Showing posts with label Image Comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Image Comics. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder O.C.T. OCCULT CRIMES TASKFORCE "Soul Ripper" Conclusion

We Have Already Seen...

NYPD Officer (and recent Occult Crimes TaskForce recruit) Sophia Ortiz is assigned to a unit tracking a murderous creature known (for obvious reasons) as the "Soul Ripper"...

Be Back Next Wednesday for More Enchanted Excitement!
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Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder O.C.T. OCCULT CRIMES TASKFORCE "Soul Ripper" Part 1

...Officer Sophia Ortiz is adjusting to the concept that a secret division of the NYPD fights mystic threats to the city with spells and charms rather than pistols and squad cars!
Found the real Soul Ripper!
I'd say this qualifies as "dire circumstances"!
What can Sophia do against such a creature?
Be back next Wednesday to see!

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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Monday Magik Madness (Belated) OCCULT CRIMES TASKFORCE "Officer Training Manual" Chapter 2

Actually, we were supposed to run this yesterday, as Monday Magik Madness...
...since it leads into tomorrow's Wednesday Worlds of Wonder, but doing multiple blogs with simultaneous posts on Monday (Hero Histories and Secret Sanctum of Captain Video) after a weekend partying with friends proved to be...well, you know...(insert sheepish emoji)
As you'll see tomorrow in our Wednesday Worlds of Wonder, OCT co-creators Rosario (Ahsoka) Dawson and David Atchison put a lot of thought into the artifacts and spellcasting used in the series.

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Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder O.C.T. OCCULT CRIMES TASKFORCE Chapter 1 Conclusion

We Have Already Seen...

NYPD officer Sophia Ortiz responds to what she believes is a simple distirbence call, and discovers...a multiple homicide!

Her call for backup results in an unfamilar plainclothes unit responding within seconds who commandeer the scene and dismiss her!
Her attempt to interact with the group results in immediate suspension from duty.
Then, within 12 hours, she's reinstated and transferred to a "special crimes taskforce", one of whose members, Detective Aaron Cain,  picks her up at her apartment the next morning to take her to her new station house
En-route, they encounter a hoodie-wearing figure who tosses a severed arm at their car!
Disregarding Cain's instructions to wait for backup, Ortiz races after the figure, trapping it in a nearby basement...
To Be Continued...
Next Wednesday
(Not "next month" as the preview art below says!)
BTW, if you haven't already done so, you might want to acquaint yourself with the introduction to the OCT Officer Training Manual, which you'll find HERE!

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Monday, September 11, 2023

Monday Madness THE BIG LIE

Before the phrase became indelibly-associated with Don da Con's paranoid delusiona about the 2020 elections...... defined the paranoid delusions of the pre-QAnon nuts who inhabited the internet in the early 2000s about the events of 9/11/2001!
You can read excerpts from the the unverified tale
and buy the comic itself