Showing posts with label barbarian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label barbarian. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder IRONJAW "Saga of IronJaw!" Part 1

In the 1970s, everybody had at least one "barbarian" comic book!

Unlike most of them, set in the mists of "pre-history" millennia ago, this one was in a post-apocalyptic future!
To Be Concluded...
Written by Michael Fleisher, penciled by Mike Sekowsky, and inked by Jack Abel, this never-reprinted premiere from Atlas' IronJaw #1 (1975) features what has to be the most-misogynistic, least-moral, comics character ever to be classified as a "barbarian"!
He makes Robert E Howard's Conan look like a Boy Scout...and that's how he was intended to be!
It looks like this tale was originally-intended for use in the company's b/w magazine line, which didn't adhere to the Comics Code Authority.
But, for whatever reason, it was used to launch one of Atlas' first wave of  four-color comic titles, which required some rewriting/redrawing to cut back on the blood, gore and sexual content!
We'll go into more detail next week!

Friday, November 17, 2017

Friday Fun TALES OF SWORD AND SORCERY "Cult of the Cave Bear"

The second try at a Tragg strip...
...dropped any elements of science fiction, and went for pure fantasy...including zombies!
This Don Glut-scripted. Jesse Santos-illustrated story from Gold Key's Mystery Comics Digest #9 (1973) has never been reprinted, nor are the events or other characters referred to in the subsequent Tragg and the Sky Gods series, which we'll begin next Friday!
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