Showing posts with label comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comics. Show all posts

Sunday, March 3, 2024

EGGcitment is Building for Easter!

Choose from Ducky's 1st Easter...
Bibs, creepers, toddlers' and kids' t-shirts, sweatshirts, and adult goodies like maternitywear!
Order now, so you'll have it in time for Easter!

Friday, March 1, 2024

Friday Fun FARMER'S DAUGHTER "Gig McCoy: Around the Cracker Barrel"

As cons/Republicans continue to support a failed politician/urban "businessman" who specializes in tall tales...
...we'll amuse you with a story about a rural businessman who, though honest, specializes in tall tales!
This never-reprinted story from Stanhall's Farmer's Daughter #1 (1954) was typical of the sort of lowbrow humor the publisher specialized in.
With titles including Broadway-Hollywood Blackouts and G.I. Jane, Stanhall produced adult-oriented (but never more risque than PG-13) humor.
Animator Hal Seegar was the editor/writer/illustrator for the non "good girl" strips like this one, while Bill Williams handled the art for the more risque material (like the title feature) which Seegar wrote and edited.
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Sunday, February 25, 2024

EGGcitement with Easter Goodies for Kiddies!

Choose from Bunny Daddy, Baby Duck...
Bibs, creepers, toddlers' and kids' t-shirts, sweatshirts, and adult goodies like maternitywear!
Order now, so you'll have it in time for Easter!

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Kool Retro Comic Book-Themed Valentine's Day Gifts!

Comics aren't just about spandex-clad heroes and heroines in battles of cosmic import!
They also tell intimate tales of heartbreak and true love, betrayal and redemption, and misery and sheer joy!

With than in mind, Valentine's Day is coming!
And what says "True Love" better than a kool, kitchy gift from TRUE LOVE COMICS TALES™? (Plus, it's both longer-lasting AND cheaper than a dozen roses!)

Choose from over 50 heart-rending designs in categories including...

(The ORIGINAL LonelyHearts Columnist)
(from the 1960s)
(or is that Love in School?)
(from the 1970s)

...on greeting cards, teddy bears, calendars, shirts/tops/intimate wear, diaries, and many other kool kollectibles!

A public service announcement for all lovers and would-be lovers from your BFFs at Atomic Kommie Comics™

Monday, January 15, 2024

Monday Madness DOC SAVAGE COMICS "Polar Treasure"

Our current arctic blast reminded me of the setting of an early Doc Savage novel...
...which was condensed into the shortest comics adaptation of any of the Man of Bronze's "supersagas" (as Phillip  Jose Farmer refers to them) we've ever seen!
Two notes:
1) the flying man on the cover is Ajax the Sun Man, who had his own strip in the book.
(Ajax is not in the Doc Savage tale.)
2) the story may be NSFW due to racial stereotypes common to the 1940s.
The first few issues of the 1940s Doc Savage Comics condensed and adapted Doc pulp novels.
This issue (#3 from 1941) took the 1933 pulp tale "Polar Treasure" and fit it into only eight pages!
Both writer and artist of the adaptation and cover are unknown.
Lester Dent wrote the original novel under the "Kenneth Robeson" house pen-name.
Trivia: both the original and paperback editions of the novel are #4 in their respective series.
Cover by Walter M Baumhaufer
Cover by Lou Feck or James Avati or Frank McCarthy
(After the first novel, "Man of Bronze", Bantam Books reprinted the stories out of original publication order, going with what they felt were the most exciting tales first.)
Bookmark us (if you haven't already) since we have a lot of cool never-reprinted material coming up this year!

Friday, December 29, 2023


...and asked if anyone could identify what DC comic it was from.
Nobody could!
The answer is this...
DC's Teen Beam #2 (1968)!
Yeah, it doesn't look like a comic, but it was comic-sized, and DC produced it!
From '66-'69 several comics companies took a shot at doing mixed-format comics/teen mag titles...
Tower's Teen-In
Charlton's Go-Go
Harvey's Pop Comics
Warren also tried their hand with two b/w mag titles...
Freak Out, U.S.A.
Teen Love Stories!
Oddly, Marvel, once noted for their tendency to jump on trends, didn't do one of these!
DC advertised their attempt with
...featuring the mascot character Teeny and, presuming it would appeal to the target teenage girl audience, a grungy hippie!
The first issue featured Teeny introducing articles about various heart-throbs...
...but no other comics-type material!
The incredibly-popular mag they based the title on...
...immediately threatened a trademark infringement lawsuit!
So, DC hastily-altered the title in their ads and the book's logo to Teen Beam...
...and added comic pages along with the articles!
It didn't help, since distributors, unwilling to anger the insanely-hot Tiger Beat, refused to rack the title!
(as the ad points out, you had to ask for it, since it was now, as they used to say "under the counter" along with porn magazines!)
The second issue was the last!
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Sunday, December 17, 2023


Normally, each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!

