who can fill these boots convincingly?
How about...
Currently Christopher Chance on the Human Target.
(BTW: Human Target marathon on FX TODAY!
All six episodes aired so far
from 2pm-8pm ET!
TIVO or DVR it!
[Personally, I DVD it!])
Was on Fringe, Boston Legal, ER, and starred in the cult classic Keen Eddie!
 Picture him in the suit!
Picture him as Steve Rogers!
Works for me...
(But then, I was hoping for Clive Owen as James Bond in Casino Royale!)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Captain V aka the Puppeteer

OK, see if you can follow this one...
Alan Hale is a professional puppeteer. He's also a direct descendant of Nathan Hale.
Alan has a pet bald eagle named "Raven"
Raven can talk.
Raven can also play a pipe organ (with his claws, obviously).
Whenever Raven senses danger, he plays the opening chords of Beethoven's 5th Symphony. (FYI, the chords match the dot-dot-dot-dash pacing of the Morse Code letter "V" [for "Victory"]. It was an extremely popular musical motif in movies and dramatic radio shows of the 1940s to denote particularly patriotic events. I'm not going to explain Morse Code. Google it...)
This magically transforms Alan into the red-white-blue garbed superhero Captain V who then goes forth to battle saboteurs and spies with super-strength and the ability to emanate energy in the form of red-white-blue "V-Beams" which he travels upon!
The good Captain ran thru All-Top Comics for it's entire super-hero run, but never made the cover.
He finally made the cover for the one-shot Book of Comics, after which he moved to Bomber Comics, where he shared the covers (but not interior stories) with Wonder Boy. Curiously, he was renamed The Puppeteer, but kept the patriotic costume and abilities. (And, one of the Bomber Comics covers showed both him and Wonder Boy manipulating criminals like puppets!)
He also appeared in several other one-shots like All-Good Comics, but never made the cover again.

He is NOT, as some have speculated, V-Man, another patriotic character with a similar costume, but a different identity, powers, and origin!

While Alex Ross has given V-Man a rather prominent role in Project SuperPowers, Captain V has been given rather short shrift so far, being confined to flashbacks, and implied to be one of the heroes who make up The American Spirit, a composite of the souls of deceased super-heroes!

No matter what his name, we at Atomic Kommie Comics™ have also restored Captain V to the ranks of flag-draped super-heroes by digitally-restoring and remastering his lone Golden Age cover appearance as part of our Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics™ line of kool kollectibles!
So, we're running Captain V up the flagpole to see if anyone will salute!

And, just a gentle reminder to pick up the Project SuperPowers comics, on sale now!
They're the best Golden Age revival books out there!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

OTHER Patriotic SuperHeroes (& SuperHeroines)

With all the tzimmis over the Return of Steve Rogers as Captain America (and who didn't know that was coming?), you might want to have a look at the other star-spangled heroes introduced during the Golden Age of comic books!

You did know Captain America was not the first superhero to wrap himself in the "colors that never run", didn't you?
The very first flag-wearing hero was Archie (then MLJ) Comics' The Shield who predated Cap by over a year!
Then, between 1940 and 1945, dozens of stars & stripes-wearing heroes (and heroines) flew, leaped, punched, kicked, and flipped thru the four-color newsprint world of comic books!
(Technically, Superman wore red, YELLOW, and blue, so he wasn't visually a flag-waving hero.
But Wonder Woman's Amazon garb was meant to show alliance with America's values and beliefs!)

In that virtuous vein, we at Atomic Kommie Comics™ want to tell you about a plethora of patriotic pummelers at Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics™ in our Flag-Draped Heroes line of kool kollectibles!
We're talking about
American Crusader
American Eagle (now Burning Eagle)
Captain Battle & Captain Battle Jr
Captain Courageous
Captain V (illustrated above)
The Conqueror
The Eagle & Buddy
The Flag
Major Victory
Man of War
Miss Victory
Stars & Stripes
Unknown Soldier (now Soldier Unknown)
U.S. Jones
Yank & Doodle
Yankee Doodle Jones & Johnny Reb
on t-shirts, mugs, messenger bags, and other goodies!
(We'll be doing individual Hero(ine) Histories of each of them over the summer. Watch for them!)
Most, if not all of them have recently been revived in the new series Project SuperPowers and it's spin-off titles. (Pick them up at your local comic book store TODAY!)

So fly the flag (or The Flag himself) this 4th of July with Flag-Draped Heroes ONLY at Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics™!