Showing posts with label comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comics. Show all posts

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Gruesome Graphic Invitations for Halloween!

If you're going to do a party on October 31st (It's on Monday this year!) or the weekend before, you'll want to create the right mood by sending out an appropriate invitation to your ghoulish get-together!
That's where we at Atomic Kommie Comics™ can help you set the right macabre mood!
Using classic comic book covers and movie posters, we've given you a plethora of perverse pictures to choose from with a dozen different, demonic, invitations as 8-packs of postcards and/or 10-packs of note cards and greeting cards ranging from G-rated to PG-13 to suit every need! (The one above is PG).

So have a look and order NOW!
The later you place your order, the greater the chance that your treat could turn into a missed-deadline trick!

Monday, July 25, 2022

Monday Maternity Madness CHOICES "Abortion: What Would Hippocrates Say?"

From Choices, a benefit comic produced in 1989, after the Webster V Reproductive Health Services verdict...

...when we thought that was the worst that could happen to America's women!

"Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it!"

Written and illustrated by William Messner-Loebs, a multi-award-winning writer/artist who would do an acclaimed run on DC's Wonder Woman a couple of years after this.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Monday Madness MARVEL TALES "Dictator!"

There's a rumor floating though the 'Net that the current coronavirus is a man-made disease!
It's unlikely, but, what if someone did do that horrible deed?
Did artist John Forte and an unknown writer of this story about a fat, insecure dictator from Atlas' Marvel Tales #125 (1954) predict something that could happen over 65 years later?
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Sunday, July 10, 2022

KOOBA COLA...the Soda Pop That NEVER Existed!

In 1940, Victor Fox, publisher of WonderWorld ComicsMystery Men ComicsWeird Comics, and other titles featuring The Blue BeetleSamson, and The Flame, among others, conceived an audacious marketing scheme.
Inspired by the success of Pepsi Cola and Coca-Cola, he decided to promote Kooba Cola, "The World's Newest and Best-Tasting Soft Drink!" in ads across his entire line of comic books!
It was also "Delightfully Refreshing" and "Contained 35 USP units of Vitamin B-1 for the Sake of Health and Nutrition!"
And, when Fox's The Blue Beetle starred in a short-lived radio show that summer, he was sponsored by Kooba Cola!
Wait a second...
What's that?
You've never even heard of Kooba Cola?

That's because it didn't exist, except as a logo, a couple of mocked-up bottles used as props in ads and some art reference for illustrators.
(You'll note they couldn't even figure out what the color scheme for the label was!
It changed from ad to ad!)
Fox thought he could create a demand for Kooba, then license the name to one of the big soft drink companies, let them do the work of actually creating, bottling, and shipping the stuff, then he'd rake in royalties on the name!
It didn't work.
The "buzz" never developed.
The soda pop was never actually produced.
Even Kooba's "sponsorship" of The Blue Beetle radio show was just part of the show's script, not paid ads! (One of the reasons the show only lasted four months!)

But, such visionary hucksterness should not be forgotten!
(Besides, the ads were rather kool.)
So we at Atomic Kommie Comics™ decided to re-present the Soda That Would Not Die on collectibles ranging from Beachwear to mugs, messenger bags (and the irony of doing bags with "Kooba" on them hasn't escaped us!) and hoodies at KoobaCola 1 and KoobaCola 2!

So celebrate what could have been one of the bubbliest success stories of soft drink entrepreneurship, but instead fizzled out and fell flat!
(You just knew we were gonna do a pun like that, didn't you?)  ;-)

Friday, July 8, 2022

Friday Fun NOT BRAND ECHH "He's Mighty Sore! The Origin of Sore, Son of Shmodin!"

We're showing how Jane Foster first wielded Mjolnir HERE...

...and we thought we'd show the sorta-accurate story of how the God of Thunder did it by co-creators Stan Lee and Jack Kirby (with Frank Giacoia) from Marvel's Not Brand Echh #3 (1967).

And, if you want something even funkier, check out the Origin of the Golden Age Thor at Hero Histories™!
(Bet ya didn't even know there was a Golden Age Thor!)
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Marvel Masterworks
Not Brand Echh!

And see

ONLY in Theatres!

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Reading Room STAR☀︎REACH CLASSICS "Origin of God!"

The writer-artist who created Thanos and re-defined "cosmic" presents...
...a simple, but effective visualization by Jim Starlin as shown in Eclipse's Star*Reach Classics #1 (1984).
The observant among you noted the copyright next to the title reads "1974", not "1984"!
That's because this one-pager first appeared in Star*Reach #4 (1974)...but it was in black and white!
I thought, for on-line re-presentation, the color version would be more effective!
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Monday, June 13, 2022

Monday Madness: Read the Comic Book SuperHero Who Embodies Don (the Con) Trump's Skewed Mindset!

When Many, Many, People Question the disgraced, twice-impeached EX-President's grasp on reality... wonder "how does he see himself and his place in the world"?
A hero who, without making any effort, or requiring any special skills or training, can do anything he wants, simply by willing it to be so!
An uneducated child's ultimate wish-fulfillment brought to life!
And isn't Trump the elderly embodiment of an uneducated child?
Read it for yourself...HERE!
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Sunday, June 12, 2022

You Believed CoronaVirus was OVER?

As the Medical Menace makes an unwelcome comeback...
...why not Shelter-in-Place and read COMIC BOOKS about imaginary (hopefully) epidemic/pandemics devastating America (or Earth) in the past, present, and on this blog, and on our other RetroBlogs, including...
...Medical Comics and Stories...
...Seduction of the Innocent...
...Hero Histories...
...War: Past, Present and Future...

...the aptly-named
...True Love Comics Tales
(You'd be amazed at how many romance comics stories revolve around disease!)...
...Horror Comics of the 1950s...
...Crime & Punishment...
...Secret Sanctum of Captain Video...
...Western Comics Adventures!
There will also be new CoronaVirus-oriented posts from time to time, but we're getting back on track with, among other things, our traditional Summer Blogathons!
Be here next Saturday for details!

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Space Hero Saturdays UNEARTHLY SPECTACULARS "EarthMan"

"What if Superman had been a Terran marooned on another world..."
...and what if he lost his memory?"

On a koolness scale from 1-10, this tale rates an "11".
Unfortunately, there was never a sequel to this story from Harvey's Unearthly Spectaculars #2 (1966), so we'll never know if EarthMan got his memory back or not!
Written, penciled, and inked by Wally Wood, who apparently had some interesting variations on the theme planned, but never had the opportunity to carry them out.
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