Showing posts with label covers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label covers. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Make your Christmas tree SpaceMan Jet's landing pad!

Flash Gordon!
Buck Rogers!
Brick Bradford!
Even...Rocket Kelly!
Have you ever noticed that space-faring heroes almost NEVER have a first name like "Dave" or "Melvin"? (Yeah, there was DAN Dare, but his last name was "Dare" for chissakes!)
It's always something dramatic and/or futuristic!
Makes you wonder what their parents were thinking when they filled out the birth certificate..."Yeah, "Brick"! That's a good name for the kid!"

Jet Powers was one of the last of that breed of high-adventure heroes, a kick-butt, blast-first-and-ask-questions-later kinda guy who crossed space and time like you and I cross the street!
As rendered by Bob Powell, one of the most versatile illustrators of the Golden Age (He did everything, sci-fi, romance, war, horror, etc), Jet was a ruggedly-handsome guy with distinctive white hair and a nose that had been broken and reset! (Think of a combo of Bruce Willis and Peter Graves.)
Besides being good in a fight, Jet was a scientific wiz with his own mountaintop base and spacecraft!
He operated as a freelance agent for the United States, meeting the President himself at least once just to receive orders!
In four issues of his own title Jet battled Mr Sinn, an evil scientist equal to himself, who was colored bright green, but like Ming the Merciless, was an alien variation of the "Yellow Menace" villain stereotype.
Powers also met, rescued, and fell in love with Su Shan, formerly a servant of Sinn. Of course, Sinn wanted her back, so Jet had to keep rescuing her for the entire series!
You can read his exciting adventures by clicking HERE!

Atomic Kommie Comics™ has returned him to interplanetary action as SpaceMan Jet, along with the SpaceBusters, in our The Future WAS Fantastic!™ series, even giving him his own section.where all four of his spectacular star-spanning covers adorn mugs, shirts and a plethora of other goodies!

For the special someone in your life with a taste for retro sci-fi / fantasy, you can't go wrong with one of these items as a Christmas present!
(Heck, if I didn't already have them, I'd want 'em!)

Please Support Atomic Kommie Comics at Christmas!
Visit Amazon and Order...

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Cowboys + Dinosaurs = Christmas FUN!

Art by Ross Andru and Mike Esposito
They just don't make comics like this anymore!
Masked cowboy hero vs gunslinger riding a pterodactyl...and a bright magenta pterodactyl at that!
It's the sort of concept a nine-year old would come up with while playing with his (or her) newly-unwrapped action figures under the Christmas tree, mixing the dinosaurs with superheroes and cowboys!

Why not?
That's what makes it so KOOL!
It's so darn silly, yet fun, you just have to look at it and think "what the--?"

That's exactly the sense of wonder we at Atomic Kommie Comics™ still feel!
We want to live in a world where anything can, and does, happen!
In pop culture, we call this sort of tale "cross-genre", where a story draws elements from disparate categories of fiction.

Sometimes there's a certain logic to it.
One of my favorite books involves fiction's greatest detective dealing with the first alien invasion!
Since he lived in London at the time the invasion took place, it seems only (dare I say it) elementary, that Sherlock Holmes would witness and analyze the Martian invasion of 1898!
That's the basis of the superb pastiche, Sherlock Holmes' War of the Worlds by Manly Wade Wellman & Wade Wellman!
That novel, to me, defines KOOL!
(The fact the story also includes another of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's classic characters; Professor Challenger from The Lost World and other sci-fi novels, is a cross-genre bonus!)
Track down a copy.
If you're a HolmesChallenger, and/or War of the Worlds fan (I'm a fan of all three), it's well worth the effort!

Sometimes there's no real logic to it except--"why not?"
That's the category where something like Santa Claus Conquers the Martians goes!
And that's where the cover shown above goes.
This particular design was so cross-genre we put it in two wildly-different sections--Dinosaurs!, and Masked Western Heroes, because, hey, it fits both categories, so--"why not?"

