Showing posts with label comic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comic. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Wednesday Worlds of What Th... SIDNEY MELLON'S THUNDERSKULL! "When Demons Do Clash!" Part 1

In the mid-1980s, almost anybody could get a b/w comic published... this weird mixture of bad Stan Lee, Frank Miller and How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way demonstrates!
Let us pause, dear reader, because I'm sure you're wondering "WTF IS THIS CRAP?"
As we mentioned earlier, as the first wave of comics speculators went ape over Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (which was a parody of Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns and Ronin) and similar b/w titles, newborn direct-sales/comics shop industry was swamped by an incredible amount of inexpensively-produced b/w comics hoping to get on the sales bandwagon.
A couple were excellent and survived transitioning into color comics.
The vast majority were god-awful, produced by sincere, but inept, young writers and artists who inadvertantly took the worst of influences past and present, put them into a mental blender, and produced some truly pathetic pap that now lays in landfill all over the planet.
And then there was Slave Labor Graphic's Sidney Mellon's ThunderSkull!.
The pulse-pounding introduction to this tantalizing tome explains who Sidney is and how he came to be...
...or does it tell the true story?
For the answer, you'll have to come back next Wednesday...
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Men of Tommorow
Geeks, Gangsters and the Birth of the Comic Book
by Gerard Jones

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Reading Room EVERY DAY IS A HOLLY DAY "Washington's Birthday"

Before they combined Lincoln's and Washington's birthdays into a "floating" holiday...
...Washington's Birthday was celebrated each year on this date!
Why is this comic entitled "Every Day is a Holly Day" instead of "Every Day is a Holiday"?
Because it was given away to kids by grocers who sold Holly Sugar!
Illustrated by John Rosenberger, it's a unique pamphlet covering a number of American holidays, including both Lincoln and Washington's Birthdays (before they were combined into "Presidents' Day"), Mothers' Day (though not Fathers' Day), Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and a couple of holidays we've largely abandoned...Pan-American Day and American Indian Day!
We'll be presenting the other chapters on the dates they fall upon.
Watch for them!
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Monday, February 12, 2018

Reading Room EVERY DAY IS A HOLLY DAY "Lincoln's Birthday"

Before they combined Lincoln's and Washington's birthdays into a "floating" holiday...
...Lincoln's Birthday was celebrated each year on this date!
Why is this comic entitled "Every Day is a Holly Day" instead of "Every Day is a Holiday"?
Because it was given away to kids by grocers who sold Holly Sugar!
Illustrated by John Rosenberger, it's a unique pamphlet covering a number of American holidays, including both Lincoln and Washington's Birthdays (before they were combined into "Presidents' Day"), Mothers' Day (though not Fathers' Day), Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and a couple of holidays we've largely abandoned...Pan-American Day and American Indian Day!
We'll be presenting the other chapters on the dates they fall upon.
Watch for them!
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Monday, October 9, 2017

Reading Room EVERY DAY IS A HOLLY DAY "Columbus Day"

It used to be October 12th...
...but now it's the second Monday in October, to allow people a three-day holiday!
Interestingly, this page from Brevity Inc's one-shot giveaway Every Day is a Holly Day (1956) acknowledges Christopher Columbus didn't discover America, a rarity in that era!
Why is this comic entitled "Every Day is a Holly Day" instead of "Every Day is a Holiday"?
Because it was given away to kids by grocers who sold Holly Sugar!
Illustrated by John Rosenberger, it's a unique pamphlet covering a number of American holidays, including both Lincoln and Washington's Birthdays (before they were combined into "Presidents' Day"), Mothers' Day (though not Fathers' Day), Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and a couple of holidays we've largely abandoned...Pan-American Day and American Indian Day!
We'll be presenting the other chapters on the dates they fall upon.
Watch for them!
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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Reading Room THE WALKING DEAD "Genesis of the Walking Dead" Conclusion

...the semi-sentient undead are running amok unchecked.
But not for long...
Interestting how both versions of The Walking Dead feature former law-enforcement officers as their protaganists, eh?
Not to mention the idea of humans creating defensible sanctuaries against the undead...
This concludes our re-presentation of the first issue of the series.
Whether we continue or not depends on reader response.
If people let us know they want more, we'll happily provide it!
So hit the keyboards and let us know, folks!
Created by writer/artist Jim Somerville and published by Malibu/Aircel in 1989, it was vastly-different from the 2003-present graphic novel series created by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore.
For collectors, there's good news and bad news...
Good news: There's only a four-issue mini series and a one-shot Special to collect!
Bad news: Because it didn't sell well (and has never been reprinted), it's HTF (hard to find) and expensive!
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Friday, November 11, 2016

Reading Room THE WALKING DEAD "Genesis of the Walking Dead" Part 2

Debris from an interstellar battle falls to Earth, contaminating our biosphere with a gas which revives the deceased...

To be Concluded...Next Friday!
Created by writer/artist Jim Somerville and published by Malibu/Aircel in 1989, it was vastly-different from the 2003-present graphic novel series created by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore.
For collectors, there's good news and bad news...
Good news: There's only a four-issue mini series and a one-shot Special to collect!
Bad news: Because it didn't sell well (and has never been reprinted), it's HTF (hard to find) and expensive!
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Friday, October 21, 2016

Reading Room THE WALKING DEAD "Genesis of the Walking Dead"

Ever wonder how zombies are revived/reanimated?
Well, here's the explanation for the Walking Dead's undead!
Oh, wait!
You thought it was the origin of the walkers/biters from this Walking Dead (whose TV version returns this Sunday) series?!
This was the origin of the first b/w Walking Dead series!
Created by writer/artist Jim Somerville and published by Malibu/Aircel in 1989, it was vastly-different from the 2003-present series created by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore.
For collectors, there's good news and bad news...
Good news: There's only a four-issue mini series and a one-shot Special to collect!
Bad news: Because it didn't sell well, it's HTF (hard to find) and expensive!
Want to see more?
Let us know...
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Monday, August 10, 2015

Reading Room KIDNAPPED BY A SPACE SHIP "Part 8 - Race with Death" be blunt, they were about to die, either covered in lava, or hurled into the void when the alien world they're on is hit by a wandering planet!
This never-reprinted tale by writer Frances Crandall and artist Fran Matera from Treasure Chest V14N18 (1959) winds up the the serialized storyline.
Though these characters never reappeared, Treasure Chest continued to do sci-fi/fantasy serials until the book was cancelled in 1972...after publishing over 500 issues!