Showing posts with label Jack Kirby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jack Kirby. Show all posts

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Kirby Reading Room SECRET CITY SAGA "Let Sleeping Boojums Lie!" Conclusion

We Have Already Seen...

Cover by penciler Steve Ditko and inker George Perez
...actually, this scene hasn't happened...yet!
But, rather than recap, since this is the final chapter, let's jump into action...
And they did return!
Unfortunately, their comeback was cut short, with only a single issue appearing before the project was cancelled.
The KirbyVerse didn't sell well, due to changing audience tastes, and despite a revamp after this premiere mini-series, it failed to grab sufficient readers to warrant continuing.
The second mini-series, entitled Victory! was written and drawn, but, as we said, only the first issue saw publication.
There were a couple of semi-related mini-series TeenAgents and Satan's Six, also based on Kirby's concepts.
If you want to see them, we'll re-present them, so let us know!

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retelling of elements of the Secret City Saga which also combines other Kirby projects like Galaxy GreenCaptain Victory and Silver Star!

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Kirby Reading Room SECRET CITY SAGA "Let Sleeping Boojums Lie!" Part 1

...THIS was Happening!
Now, you may well ask...WTF???
Perhaps this will provide an answer...
...and even if it doesn't, we'll just have to jump right into a decidedly-deadly dilemma...

Back to the Secret City for the Fearsome Finale!
Who Lives?
Who Dies?
Only way you'll know is if you show up to read it, since it's never been reprinted!

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retelling of elements of the Secret City Saga which also combines other Kirby projects like Galaxy GreenCaptain Victory and Silver Star!

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Kirby Reading Room SECRET CITY SAGA "Secrets" Conclusion

Cover by penciler Steve Ditko and inker Bill Sienkiewicz.
...the outnumbered good Ninth Men have been captured by the evil Ninth Men, who have also captured President Bill Clinton and replaced him with a metamorph!

Next Tuesday:
The Cataclysmic Conclusion!
(And no, they didn't title it "War of the Weirds"!)

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retelling of elements of the Secret City Saga which also combines other Kirby projects like Galaxy GreenCaptain Victory and Silver Star!

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Kirby Reading Room SECRET CITY SAGA "Secrets" Part 1

OK, this is gonna take a bit of an explanation, but keep in mind it was 1993 and Bill Clinton was the President...
Explanation done!
On with the tale...
Writer Roy Thomas (who was an English teacher before becoming a comics pro) loves his classic literature references!
Warning: there's a lot more of them coming!
To Be Continued...

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retelling of elements of the Secret City Saga which also combines other Kirby projects like Galaxy GreenCaptain Victory and Silver Star!