Showing posts with label George Evans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Evans. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder LOST WORLD "Mad Mute X-Adapts"'s not them on this cover supposedly-featuring their battle against aquatic mutants!
Nor do these reptiles look like the mutants in the story!
For whatever reason, the editors used a generic cover by Joe Doolin and apparently hoped kids wouldn't notice the difference!
Have Hunt and Lyssa gained a new ally?
Only time will tell.....

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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder LOST WORLD "Power of Panduro"

...and here's the first one...a new illustrator takes over for the remainder of the run!
Though this story is set in the NYC area, the United Nations didn't begin construction of their East Side headquarters until 1948...a year after this tale was created and published in Fiction House's Planet Comics #50 (1947)!
From 1947 until the Manhattan complex was finished in 1952, their meetings were held in London!
George Evans assumes the artistic reins for the strip in this issue and will remain until the final chapter in Planet Comics #64..
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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Andrew Johnson: the FIRST Impeached President!

With lame-duck President Donald Trump about to be impeached for the second time...
...lets look at how the first President to undergo the ritual was portrayed in comics, starting with this one-pager by writer/artist Joseph Kaliff from Centaur's Wham Comics #1 (1940) which doesn't mention his impeachment!
OTOH, this one-pager by artist John Buscema and an unknown writer from Dell's one-shot Life Stories of American Presidents (1957) tackles it head-on...
....while this half-pager from Our Presidents (1953) doesn't have the space to go into detail...
....unlike this text piece illustrated by Alex Blum and scripted by an unknown author from Classics Illustrated #105 (1953)!
The matter was ignored in the same publisher's Classics Illustrated #162a (1961), illustrated by George Evans...
...though the political conflict behind the impeachment is mentioned!
The impeachment is covered again (briefly) in the same publisher's World Around Us #21 (1960), though only referred to as a "trial"!
Finally, EC's Picture Stories from American History #4 (1947) presents the matter in their feature on the post-Civil War Reconstruction period...
Writer Jerry Coleman and artist Allen Simon cover the impeachment as a sidebar to the main story.
You'll note differing "points of view" in the various versions, much as TV and movie "docu-dramas" tend to differ when retelling the same events.
Which is closest to the truth?
I offer the legendary Encyclopedia Brittanica as an unbiased source on the topic HERE and HERE.
Then judge for yourself...

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Reading Room TWILIGHT ZONE "Joiner"

Submitted for your approval, we present a cover-featured comic story...
...that would've been too expensive to produce during the show's initial run, and featuring a protagonist all this blog's readers can identify with!
The first few issues of a Twilight Zone title were produced by Dell Comics, featuring ex-EC Comics artists!
(All the tales in this issue were illustrated by George Evans and Reed Crandall!)
Beneath a nicely-rendered George Wilson-painted cover lurks...
In Dell's Four Color #1288 (1962), writer Leo Dorfman and artists George Evans & Reed Crandall deliver a "revenge of the nerd" tale any sci-fi fan from the 1990s (or earlier) would appreciate.
Today, thankfully, nerds are the mainstream!
Fraternal organizations with funky garb like the "lodges" shown in this story were popular until the late 1980s-early 1990s.
To give you an idea of how they were portrayed in pop culture, go HERE.
Note: this was the second of four Twilight Zone issues produced by Dell Comics before they split into two companies, Dell and Gold Key, with almost all the ongoing movie-TV tie-in licenses moving to Gold Key.
There were 92 issues of the second Twilight Zone series from 1963 until 1982, with no stories adapted from the show itself...though some share similar plot elements!
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Adapting episodes from the TV series along with several original tales!

Thursday, June 6, 2019

D-Day 75th Anniversary "Part 5: The Landing"

...and the action is about to get hot and heavy!
Let's dive right in!
Illustrated by the highly-underrated George Evans, this chapter appeared as a backup in Gilberton's World Around Us #31 (1961).
This particular issue was subtitled "Hunting", but the stand-alone lead tales in the front had little relationship to the serials in the back of the book!
To see Part 6: HERE!
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by Robert Venditti, Kevin Maurer & Andrea Mutti