In this case, the response has been so overwhelming, we're going to keep the design up until Christmas!
(BTW, you'll note that the cover is dated January, 1939.
But it was actually on sale in November, 1938! 
Publishers used to cover-date comics and pulps two to three months ahead of the actual on-sale date to keep the books on the stands for as long as possible!)
Pick up this kool design on mugs, greeting cards, and other Yuletide collectibles NOW!
Christmas will be here before you know it!

Sunday, December 10, 2023


Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!

This week...go back 85 years ago, to November 1938 and see...when elves were part of the 99%!
(You'll note that the cover is dated January, 1939.
But it was actually on sale in November, 1938! 
Publishers used to cover-date comics and pulps two to three months ahead of the actual on-sale date to keep the books on the stands for as long as possible!)
And it looks like the elves aren't going to settle for sweatshop wages and conditions at the North Pole anymore!
Pick up this kool design on mugs, greeting cards, and other Yuletide collectibles NOW!
Christmas will be here before you know it!

Monday, November 13, 2023

Monday Madness RACE FOR THE MOON "Asylum"

Twilight Zone-style story from Race for the Moon #1, illustrated (and possibly written) by Bob Powell!

With the world the way it is now, perhaps we should rename our planet from "Earth" to "Asylum"!

Please Support Atomic Kommie Comics!

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Reading Room: THIS IS SUSPENSE "Choice!"

Occasionally you come across something that makes you scratch your head and go "wha?"...

This odd little piece by Dick Giordano was the opener for Charlton's This is Suspense #23 (1955)...which was actually the first issue using that name, as Charlton had bought the series (including unpublished material) from Fawcett under the name Strange Suspense Stories. after Fawcett cancelled their comics line!

(With the Comics Code about to take effect, Charlton apparently decided to make their carryover from the "bad old days" as inoffensive as possible by changing the title.)
BTW, to see how the Code mutilated a story in the very next issue of This is Suspense, check out the original Strange Suspense Stories version HERE and the revised This is Suspense version HERE!

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Sunday, October 8, 2023

The Horror! The Horror (Comics, that is)!

Monster Crime!
Now that's a title!
Yeah, they knew what budding juvenile delinquents wanted back in the 1950s!

As you might have guessed, the upcoming Halloween holiday has inspired the Atomic Kommie Comics™ crew to add like mad to our Horror Comics of the 1950s™ section.
And, what titles did we add to our kool kollectibles kollection?
Besides the aforementioned Monster Crime, there's Tales of HorrorHorror from the Tomb (see a trend?), Beware! (with a fantastic Frank Frazetta cover!), and The Clutching Hand!
We already had The Hand of FateHorrific!Weird AdventuresBafflingChallenge of the UnknownTerror TalesHauntedThe BeyondWeird TerrorWeird MysteriesWeirdDiary of HorrorWitchCraft, and Eerie!
Plus collectibles with our ghoulishly-graphic, viscerally-vintage Horror Comics of the 1950s™ logo!
BTW: the Tote Bags featuring these designs would make GREAT trick-or-treat bags!
Be the envy of all the kids on your block this All Hallows Eve!

Friday, September 29, 2023

Friday Fun BIG APPLE COMIX "Hi There! I'm Paranoia!"

As NYC's subways are shut down due to once in a quarter-century flooding (at least 7 inches of rain)...
...I fondly remember Big Apple Comix's back cover by Ralph Reese, personifying the response we New Yorkers tend to have to even the most outrageous occurrences!
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Sunday, September 24, 2023

G, PG, and PG-13-Rated Halloween "Horrors"

The leaves are turning orange and brown, and our somewhat-warped thoughts naturally turn to...
...the koolest holiday of all!
We at Atomic Kommie Comics™ have told you about our Horror Comics of the 1950s™ and Seduction of the Innocent™ sections, PLUS the Martians, Martians, Martians™ category of The Future WAS Fantastic™, all of which have kool retro horror-oriented goodies year-round for the older kids-at-heart.
But what about something for the younger crowd, the tweens and pre-teens, the toddlers and babies?
Well, never let it be said we ignored a target demographic!
We have a kreepy-kool Haunted Halloween™ section with a subsection specifically-for those little ones who want a slightly-scary take on the spectral and spooky, as well as one for the 7-13 category who want a bit more meat on the bone (as it were).
Note to the older crowd, sorry, but the shirts 'n stuff are kid-sized only.
Have a look and order now, to avoid being tricked so you get your treats!