Showing posts with label Chariots of the Gods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chariots of the Gods. Show all posts

Friday, December 15, 2017

Friday Fun TRAGG AND THE SKY GODS "Project: Sabre:Fang" Part 1

I really believe there should be a hyphen in "Sabre:Fang"...
...but it's possible Yargonians have different grammatical rules!
(They are aliens, after all...)
Writer Don Glut and artist Dan Spiegle continue the interstellar soap opera in the never-reprinted Gold Key's Tragg and the Sky Gods #4 (1976)!
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Saturday, December 9, 2017

Reading Room TRAGG AND THE SKY GODS "Slaves of Fire Mountain" Conclusion

...though exiled by their tribe, Tragg and Lorn attempt to rescue the Neanderthals from the aliens who have enslaved them.
Unfortunately, they are attacked by flying reptiles as they mount the rescue, and are caught by the aliens...who recognize the would-be heroes!
Though Dan Spiegle took over the interior art, co-creator/artist Jesse Santos would continue to contribute the covers to the series.
Here's the original art for the cover seen above!
Note how tightly the composed cover is cropped, losing a considerable amount of imagery from the painting!
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Friday, December 8, 2017

Friday Fun TRAGG AND THE SKY GODS "Slaves of Fire Mountain" Part 1

...things were not looking great for the fledgling Human race!
That's twice in two issues Tragg's been zapped!
Wonder if there's some sort of cumulative effect to being hit by energy bursts like that?
Though co-creator Don Glut continues scripting the series, the interior art has been taken over by Gold Key stalwart Dan Spiegle, who modified his normally-clean inking style to mimic co-creator/artist Jesse Santos' rougher inks.
Santos would continue doing the covers for the remainder of the book's run.
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Saturday, December 2, 2017

Reading Room TRAGG AND THE SKY GODS "Day the Earth Thundered" Conclusion

...Tragg and Lorn attempt to warn their tribe that the "sky gods" are not the benevolent beings who visited decades earlier!
But those who blame the duo for the aliens' departure years ago insist that Tragg and one of their own, Gorth, meet the "sky gods" and learn the reason they left years ago!
After Gorth ambushes Tragg en-route to the alien ship, the betrayer is gassed and captured.
Tragg escapes and heads for the alien ship, coming upon Keera, the female second in command (who's descovering she has feelings for the caveman) and rescuing her from a dinosaur.
Then the rest of the arrogant aliens arrive and stun Tragg...
Sci-fi soap opera!
Scheming women lusting after unattainable men ostensibly beneath their station!
Writer Don Glut and artist Jesse Santos' never-reprinted tale from Gold Key's Tragg and the Sky Gods #2 (1975) introduces a cross-species sexual-attraction subplot which raises the obvious question...could humans and Yagonites mate?
It's a question they'll never resolve...
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