Showing posts with label Esteban Maroto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Esteban Maroto. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Reading Room VLAD THE IMPALER "To Rise Again" Part 2

...but, he does not know the fearful fate that awaits him on the battlefield!
We jump ahead a couple of centuries to discover...
Dracula is (Un)Dead!
BTW, for other comic book versions of the legendary vampire, check out...

Friday, October 17, 2014

Reading Room VLAD THE IMPALER "Dark Legend A-Borning" Conclusion

Vlad Dracula's attempt to keep Transylvania out of Moslem hands has not gone well, as he is forced to retreat to the safety of his home and castle...
The Cost of Betrayal!
BTW, for other comic book versions of the legendary vampire, check out...

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Reading Room VLAD THE IMPALER "Dark Legend A-Borning" Part 2

Hoo boy!
In the 21st Century, it's still Christians vs Muslims/Moslems, (according to the right-wingers)!
The more things change...the more they stay the same!
But enough on the present.
Let's get back to the 15th Century...
Tomorrow: the Fall of Castle Dracula!
Christian/Muslim conflict, weaponized diseases, and civil wars.
Amazing how many parallels you can draw between past and present, eh?
BTW, for other comic book versions of the legendary vampire, check out...

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Reading Room VLAD THE IMPALER "Dark Legend A-Borning" Part 1

...which gives new meaning to "worked to death"!
Based on actual historical events (though exaggerated and embellished), Topps' Vlad the Impaler #2 (1993) took fewer liberties with fact than most other tales that combined the historical and fictional Draculas.
It isn't a docudrama by any stretch, but writer Roy Thomas was a stickler for accuracy whenever possible.
BTW, for other comic book versions of the legendary vampire, check out...