Showing posts with label classics illustrated. Show all posts
Showing posts with label classics illustrated. Show all posts

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Trump Reading Room UNCLE TOM'S CABIN Part 2

Depending on your sensitivity, may be NSFW...
First edition cover. Art by Rolland Livingstone.
We have already seen..
Running up large debts, Kentucky farmer Arthur Shelby faces the prospect of losing everything.
He raises money by selling two of his slaves, Uncle Tom (a middle-aged man with wife and children), and Harry (young son of maid Eliza), to Mr. Haley, a coarse slave trader.
When Shelby tells his wife about his agreement with Haley, she is appalled because she has promised Eliza that Shelby would not sell her son.

Saturday: As if things couldn't get worse for Uncle Tom...
Enter Simon Legree!
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Uncle Tom's Cabin

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Trump Reading Room UNCLE TOM'S CABIN Part 1

Depending on your sensitivity, may be NSFW...
...but this oft-times banned classic of American Literature should be required reading for all high schoolers!
This is the Classics Illustrated version, softened for children and first published in 1943.
And we'll be here to see it...Thursday!
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Uncle Tom's Cabin

Monday, June 3, 2019

D-Day 75th Anniversary "The Normandy Invasion"

Here's a never-reprinted short about June 6th, 1944's historic event...
...from Gilberton's Classics Illustrated Special Issue #166A (1962)
Considered one of the most accurate artists to render military comics, George Evans presents a brief, concise mini-feature about the turning point in World War II!
But that's not all, folks!
Tomorrow through Thursday, we'll be doing a crossover event between us and our "brother" RetroBlog War: Past, Present & Future...a six-part never-reprinted serial about the D-Day invasion featuring more amazingly-detailed art by George Evans (and other Fleagle Gang members)!
It'll begin here tomorrow with Part 1, linking to Part 2 on War: Past, Present & Future the same day, and following the same pattern on Wednesday and Thursday for the remaining chapters!
Don't miss it!
BTW, see our previous D-Day tribute posts HERE!
And yes, we're back after an unplanned hiatus due to almost dying.
(Actually, my heart did stop for about two minutes, but I was brought back from "walking into the light", as they say!)
I'm better now, and eager to present more time-lost stuff to you eager readers!
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by Wayne Vansant

Friday, November 4, 2016

Best of Reading Room UNCLE TOM'S CABIN Conclusion

Depending on your sensitivity, may be NSFW...
2nd Edition cover from 1954.
We have already seen...
While travelling on a riverboat with his new master, Tom meets a little girl named Eva, who quickly befriends him.
When Eva falls into the river, Tom dives in to save her, and her father, Augustine St. Clare, gratefully agrees to buy Tom from Haley.
Tom travels to the St Clares' home in New Orleans, where he grows increasingly close to Eva, with whom he shares a devout Christianity.
Up North, George and Eliza remain in flight from Loker and his men.
When the slavehunter attempts to capture them, George shoots him.
Eliza convinces George and the Quakers to bring the wounded Loker to the next settlement, where he can be healed.
Meanwhile, in New Orleans, St. Clare discusses slavery with his cousin Ophelia, who opposes slavery as an institution but harbors deep prejudices against blacks.
St. Clare, by contrast, feels no hostility against blacks but tolerates slavery because he feels powerless to change it.
To help Ophelia overcome her bigotry, he buys Topsy, a young black girl who was abused by her past master and arranges for Ophelia to begin educating her.
Eva grows very ill. She slowly weakens, then dies, with a vision of heaven before her.
Her death has a profound effect on everyone who knew her: Ophelia resolves to love the slaves, Topsy learns to trust and feel attached to others, and St. Clare decides to set Tom free.
However, before he can act on his decision, St. Clare is stabbed to death while trying to settle a brawl. As he dies, he at last finds God and goes to be reunited with his mother in heaven.
St. Clare’s cruel wife, Marie, decides to go against his wishes and, instead of freeing the slaves, sends them to a slave market to be sold...
Adaptation script by Evelyn Goodman (one of Classic Comics/Classics Illustrated's mainstays), art is by Rolland H Livingstone, who did only two other Classic issues; Rip Van Winkle and Headless Horseman.
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It's retro!
It's funky!
It's Lichtenstein-style Pop Art with a Black flair, featuring a proud Black woman!
(and it's done by a good friend of mine)