Showing posts with label disease. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disease. Show all posts

Monday, August 3, 2020

Monday Madness / CoronaVirus Comics MORLOCK: 2001 "Coming of Morlock!" Conclusion

...actually, we haven't seen this, because the cover (which features Morlock's human and monster forms together) is symbolic!
In the Fahrenheit 451/1984-style world of 2001 (as seen from 1975), the government controls everything!
When the lab of a rebel scientist is discovered and destroyed, the only things salvaged are a couple of plant-like pods plus notes and chemicals related to them.
One of them contains a sentient humanoid who can turn humans to shrubbery-like vegetables simply by touching them!
Seeing the potential for a lethal and untraceable weapon to keep the populace in line through terror, the government officials brainwash the humanoid, now code-named "Morlock" after the creatures in HG Wells' novel The Time Machine to serve them as a killer...
Written by Micahel Fleischer, penciled by Al Milgrom and inked by Jack Abel, this premiere issue of Atlas/Seaboard's Morlock: 2001 (1975), presented some interesting concepts, but, since the company folded after only three issues were published, never really-developed the concepts...
Will Morlock Return?
It's Up to YOU!
Let us Know!
Bonus Material
The original, unused cover, inked by Jack Abel instead of the Dick Giordano-inked final cover above!
The cover of the Australian reprint
(Note it's rated "adult readers only", despite passing the rather strict Comics Code Authority in America!)
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A "Lost" Graphic Novel about Dystopia

Monday, July 27, 2020

Monday Madness / CoronaVirus Comics MORLOCK: 2001 "Coming of Morlock!" Part 1

Welcome to the dystopian Earth of 2001... seen in 1975 by writer Michael Fleischer, penciler Al Milgrom, and inker Jack Abel!
Will Morlock be used as a weapon of the State?
Will he allow himself to be used?
Find Out
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A "Lost" Graphic Novel about Dystopia

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Is THIS America's Future Under Trump?

As promised, the final, unused image...
...from the mini-series, illustrated by comics legend Basil Wolverton, about the Bible's Book of Revelations, which seems to depict Don da Con's term in office with frightening accuracy!
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Sunday, July 19, 2020

America's Future?

Is this our future...
...thanks to the ineptitude of Don da Con?
Legendary artist Basil Wolverton did these illustrations for articles in a religious organization's magazine about the Book of Revelations.
They were later compiled, along with others, into a multi-volume version of the Bible which covered from Genesis to Revelations by that same organization!
Be here Tuesday as we reveal the final image in the series that was so shocking, the editors initially refused to publish it!
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Compiled and edited by Wolverton's son, Monte, the 304-page Bible Stories includes all of Wolverton's artwork for the Worldwide Church of God project.
Recording artist and noted EC Comics authority Grant Geissman (Tales of Terror: The E.C. Companion and Foul Play!: The Art and Artists of the Notorious 1950s E.C. Comics!provides an insightful foreword, while Monte Wolverton delivers commentary and background in the introduction and in each section.
This volume is authorized and commissioned by the Worldwide Church of God and endorsed by the Wolverton family.
BTW, Many of the illustrations (some never previously-published) are regarded as Basil Wolverton's finest work.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics SCIENCE COMICS "Walter Reed: the Man Who Conquered Yellow Fever"

...but here's another version of true events, with a somewhat different emphasis...
Rudy Palais, one of the more gruesomely-graphic artists of the Golden Age illustrated this never-reprinted tale from Ace's Science Comics #2 (1946).
In fact, some of Palais' work is excerpted in Fredric Wertham's Seduction of the Innocent!
And, yes, the subject of the story is the Dr Walter Reed the hospital in Washington DC is named after...and this is why it's named after him!
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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics AMAZING MYSTERY FUNNIES "Daredevil Barry Finn vs the Infectious Insects!"

One of a number of rich, handsome, heroic, layabouts who fought evil...
...because they had the wealth and spare time to do so!
This never-reprinted story from Centaur's Amazing Mystery Funnies V2N09 (1939) was conceived, written and illustrated by Tarpe Mills, one of the few female creatives working in comics before World War II put most of the male writers and artists in military service.
Tarpe's imagination also produced the The Purple Zombie, the original Cat-Man, and, most famously, Miss Fury.
Such "gentleman adventurers" as Barry Finn were popular in literature and media of the period.
Examples include The Saint, Lord Peter WimseyThe Falcon, Boston Blackie, and Bulldog Drummond.
His nemesis, Zaroff (named after the villain of The Most Dangerous Game, but a scientist, not a hunter) constantly did typical mad scientist stuff which Finn would always thwart.
The brash young hero kicked butt for eight chapters, none of which has been seen since their original publication.
It may be time to change that...
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Miss Fury
Sensational Sundays 1944-1949

Saturday, June 20, 2020

As the Usual Summer Inferno Reaches the Continental USA...

...beat the heat by staying indoors in air-conditioned comfort and enjoying...COMIC BOOKS!
Read free comics of fictional epidemics/pandemics destroying America (or Earth) in the past, present, and future...Mon-Fri here on this blog, and weekly / bi-weekly on our other RetroBlogs, including our newest one...
...True Love Comics Tales
(You'd be amazed at how many romance comics stories revolve around disease!)...
...Horror Comics of the 1950s...
...Crime & Punishment...
...Secret Sanctum of Captain Video...
...Western Comics Adventures...
...the aptly-named
...Seduction of the Innocent...
...Hero Histories...
...War: Past, Present and Future!
Besides the daily posts here at Atomic Kommie Comics, there'll be at several new ones spread out among the various RetroBlogs each week!
Don't Miss Them!