Keep the Sense of Wonder alive!
Give a Christmas gift that keeps inspiring the imaginations of both the young and the young-at-heart!

Friday, December 2, 2016

The clock striking "12" signals the appearance of Santa and...

We at Atomic Kommie Comics™ are big fans of retro pop culture.
And in the 1940s-1950s one of the biggest pop cult phenomenons was Captain Midnight!
Books, Comics, Movies, Radio, TV...He was EVERYWHERE!

Created for radio in 1938, the patriotic aviator ran the Secret Squadron, what we today would call a "black ops" team, supported by the government but functioning outside of legal rules in dealing with spies, saboteurs, and (after the war) criminals!
Trivia note: the Secret Squadron originally used the code "SS" on their messages, decoders, and uniform patches, but changed it to "SQ" after World War II began to avoid reference to the notorious Nazi SS stormtroopers!
Cap replaced Little Orphan Annie as the flagship show for Ovaltine, carrying on the tradition of issuing mail-in collectible premiums in return for Ovaltine labels and jar seals, taking it to far greater levels than any other radio series in history! (The phrase "Captain Midnight Decoder" became synonymous with mail-in premiums.)
The show ran Monday thru Friday in 15-minute segments, with storylines running for several months at a time, ending each episode with a coded message which required a Captain Midnight Decoder to translate.
A series of Big Little Books, a newspaper comic strip, and two different comic book series quickly followed, as well as a 15-chapter movie serial.
You can read a couple of stories from the 1940s comic book HERE.
The radio show ended with a bang in 1949, as Cap's archenemy Ivan Shark (an evil aviator) was killed in the final episode! Talk about "closure"!

Ovaltine revived Cap (but not Ivan Shark) in 1954 as a weekly tv series with a heavier science fiction emphasis.
Midnight was now a civilian adventurer operating out of a mountaintop base in the SouthWest US, battling criminals and the occasional Communist spy.
Though it only ran for 39 episodes, the show reran continuously until the mid 1960s.
Trivia note: the syndicated version was retitled Jet Jackson: Flying Commando because Ovaltine owned the "Captain Midnight" trademark and didn't sponsor the reruns!
One actor redubbed "Jet Jackson" over everybody (men, women, children) when they said "Captain Midnight", producing some rather surreal moments in the syndicated reruns!

Ovaltine continued to use "Captain Midnight" on advertising and occasional tie-in premiums until the late 1990s, when they finally abandoned the trademark.
He's now part of our Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics group with six different vintage designs including five classic covers and his stylish logo!
As a unique Xmas gift for collectors of pop culture kitch, you can't go wrong with one of our klassy and kool kollectibles as a stocking stuffer!

Our FREE Early Christmas Present to you: downloadable mp3s of the Captain Midnight radio show!
BONUS FREE Early Christmas Present: downloadable episode of the Captain Midnight tv show, complete with commercials!
EXTRA FREE BONUS Early Christmas Present: Another downloadable episode of the Captain Midnight TV show, complete with commercials!
Please support Atomic Kommie Comics this Christmas!
Visit Amazon and Order...
(which would make a great present with one of our Captain Midnight collectibles!)

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

There's Nothing That Says "Christmas" Like LUST!

If you've been a faithful reader of this blog, you're well aware we have a section in Atomic Kommie Comics called Seduction of the Innocent featuring risque pop culture subjects in both comix and film. In that vein, we present today's tawdry tale...
"She was greedy, heartless and calculating.

