Showing posts with label Rex Dexter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rex Dexter. Show all posts

Friday, August 10, 2018

Friday Fun REX DEXTER OF MARS "Diamonds Aren't a Planet's Best Friend"

Once more, Earth comes under attack by aliens...
...and only Rex Dexter can save the planet from certain destruction!
(Do I sense a potential meme here?)
"Off to Mars, again!"???
They haven't been there since they left to travel to Earth in Fox's Mystery Men Comics #1!
Rex and Cynde usually end up detouring back to Earth to save its' sorry butt...again and again!
Including this never-reprinted tale from Fox's Mystery Men Comics #16 (1940), over half of Rex's adventures consist of helping Earth...a planet, I might add, that booted him out!
We should retitle this strip "Rex Dexter: Interplanetary SUCKER"!
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Friday, August 3, 2018

Friday Fun REX DEXTER OF MARS "Creator AND Destroyer of Worlds"

It's a typical day for Rex Dexter...
...starting off with a fascinating "flashback" to Rex's childhood and a look at what science at the time said the origin of the Earth was!
Let me see if I have this straight...
Rex's friend blows up a planet!
A fragment of that world crashes on Earth!
Somehow, evolution speeds up on that fragment and creatures soon migrate to the surrounding area, attacking people!
Rex and the military manage to stop the aliens!
Our lesson for today, kiddies: "We created a planetm but it nearly destroyed all of Mankind! That was a close call!"
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Friday, July 27, 2018

Friday Fun REX DEXTER OF MARS "Moonlight Murder Mystery"

Seems Like Rex Dexter has given up all hope of ever reaching Mars again...
...especially since Earth needs him to bail it out of imminent destruction again!
As of this never-reprinted story from Fox's Mystery Men Comics #14 (1940), how many times has Rex Dexter saved the Earth?
And of course, this story!
That's seven out of fifteen stories...over 50% of all Rex Dexter tales to this point!
For a guy Earth doesn't want around, they keep calling on him a lot, eh?
Hey, kiddies!
As a kool bonus, you, too, can construct a Lunite Death Ray (non-working, of course)!
Who do you think we are, the NRA?
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Friday, July 20, 2018

Friday Fun REX DEXTER OF MARS "Exodus from Tarsus"

Rex and Cynde still haven't returned to Mars...
...and they're about to hit another detour...
This never-reprinted eight-page tale from Fox's Mystery Men Comics #13 (1940), is a classic example of "condensed" storytelling!
Things like the reveal of the fleet (not just a single vessel, but a fleet) of "mile-long spaceships" on page 2, or the destruction of planet Tarsus on page 5 takes less than half a page in each case!
In today's books they'd each be a double-page spread!
But in those days, it was "plot point covered, keep the story rolling"!
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Friday, July 13, 2018

Friday Fun REX DEXTER OF MARS "Junk Room of Doom"

It's taking a helluva long time for Rex Dexter to reach the second-closest planet to Earth...
...and going through the Junk Room of Doom is not going to speed things up!
This tale from Fox's Mystery Men Comics #12 (1940), was reprinted in Fox's The Eagle #1 (1941), presumably because the strip was being moved over there to give the new title an already-established feature, but the editors changed their minds, and new features like Spider Queen and Joe Spook took over the back pages of The Eagle, instead!
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Friday, July 6, 2018

Friday Fun REX DEXTER OF MARS "Revolt of the Robot Slaves of the Secret Planet"

Either Rex Dexter is the worst navigator in the history of space flight...
...or somebody (like creator/writer/artist Dick Breifer) is conspiring to keep him from getting home!
Considering Mars is the second-closest planet to Earth (Venus is closer, but it's in the other direction), where the hell is this unnamed world, anyway?
And why hasn't anyone noticed other ships and crews disappearing in this region of space?
This never-reprinted tale from Fox's Mystery Men Comics #11 (1940), offers no answers...
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