Showing posts with label Atlas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atlas. Show all posts

Monday, October 10, 2022

Monday Madness ADVENTURE INTO MYSTERY "World Gone Mad!"

Here's a little ditty about how homogenized America (especially the suburbs)...
...became during the post-World War II era...ironically created during that era!
Illustrated by Jim (Supergirl) Mooney and scripted by an unknown writer, this tale of suburban prefab housing tract development and how it could confuse the unaware from Atlas' Adventure into Mystery #3 (1956) rang true for many during that era who actually fell for that sort of trick, especially around Halloween!
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(which presents this tale from its' reprint appearance in 1975)

Friday, October 7, 2022

Friday Fun CRAZY "Tales from Aesop's Stables"

Here's a "Happy Halloween" treat: a never-reprinted example of horror humor...
...from Atlas' Crazy V1N7 (1954)
Despite the title, this piece written and illustrated by Howie Post was not part of a series!
Perhaps it was, but since this was the last issue of one of Atlas' three simultaneous MAD clones, no other installments were ever seen!
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Thursday, October 6, 2022

Haunted House Reading Room WORLD OF MYSTERY "Secret of the Haunted House"

With Halloween right around the corner, we're doing a series of themed stories until All Hallows Eve...
...based on haunted houses!
This Al Williamson-penciled and Ralph Mayo-inked tale from Atlas' World of Mystery #6 (1957) has only been reprinted once since (in b/w not color), and that was in 2008!
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Friday, June 17, 2022

Friday Fun RIOT "Boy Meets Girl"

This never-reprinted tale from Atlas' RIOT #5 (1956) was so odd, I couldn't resist running it!
Note: John Wayne and Marilyn Monroe never appeared together in a movie!
And, if you don't know who they are...GOOGLE THEM!!!
Notes: Neither John Wayne nor Marilyn Monroe ever did a sci-fi/fantasy film!
(No, John Wayne playing Genghis Khan in The Conquerer doesn't count!)
The "movie titles" combine parts of real movie titles from those genres!
Written by Stan Lee and illustrated by John Severin.
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Sincerest Form of Parody

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Reading Room JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY "Orogo!! The Nightmare from Outer Space!!"

Behind this Jack Kirby-penciled/Don Heck-inked splash...
...lurks a mystery. which we'll delve into after you read the story!
When this Stan Lee-scripted, Don Heck-illustrated (except for the splash) tale was reprinted in Marvel's Fantasy Masterpieces #2 (1967), the cover played-up Heck's Cyclopean robot (and Dashin' Don himself)...
...but when it was first published in Atlas' Journey into Mystery #57 (1960)...
...and reprinted a second time in Marvel's Where Monsters Dwell #12 (1971)... used the original Kirby cover that seems to be a reverse-angle of the splash page above and shows a radically-different Orogo with two eyes!
Did editor/art director Stan the Man have The King do the cover and splash and then pass the rest of the story to Heck to finish,...but, for whatever reason, didn't give Dashing Don the cover as reference for Orogo, so Heck came up with his own version of the robot...with only one eye?
There are several Atlas-era monster stories where Kirby would do splashes, then another artist would complete the tale.
Bookmark us and keep an eye out as we attempt to solve the half century-old mystery....

Monday, May 9, 2022

Monday RUSSKIE Madness JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY "Propaganda"

Today is "Victory Day" in Russia, and since Vladimir Putin will, no doubt, use... claim a non-existent victory in Ukraine, this never-reprinted tale from sixty years ago about using "alternative facts" seems as timely as ever!
Note: because of racial stereotypes common to the era of publication, this may be NSFW!
This story from Atlas' Journey into Mystery #80 (1962) by plotter Stan Lee, scripter Larry Lieber, penciler Jack Kirby, and inker Dick Ayers, is a reworking of an earlier story, also called "Propaganda", from Atlas' Uncanny Tales V1N9 (1953). That one was reprinted in Marvel's Uncanny Tales V2N1 (1973) and you'll be seeing it on our "brother" RetroBlog, Seduction of the Innocent, today!
In the meantime, here's a special treat...scans of the complete original art for this tale!
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Friday, April 29, 2022

Friday Fun CRAZY "Bull Thrower"

For all those who requested...nay, demanded...we post a comic story about bullfighting...
...well, your needs have been answered with this never-reprinted tale from Atlas' Crazy V1N3 (1953)
If the writer ain't Stan Lee, the script reads enough like him (even though his signature doesn't appear on the splash panel) that it's probably a "Stan the Man" editorial revision of someone else's story!
The art is by Al Hartley, who did sign the splash panel.
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Sincerest Form of Parody

Monday, April 25, 2022


Here's a fascinating tale that makes perfect sense...
...up to the last two panels, when it all falls apart!
If Harlow disappeared after the machine merely slowed, why didn't the rest of them disappear after it was wrecked?
Wouldn't the logical thing to do be to insure the machine be kept running at that slightly-lower level?
I suspect writer Carl Wessler didn't think through the consequences of the machine's destruction in this never-reprinted tale from Atlas' Strange Tales of the Unusual #10 (1957)!
What's your opinion, dear reader?
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