She knew what she wanted and was ready to sacrifice anything to get it"
Before Gil Kane's Blackmark, before Will Eisner's A Contract with God, there was It Rhymes with Lust, considered by many to be the FIRST Graphic Novel!
Created in 1950 by writers Arnold Drake (Doom Patrol, Guardians of the Galaxy) and Leslie Waller (numerous crime novels) under the pseudonym "Drake Waller" and artists Matt Baker (Phantom Lady) and Ray Osrin, the digest-sized b/w comic was a pulp noir potboiler about a steel-producing town (like Pittsburgh) and a manipulative woman named Rust who will use ANY means to control it. (It's a rather adult book, though not pornographic! Think "soft R" rating!)
Trivia: Leslie Waller, besides writing numerous crime novels, also penned the novelization of Close Encounters of the Third Kind!
The "Picture Novel" series (Lust was the first title) published by pulp/comic company St. John Publications, only ran for two books before being cancelled due to poor sales.
The book has been reprinted twice in recent years, first by Fantagraphics in the magazine The Comics Journal #277, then, in it's original format by Dark Horse Comics with a new intro by Arnold Drake. Both are available at your local comic shop or online.
Why do we tell you all this?
Because we at Atomic Kommie Comics believe that other companies occasionally produce kool collectibles, and in the Spirit of Christmas, we want to promote stuff that we ourselves would want under the tree. (Significant Other, please take note...)
Of course, the fact that we ourselves also produce It Rhymes with Lust collector's items like mugs, mousepads and mens'/women's clothing that would make great accompanying items in a themed gift package for a loved one who's into Graphic Novels this Yuletide never occured to us!
Nope, never!
Didn't even cross our minds! ;-)

Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Horror! The Horror! (Comics) for Halloween!

Monster Crime!
Now that's a title!
Yeah, they knew what we budding juvenile delinquents wanted back in the 1950s!
As you might have guessed, the upcoming Halloween holiday has inspired the Atomic Kommie Comics™ crew to re-present to our Horror Comics of the 1950s™ section for your All-Hallows Eve garb and goodies!
And, what titles do we have at our kool kollectibles kollection?
Besides the aforementioned Monster Crime, there's Tales of Horror, Horror from the Tomb (see a trend?), Beware! (with a Frank Frazetta cover!), and The Clutching HandThe Hand of Fate, Horrific!, Weird Adventures, Baffling, Challenge of the Unknown, Terror Tales, Haunted, The Beyond, Weird Terror, Weird Mysteries, Weird, Diary of Horror, WitchCraft, and Eerie!
Plus collectibles with our ghoulishly-graphic, viscerally-vintage Horror Comics of the 1950s™ logo!
Be the envy of all the kids on your block this Halloween with black or white t-shirts, tote bags for your candy, and mugs, magnets, buttons and other perplexing paraphernalia!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

July 2016-June 2017 Pop Culture Calendar Sale Ends 8/1!

Because it's become the most popular sale we've ever run, we're bringing back the  
Atomic Kommie Comics
2016-17 12-Month Calendars 
at a 25% discount!
Perfect for office, dorm, or bedroom!
The IDEAL gift for the hard-to-please pop culture fan in your life (or yourself)!
Plus: they show July 2016-June 2017!
Or you can set them up to begin anytime from July 2016 to January 2017, and present 12 months of comic and pulp covers and/or movie posters!
Sherlock Holmes: the Greatest Sleuth of All!

Basil Rathbone IS Sherlock Holmes!
WereWolves and Vampires
Vampires of Pulps and Comics
Werewolves of the Comics and Pulps
Zombies of Comics and Pulps
Classic comic book and pulp magazine covers and movie posters, scanned from the originals and digitally-remastered and restored!
NOT available in stores, only on-line!
And, until Augist 1, 2016, they're FIVE BUCKS CHEAPER!
Normally $19.99, they're only $14.99!
Order now...before time runs out!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

NEW! July 2016-June 2017 Pop Culture Calendars!

Because it's become the most popular sale we've ever run, we're bringing back the  
Atomic Kommie Comics
2016-17 12-Month Calendars 
at a 25% discount!
Perfect for office, dorm, or bedroom!
The IDEAL gift for the hard-to-please pop culture fan in your life (or yourself)!
Plus: they show July 2016-June 2017!
Or you can set them up to begin anytime from July 2016 to January 2017, and present 12 months of comic and pulp covers and/or movie posters!
Sherlock Holmes: the Greatest Sleuth of All!

