Showing posts with label Atlas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atlas. Show all posts

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Reading Room WORLD OF FANTASY "It Stands in the Snow"

We've presented abominable snowman stories before...
...but none that ends like this one!
We guarantee it!
OK, did you follow the surprise ending?
Admittedly, it's a little difficult due to the final panel being drawn sideways.
Let's run the final panel the way it should be shown...
Now that works!
Was this never-reprinted tale from Atlas' World of Fantasy #2 (1956) a four-pager that was re-worked into three pages?
Only artist (and Atlas/Marvel production whiz) Sol Brodsky and the unknown writer knew...
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Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Reading Room ASTONISHING "Unknown Ones!"

The story's title has a double meaning to graphic literature aficionados...
...since it also covers the fact this story hasn't been seen in color since 1957!
It was reprinted (in b/w) in Dark Horse's Al Williamson: Hidden Lands TPB (2004), but that OOP tome had a very limited print run.
Written by Carl Wessler, this Williamson-penciled and Roy Krenkel-inked tale from Atlas' Astonishing #57 (1957) was done after the horror comics purge of the mid-1950s reduced EC Comics to just MAD Magazine, and the majority of now-unemployed artists were scrambling around for work.
Besides Atlas, Williamson was freelancing for ACG and Harvey, doing full pencils and inks, inking others like Jack Kirby and Matt Baker, or, as in this case, penciling for others (usually fellow Fleagle Gang members*) to ink.

*The "Fleagles" were a group of artists including Williamson, Krenkel, Frank Frazetta, Wally Wood, Angelo Torres, and George Woodbridge who would help each other out on tight deadlines by doing a "jam" with individuals penciling and inking different pages and even different panels on a single page, producing some absolutely amazing visuals!
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Monday, January 24, 2022

Monday Madness STRANGE TALES "Zzutak: the Thing That Shouldn't Exist!" Part 2

Sci-fi magazine cover artist Frank Johnson, desperate to top his previous efforts, tries out a set of "three-dimensional paints" offered by a mysterious sttanger, that cause whatever he draws to not only exist as a three-dimensional object...but also to come to life!
Accepting the paint set as a gift, he is suddenly-compelled to journey to a remote part of Mexico, where he paints his greatest monster of all, Zzutak, on a giant canvas!
Now, all shall be revealed!
You'd think the colorist of the cover for Atlas' Strange Tales #88 (1961) didn't communicate with the colorist for the story itself, since he transposed the coloring for Zzutak and his unnamed adversary...
...except the two colorists were the same guy, Stan Goldberg!
I can only speculate the cover and interior were colored at two different times and, in the confusion, someone lost track of who was orange and who was green!
When the story was reprinted in Marvel's Fear #3 (1971), the unknown colorist got the second monster right, but still got Zzutak wrong!
When the story was reprinted in Germany, a new, painted cover got Zzutak's color right, though not all the details of his design/anatomy!
Poor Zzutak is postitively unreocognizable on his most recent reprint appearance in Marvel's Monster Menace #3 (1994), even though he's rendered by the guy who inked his story back in 1961...Steve Ditko!
(And he's portrayed correctly in the "character box" in the upper left corner of the cover!)
Zzutak was the cover-featured monster on #4 of Marvel's Monsters Unleashed (2017) with this superb Francesco Francavilla variant cover...
This mini-series featured a new character named Kid Kaiju aka Kei Kawade, an Inhuman who could control giant monsters he illustrates...including Zzutak!
Bur a decade earlier, Zzutak, Frank Johnson, and the Aztecs, returned in a never-reprinted adventure featuring a team of Marvel heroes!
You'll see that story next Monday!
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Monday, January 17, 2022

Monday Madness STRANGE TALES "Zzutak: the Thing that Shouldn't Exist!!" Part 1

It's interesting to note how many of these "writers/artists encountering madness" tales Jack Kirby drew.-

Considering how many stories, characters, and creatures he did create and co-create, was it simply...coincidence?
Since plotter Stan Lee, scripter Larry Lieber, penciler Jack Kirby, and inker Steve Ditko ended this chapter of the two-parter from Atlas' Strange Tales #88 (1961) at this point, we'll pause until next Monday before continuing!
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(HTF anthology from the 1980s featuring this tale and a never-reprinted cover by Walt Simonson)

Friday, January 14, 2022

Friday Fun MY GAL PEARL "Football"

In the mid-1950s, there were a spate of "dumb blonde" comics...

....inspired by the radio/TV series My Friend Irma and Marilyn Monroe in such films as Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and Some Like it Hot!
This was one of Atlas (later Marvel) Comics' contributions to the genre!
Who says "vaudeville is dead"?
Certainly not writer Stan Lee and artist Dan DeCarlo in this never-reprinted tale from My Girl Pearl #1 (1955)!
There's lots more of this sort of thing...from almost every comic company of the era.
And you'll be seeing examples from them in the coming weeks!
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Monday, January 10, 2022

Monday Madness JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY "Midnight in the Wax Museum"

..we offer a tale of a comic book artist and some of the koolest Kirby Kreatures you've ever laid eyes on...
Plotted by Stan Lee, scripted by Larry Lieber, penciled by Jack Kirby, and inked by Dick Ayers, this fun little tale was one of two featured on the cover by Kirby and Ayers on Atlas' Journey into Mystery #74 (1961)!
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August 1961 Omnibus
(Featuring EVERY comic published by Atlas/Marvel the month Fantastic Four #1 hit the newsstands, including this one!)

Monday, December 27, 2021

Monday Mars Madness WORLD OF FANTASY "What Went Wrong?"

You think you've prepared for every contingency...but is that truly possible?
Can anyone always account for the "human" factor?
Illustrated by Bob Forgione, whose credits at Timely/Atlas included a number of sci-fi stories including an issue of Speed Carter: SpaceMan, this never-reprinted tale from Atlas' World of Fantasy #1 (1956) is one of those "average guy inadvertently saves the world" tales that writers (in this case, unidentified) love to tell.
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Friday, November 19, 2021

Friday Fun PATSY AND HEDY "Patsy's Pals 'Everything Old is New Again!' "

Our post last week about beatniks reminded me of how current hipsters...

...have embraced vinyl music a generation after it all but disappeared!

Along with a return to analog has come an interest in music from the 1950s...and earlier!
Though this never-reprinted tale by writer/artist Al Hartley from Atlas' Patsy & Hedy #49 (1957) leans more toward a generation gap-style narrative, the basic concept still holds true today!