Showing posts with label Larry Lieber. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Larry Lieber. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Reading Room STRANGE TALES "Save Me From the Weed!"

Yesterday's tale about sentient shrubbery reminded me of a later story...
...with a similar plot, featuring some amazing art by Jack Kirby and Dick Ayers!
Unlike the previous story, this one doesn't diminish the dignity of the hero, whom the protagonist considers "unambitious"...until the end.
Plotted by Stan Lee and scripted by Larry Lieber, this tale from Atlas/Marvel's Strange Tales #94 (1962) was published with a cover date of March, the same month Fantastic Four #3 came out (note the blurb at the bottom of the story).
Strange Tales itself would shortly become the home of several ongoing series including Doctor StrangeThe Human Torch (later The Human Torch and The Thing), and Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!
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Marvel Masterworks
Atlas-Era Strange Tales #5

Monday, January 24, 2022

Monday Madness STRANGE TALES "Zzutak: the Thing That Shouldn't Exist!" Part 2

Sci-fi magazine cover artist Frank Johnson, desperate to top his previous efforts, tries out a set of "three-dimensional paints" offered by a mysterious sttanger, that cause whatever he draws to not only exist as a three-dimensional object...but also to come to life!
Accepting the paint set as a gift, he is suddenly-compelled to journey to a remote part of Mexico, where he paints his greatest monster of all, Zzutak, on a giant canvas!
Now, all shall be revealed!
You'd think the colorist of the cover for Atlas' Strange Tales #88 (1961) didn't communicate with the colorist for the story itself, since he transposed the coloring for Zzutak and his unnamed adversary...
...except the two colorists were the same guy, Stan Goldberg!
I can only speculate the cover and interior were colored at two different times and, in the confusion, someone lost track of who was orange and who was green!
When the story was reprinted in Marvel's Fear #3 (1971), the unknown colorist got the second monster right, but still got Zzutak wrong!
When the story was reprinted in Germany, a new, painted cover got Zzutak's color right, though not all the details of his design/anatomy!
Poor Zzutak is postitively unreocognizable on his most recent reprint appearance in Marvel's Monster Menace #3 (1994), even though he's rendered by the guy who inked his story back in 1961...Steve Ditko!
(And he's portrayed correctly in the "character box" in the upper left corner of the cover!)
Zzutak was the cover-featured monster on #4 of Marvel's Monsters Unleashed (2017) with this superb Francesco Francavilla variant cover...
This mini-series featured a new character named Kid Kaiju aka Kei Kawade, an Inhuman who could control giant monsters he illustrates...including Zzutak!
Bur a decade earlier, Zzutak, Frank Johnson, and the Aztecs, returned in a never-reprinted adventure featuring a team of Marvel heroes!
You'll see that story next Monday!
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Monday, January 17, 2022

Monday Madness STRANGE TALES "Zzutak: the Thing that Shouldn't Exist!!" Part 1

It's interesting to note how many of these "writers/artists encountering madness" tales Jack Kirby drew.-

Considering how many stories, characters, and creatures he did create and co-create, was it simply...coincidence?
Since plotter Stan Lee, scripter Larry Lieber, penciler Jack Kirby, and inker Steve Ditko ended this chapter of the two-parter from Atlas' Strange Tales #88 (1961) at this point, we'll pause until next Monday before continuing!
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(HTF anthology from the 1980s featuring this tale and a never-reprinted cover by Walt Simonson)

Monday, January 10, 2022

Monday Madness JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY "Midnight in the Wax Museum"

..we offer a tale of a comic book artist and some of the koolest Kirby Kreatures you've ever laid eyes on...
Plotted by Stan Lee, scripted by Larry Lieber, penciled by Jack Kirby, and inked by Dick Ayers, this fun little tale was one of two featured on the cover by Kirby and Ayers on Atlas' Journey into Mystery #74 (1961)!
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August 1961 Omnibus
(Featuring EVERY comic published by Atlas/Marvel the month Fantastic Four #1 hit the newsstands, including this one!)

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Reading Room STRANGE TALES OF THE UNUSUAL "Moving Stairs!"

Finding a never-reprinted Steve Ditko tale is exciting...
...especially one with both an atypical illustration style and a Twilight Zone-type "gotcha" ending!
One of the reasons Stan Lee turned the Spider-Man assignment over to Ditko rather than Jack Kirby, was Ditko's knack for rendering individuals as less "idealized" and "heroic" and more "everyman" than Kirby.
Nowhere is that more evident than this never-reprinted story from Atlas' Strange Tales of the Unusual #4 (1956)!
The people are more detailed and exaggerated than usual, almost to the point of caricature, but it works in context.
Though the writer is unknown, it's likely editor Stan Lee or his brother, Larry Lieber.

And, to answer an obvious question, no, the book is not Strange Tales, which ended up introducing both Doctor Strange: Master of the Mystic Arts and Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!
Strange Tales began in 1951 and ran for 168 issues until 1968 when it became Doctor Strange.
Strange Tales of the Unusual began in 1955 and was cancelled in 1957 after only 11 issues.
Note for the completists among you: Strange Tales was revived in 1973, continuing from #169 onward for another 20 issues...
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...which features nothing but kool Steve Ditko art!

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Reading Room WORLD OF FANTASY "Xom! The Menace from Outer Space!"

Behind this kool, never-reprinted Jack Kirby/Christopher Rule cover...
...lurks an equally-cool (but visually-different) never-reprinted tale!
Plotted by Stan Lee, scripted by Larry Lieber, and penciled/inked by Joe Sinnott, this cover-featured tale from Atlas' World of Fantasy #18 (1959) was a combination of the "giant monster with weird name" and Twilight Zone "switch ending" tropes Lee was so fond of.
You'll note the "monster" is rendered pretty much the same on both the cover and insides, while the Earthmen and aliens are vastly-different!
I'm not certain which was done first, but the difference between the Flash Gordon/Buck Rogers-style renderings by Sinnott and the...well...Kirbyesque versions on the cover are striking!
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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Reading Room WORLD OF FANTASY "To Build a Robot!"

Does this tale take place in the present...or the future?
Or has it already happened, and we don't know it?
Considering the way industry has thwarted the introduction of the electric car, is it that far-fetched someone for their own ulterior motives is trying to supress mobile artificial intelligence?
Or have we just seen the Teminator and Matrix films too many times?
Plotter Stan Lee, scripter Larry Lieber, penciler Jack Kirby, and inker Christopher Rule had their own take in Atlas' World of Fantasy #18 (1959), decades before James Cameron or the Wachowskis...and it didn't take multiple films to tell it, just four pages!
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