Basil Rathbone IS Sherlock Holmes!
WereWolves and Vampires
Vampires of Pulps and Comics
Werewolves of the Comics and Pulps
Zombies of Comics and Pulps
Classic comic book and pulp magazine covers and movie posters, scanned from the originals and digitally-remastered and restored!
NOT available in stores, only on-line!
And, until July 31, 2016, they're FIVE BUCKS CHEAPER!
Normally $19.99, they're only $14.99!
Order now...before time runs out!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

NEW! 2016-2017 Pop Culture Calendars!

Because it's become the most popular sale we've ever run, we're bringing back the  
Atomic Kommie Comics
2016-17 12-Month Calendars 
at a 25% discount!
Perfect for office, dorm, or bedroom!
The IDEAL gift for the hard-to-please pop culture fan in your life (or yourself)!
Plus: they show July 2016-June 2017!
Or you can set them up to begin anytime from July 2016 to January 2017, and present 12 months of comic and pulp covers and/or movie posters!
Sherlock Holmes: the Greatest Sleuth of All!

Basil Rathbone IS Sherlock Holmes!
WereWolves and Vampires
Vampires of Pulps and Comics
Werewolves of the Comics and Pulps
Zombies of Comics and Pulps
Classic comic book and pulp magazine covers and movie posters, scanned from the originals and digitally-remastered and restored!
NOT available in stores, only on-line!
And, until July 31, 2016, they're FIVE BUCKS CHEAPER!
Normally $19.99, they're only $14.99!
Order now...before time runs out!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

War IS Hell...Without LOVE!

We at Atomic Kommie Comics™ know that the path of true love is not always smooth, especially in wartime.
In tribute to the brave men and women of the armed forces, we have a section featuring military-oriented romance comic books entitled WarTime Love™ just in time for Memorial Day featuring greeting cards, teddy bears, clothing and a host of other goodies with vintage retro military romance comic cover art.
Show your beloved, whether they're an officer, noncom, or GI Joe (or GI Jane), or the civilian waiting for you at home, that you're thinking of them on Memorial Day!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

For the Guys in the Foxhole...

After seeing Ken Burns' The War, several years go, we at Atomic Kommie Comics™ thought of doing something in the same vein, showing the gritty, dramatic, truth in honest, non-romanticised terms. Not like Sgt. Fury or Our Army at War, but something that would pay respect to the dogfaces and leathernecks who actually won the war!
Thus, we came up with... our World War II line , classic comic images drawn by veterans, for veterans, history and WWII buffs, or anyone who admires the men and women who put their lives on the line to stop true evil from conquering the world, not because they wanted to, but because they had to!
We digitally-restored and remastered them on a line of kool kollectibles which would make perfect Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, or 4th of July gifts for the WWII veteran in your life.
Choose from t-shirts, mugs, magnets, BBQ aprons, and many other goodies.
What cooler way to say "thank you" to the guys or gals of the "Greatest Generation" for what they did for the world?
(And have a look at the other collectibles we offer at War: Past, Present & Future™ while you're at it!)

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Memorial Day is Coming...

Comic books played a major part in shaping the public's impression of both our troops and our enemies during World War II.
Among the classiest were these three beautiful covers for Contact Comics, an aviation-oriented title. Spectacular, intense, eye-catching color highlights these poster-style pieces of art.
Each one paid honor to the aviation division of one of the three armed forces branches. (The Air Force as a separate branch didn't come about until after WWII)
Tribute to the Navy Air Corps featuring F6F Hellcat fighters.
Tribute to the Army Air Force featuring B-24 Liberator heavy bombers.
Tribute to the Marine Air Corps featuring F4U Corsair fighters.

We at Atomic Kommie Comics™ have digitally-restored and remastered them on a line of kool kollectibles which would make perfect Memorial Day, Armed Forces Day,  Flag Day, or 4th of July gifts for the WWII veteran in your life.
Choose from t-shirts, mugs, magnets, BBQ aprons, and many other goodies.
(And have a look at the other World War II collectibles we offer at War: Past, Present & Future™ while you're at it!)

