Showing posts with label Wednesday Worlds of Wonder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wednesday Worlds of Wonder. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder ADVENTURE COMICS "SWORD OF THE DEAD!"

Here's a never-reprinted tale of "HIGH adventure"...
...written and illustrated by Gil Kane during the same period he was producing his landmark graphic novel BlackMark!
Now, THAT'S the way to tell a story!
This tale appeared in DC's Adventure Comics #425 (1972-73), when it was, briefly, an anthology between the departure of Supergirl into her own short-lived title and the debut of heroine Black Orchid!
BTW, BlackMark will be coming to Wednesday Worlds of Wonder this summer!
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One of the first true graphic novels

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder DONNA MATRIX "Zero & One" Conclusion

...come to think of it, do you really need any further explanation?
This ain't Shakespeare!
Just enjoy the mayhem...
There was no "next issue"!
However, next week, there will be a feature detailing how this never-reprinted pioneer CGI comic was produced!

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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder DONNA MATRIX "Zero & One" Part 2

We Have Already Seen...

A masochist incel buys a sexbot, but discovers it has a variation of Issac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics programmed into it so it can't do anything painful to him.
Going on-line, he buys a software package to mod it into a "naughty" girl, but discovers the app transforms her into a killer!
To Be Continued...
Next Wednesday!

Written and 3-D modeled by Mike Sanetz, laid-out and illustrated by Norm Dwyer with additional 3-D modeling by Joseph Allen, Reactor Comics' Donna Matrix "Zero & One" (1993), was the first issue of the projected 100% CG 3-D rendered comic book series by Mike Saenz, creator of previous partially-computerized comic books such as Shatter and the Marvel graphic novel Iron Man: Crash.
It never went past the first issue owing to the comic industry experiencing an industry-wide downsizing.
Saenz also created Virtual Valerie (the first 3-D rendered comptuer porno game) and the video game Spaceship Warlock.

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Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder DONNA MATRIX "Zero & One" Part 1

Though best-known today as a nom de guerre for late pro wrestler Ursula Hayden...

...the name was initially-used for the action-heroine title character in this never-reprinted proto-cyber comic from thirty-one years ago!
To Be Continued...
Next Wednesday!
Written and 3-D modeled by Mike Sanetz, laid-out and illustrated by Norm Dwyer with additional 3-D modeling by Joseph Allen, Reactor Comics' Donna Matrix "Zero & One" (1993), was the first issue of the projected 100% CG 3-D rendered comic book series by Mike Saenz, creator of previous partially-computerized comic books such as Shatter and the Marvel graphic novel Iron Man: Crash.
It never went past the first issue owing to the comic industry experiencing an industry-wide downsizing.
Saenz would later create Virtual Valerie (the first 3-D rendered comptuer porno game) and the video game Spaceship Warlock.
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Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder WOLFF "Beginning of the End"

It Has All Come to This...

...the Final Chapter in the Saga of Wolff, the Post-Apocalyptic Barbarian, seeking his long-lost wife and tribe!
This never-seen-in-America finale from New England Library's Dracula V1N12 (1972) is melancholy at best.
But it holds the potential for a sequel...which was never realized!

Next Wednesday...
We Present a Far Different WORLD OF WONDER than You've Seen the Past Three Months!
Dare You Miss It???
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