Showing posts with label Wednesday Worlds of Wonder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wednesday Worlds of Wonder. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder UNKNOWN WORLDS OF SCIENCE FICTION "Day of the Triffids" Parts 4 and 5

When Last We Left an Earth Filled with Vicious Mobile Plants...

First American Paperback Edition.
Normally, I'd explain the plot, but the comic itself will do so in a couple of pages...

(Note: though Rico Rival is credited as the sole artist, this splash page was laid out by the previous chapter's penciler, Ross Andru.)
To Be Concluded

Most readers are familiar with the 1963 movie, so this accurate, though condensed, version of the actual novel contains elements that you might not expect.
(Which is all the more reason to not miss the finale next week!)

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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder UNKNOWN WORLDS OF SCIENCE FICTION "Day of the Triffids" Part 3

We Have Already Seen...

(Yes, this pulp-style cover by legendary sci-fi artist Frank Kelly Freas is incredibly-inaccurate, but it is incredibly-kool!)
When a smuggler's plane is shot down after he stole bioengineered plant pods from a Soviet lab, the now-released spores were carried by wind to the four corners of the earth, where they propagated like crazy!
The invasive species, initially-thought to be harmless, possessed stingers, which would strike any animal (or human) who wander too close!
However, scientists discovered the triffids' sap was valuable as the basis for cures for several diseases.
Wherever they were found, the plants were transferred to farms for cultivation and harvesting!
Triffid researcher Bill Mason, temporarily-blinded by a sting to the face, doesn't get to see a once-in-a lifetime meteor shower.
But when he removes his bandages the next morning, after no one in the hospital comes to do so, he discovers that everyone who did see the meteors is now blind...and that triffids are now mobile...and attacking anything that moves!

To Be Continued...
Next Wednesday!

To correct my comment from last week, this story, meant for the color comic Worlds Unknown, was not an attempt to do a novel in one issue, but as a two-part tale, much as Marvel was doing with its' adaptations of Doc Savage novels...which were almost all penciled by this story's artist, Ross Andru!
Trivia: the cover art was altered by Marvel's Art Director, John Romita, Sr, when a deadline loomed and artist Kelly Freas was unavailable to do the changes himself.
The unaltered version of the cover was used for the cover of the British edition of Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction.

Note the different human figures on the left!
Interestingly, Romita's alteration were done to a photographic print of Freas' art, since the original, unaltered painting has since been sold to a collector by a noted auction house!
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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder UNKNOWN WORLDS OF SCIENCE FICTION "Day of the Triffids" Parts 1 & 2

...we thought it would be kool to run that adaptation where it was Worlds Unknown #6, albeit in b/w instead of color!
To Be Concluded
Next Wednesday

Based on the John Wyndham novel, this cover-featured adaptation in Marvel's Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction #1 (1975) was scripted by Gerry Conway, penciled by Ross Andru, and inked by Ernie Chua.
Trivia: This was the only time Worlds Unknown adapted an entire novel (instead of a short story/novelette/novella) into only 17 pages (the length of a book-length color comic story at that time)..though it ended up in the b/w magazine Unknown Worlds after the color comic was cancelled!
(WU's "brother"anthology comic, Supernatural Thrillers, also did only one full-length novel adaptation in 17 pages...H G Wells' The Invisible Man.)

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Sunday, June 9, 2024

There's MORE Tales to Tell in Our 2024 Summer "Time-Lost" RetroBlogs Blogathon!

We've decided we really don't need Vitamin D from sunshine when we can get it from pills, so...

If you liked our re-presentation on
Secret Sanctum of Captain Video
about "Pryde of the X-Men" (including the cartoon itself), we're re-presenting the limited-edition, never-reprinted comic that accompanied the video game Madness in MurderWorld!, which utilized the heroes and villains from that cartoon!

And, as a bonus, some of the kool stuff from the operations manual for the game, which tells you...
Wise advice, that!
In addition...

...we're also adding the never-reprinted Silver Age adventures of Charlton's Judomaster in

...the saga of a woman alone upholding law and order in the West, written and illustrated by comics legend Bob Powell, unseen for over seventy-five years in a crossover between...
Western Comics Adventures
That's in addition to...

To celebrate the 30th Anniversary of The Shadow (the Movie)a re-presentation of the 2-issue adaptation of the film by the man who visually-defined He Who Knows What Evil Lurks for several generations of readers, Mike Kaluta (along with writer Joel Goss) we're providing comparisons between the comic and the movie (with film clips) in...
We're doing an intra-blog crossover right here at Atomic Kommie Comics between Wednesday Worlds of Wonder and Space Heroine Saturdays with a graphic novel featuring the interstellar adventures of StarFawn by writer Byron Preiss and illustrator Stephen Fabian...unseen since 1976!
(That's almost half a century!)
Travel back almost a full century (1936) to the origin of the first (radio/movie serial/Golden Age) Green Hornet and Kato in a time-lost tale from 1991!
You won't be after you read it in

Crime and Punishment!

And, Of Course...
...There'll be a Book-Length Gothic "Beach Read" Novel from half a century ago in
It's Gonna be a Sizzling Summer!
(Not that we'll know, since we'll be sitting indoors with air conditioning!)

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder WORLDS UNKNOWN "Black Destroyer!" Conclusion

We Have Already Seen...
Art by Gil Kane & Frank Giacoia
While exploring an alien world, the crew of the Space Beagle encounter Coeurl, who looks like a Terrestrial panther or lion...with the addition of tentacles!
But this is not a friendly housecat!
It's a primitive, but sentient, being who can not only reason, but deceive...

Trivia: The announced adaptation of Day of the Triffids ended up as the cover-featured tale in the premiere issue of Worlds Unknown's b/w magazine successor, Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction...
...under a misleading, but undeniably-kool cover by Kelly Freas!
In fact, an adaptation of Theodore Sturgeon's KillDozer ran in the next issue of Worlds Unknown...
Meanwhile, back with Black Destroyer...
Roy Thomas was concerned that the finale as shown in the adaptation wasn't clear enough, so he included an explanation on the letters page...
Bonus #1: You can read the complete original short story HERE.
Feel free to compare and contrast!
Bonus #2: here are the illustrations from the original pulp magazine, so you can see how closely Dan Adkins and Jim Mooney kept to the pulp magazine "feel" of the tale!

"Black Destroyer" was later incorporated with later short stories about the exploratory vessel Space Beagle into the novel Voyage of the Space Beagle, which is a tribute to Charles Darwin's scientific exploratory ship, "The Beagle".
BTW, Van Vogt sued 20th Century Fox over the 1979 movie Alien, claiming that it ripped off elements of "Black Destroyer" and "Discord in Scarlet", both of which were adapted into Voyage of the Space Beagle.
Fox settled out of court.
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