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Valentine's Day Comic Book Cover Greeting Cards

For our final Valentine's Day-themed post for 2016, here's a link to a one-stop storefront for all your retro comic book cover greeting card needs!
The interiors are blank for you to add your own thoughts, inspired by the covers.
Yes, this art's by Marvel legend John Buscema!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Prepare for Anti-Valentine's Day!

Over the past couple of weeks, we've been suggesting kool Valentine's Day kollectibles for those with True Love in their hearts!

But what of those of you who don't look forward to this Day for Lovers?

Don't worry! We haven't left you out!

Today, Atomic Kommie Comics™ offers I Married a Monster from Outer Space from Seduction of the Innocent™ on a host of items including greeting cards, garb, mugs, journals/diaries, even a teddy bear!
Show your spouse (or ex-spouse) how you really feel on Valentine's Day!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

The PERFECT Valentines Day Gift!

A Classic Romance Comics Calendar!
A dozen digitally-remastered classic comics covers, imaged directly from the original 1940s-1970s covers!
(not recent reprints or smaller images from reference books!)
Cheaper than roses...and longer-lasting!
Not available in stores!
Only Available On-Line!
Order now to have it for Valentines Day!
Click HERE to see the entire calendar and place an order!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

You'll LOVE Love Diaries and Love Letters for Valentine's Day!

Until the intro of texting, blogs, and Twitter, the main way people kept track of their love lives was thru Love Diaries & Love Letters!
In fact, they made up one of the most popular sub-categories of romance comics, with literally dozens of titillating titles!
Let our selection of the best of these these kitchy, campy (and very kool) classic comics covers help you express your true feelings on the Most Important of Days--Valentines Day on greeting cards, teddy bears, mugs, and even "naughty" undies!

And, if they can't assist your love-life, perhaps something from one of our other sections at True Love Comics Tales™ will help get your point across on the Most Important of Days!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Korean War Collectibles: As Timely Now as They Were in the 1950s!

With Kim Jong Un doing whatever psycho things he does (including setting off a-bombs) when he gets bored or desperate, rumors of war with North Korea are once more circulating thru the Free World.
So, we at Atomic Kommie Comics™ thought now is the time to re-present art showing how pop culture (in particular, comic books), portrayed the Korean Police Action to the American public during the original hostilities back in the 1950s!
We're offering these rarely-seen classics of pop art to a modern audience on a number of kool kollectibles including t-shirts, mugs, magnets, and a 12-month calendar, all featuring a dozen classic 1950s comic covers, digitally-restored and remastered directly from the actual kick-Commie-butt books!
For those who wish to relive those days, or those who hope the end result this time will be the same as last time, this is the present for them!

Let Kim Jong Un BEWARE!
We did it before and we can do it AGAIN!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

EXTENDED...25% OFF Exclusive 2016 Pop Culture 12-Month Calendars!

Because it's become the most popular sale we've ever run, we're giving you one more week to get the  
Atomic Kommie Comics
2016 12-Month Calendars 
at a 25% discount!
Perfect for office, dorm, or bedroom!
The IDEAL gift for the hard-to-please pop culture fan in your life (or yourself)!
Sherlock Holmes: the Greatest Sleuth of All!

Basil Rathbone IS Sherlock Holmes!
WereWolves and Vampires
Vampires of Pulps and Comics
Werewolves of the Comics and Pulps
Zombies of Comics and Pulps
Classic comic book and pulp magazine covers and movie posters, scanned from the originals and digitally-remastered and restored!
NOT available in stores, only on-line!
And, until January 8, 2016, they're FIVE BUCKS CHEAPER!
Normally $19.99, they're only $14.99!
Order now...before time runs out, because we're not extending the sale again!

Saturday, December 26, 2015

25% OFF Exclusive 2016 Pop Culture 12-Month Calendars!

Classic comic book and pulp magazine covers and movie posters, scanned from the originals and digitally-remastered and restored!
NOT available in stores, only on-line!
And, until January 1, 2016, they're FIVE BUCKS CHEAPER!
Normally $19.99, this week they're only $14.99!
Order now...before time runs out! ;-)