Showing posts with label 3-D. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3-D. Show all posts

Friday, September 10, 2010

Design of the Week--Here's How 3-D Works!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...
While we've had a great response to our new line of 3-D Collectibles,  there have been several requests for a more...generic...version of the Bwana Devil 3-D Diagram.
Not wanting to alienate a potential customer base, we've done just that!
So, for one week, you can get your hot little hands on this especially-created version of the already-best-selling graphics we've seen on people's shirts and bags at IMAX Avatar showings!
Secret Chic strikes again!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Design of the Week--Sheena in 3-D Redux!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...
Both our recent 3-D offerings have done well enough to warrant being held-over for a second week!
As you may have noticed, we're in the midst of the third cycle of 3-D media, which, oddly enough, seem to occur in 30-year cycles!
(The first was in the early 1950s, the second in the early 1980s.)
With James Cameron's Avatar back in movie theatres this weekend, we thought, why not present a cover image from a 3-D book featuring a beautiful woman in a technologically-primitive, exotic jungle environment? It's what I'll be wearing to the movies this weekend!
OK, so she's not blue, and she's not Zoe Saldana, but hey, you work with what you've got!
(Sheena has appeared in pulps, several different comic book series, a feature film and two different tv series, so it's not like she has no name recognition...)
Besides t-shirts & hoodies, the art adorns messenger bags, mugs, and other tchochkies!
(BTW, the cover is also available as a spectacular limited-edition print!)
Sheena will be around for one more week. After that, she returns to the jungle, perhaps never to be seen again...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Funky 3-D Film for Back to School / High School / College!

As you trudge back to school, why not at least look like you're having fun?
With 3-D movies the big thing this year, go retro with clothing and collectibles featuring vintage art from the FIRST 3-D films (we're talkin' the 1950s here!)
It ain't Avatar, but it is kitchy / campy fun!
Available on t-shirts, mugs & coasters, messenger / iPad / Kindle bags, and a host of other goodies!
Have a look!
Have some fun!
Have a great semester!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Design of the Week--Sheena in 3-D!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...
As you may have noticed, we're in the midst of the third cycle of 3-D media, which, oddly enough, seem to occur in 30-year cycles!
(The first was in the early 1950s, the second in the early 1980s.)
With James Cameron's Avatar back in movie theatres this weekend, we thought, why not present a cover image from a 3-D book featuring a beautiful woman in a technologically-primitive, exotic jungle environment? It's what I'll be wearing to the movies this weekend!
OK, so she's not blue, and she's not Zoe Saldana, but hey, you work with what you've got!
(But Sheena has appeared in pulps, several different comic book series, a feature film and two different tv series!)
Besides t-shirts & hoodies, the art adorns messenger bags, mugs, and other tchochkies!
(BTW, the cover is also available as a spectacular limited-edition print!)
Sheena will be around for one week. After that, she returns to the jungle, perhaps never to be seen again...

Monday, August 23, 2010

LOOK! It's 3-D Comics & Movies!

Captain 3-D did so well as a Design of the Week that not only are we giving him a regular spot at Atomic Kommie Comics™, but we've created an entire section just for vintage 3-D comics and movie posters where he'll reside!
With the revival (and improvement) of the 3-D process, we felt it was the right time to bring back the kitchy-kool graphics of the FIRST wave of 3-D to an appreciative pop-culture savvy audience (That's YOU, guys!)
Besides being available on t-shirts, mugs, and other tchochkies, we'll be offering TWO different 2011 12-Month Calendars, one each for comics and movie posters, in early September!
Regrettably, 3-D Glasses are NOT included...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Our NEW Odds & Ends Art Gallery

We're re-presenting a line of long out-of-print posters and comic book covers as affordable poster prints perfect for students' dorm or bed rooms, house stagers who need a way to personalize a home they're selling in a kitchy (but not tacky) way or pop-culture aficionados who don't want to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars for a display piece!
(Have you seen what some of the originals are selling for on eBay?)

They range from rare Silver Age comic covers... black-light-style posters...
 to pop-art classics!
Check out the Odds & Ends gallery!
Great value!
Kool graphics!
HTF classic pop art!
What more could you want?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Our NEW Golden Age Comic Cover Gallery

We're re-presenting a whole line of long out-of-print comic book covers as affordable poster prints perfect for students' dorm or bed rooms, house stagers who need a way to personalize a home they're selling in a kitchy (but not tacky) way or pop-culture aficionados who don't want to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars for a display piece!
Besides the complete run of Motion Pictures Funnies Weekly (including covers to the undistributed #2, #3 & #4) we're currently offering a slew of 3-D comics covers, all digitally-restored and remastered, many never previously-reprinted!
Check out the Golden Age gallery!
Great value!
Kool graphics!
HTF classic comic book art!
What more could you want?

Tomorrow: Design of the Week--Giant Japanese Robot!
Saturday: Our final poster gallery!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Our NEW Theatrical Posters Gallery

We're re-presenting a whole line of long out-of-print theatre, movie and tv posters as affordable prints perfect for students' dorm or bed rooms, house stagers who need a way to personalize a home they're selling in a kitchy (but not tacky) way or pop-culture aficionados who don't want to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars for a display piece!
Our Theatre Posters gallery has retro-kool 3-D movie posters, superhero (live action AND animated) film art, and HTF sci-fi-on-Broadway prints.
Talk about "something for everyone"!

Tomorrow: the Golden Age comic book cover gallery!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Atomic Kommie Comics' NEW Poster/Print Galleries

A couple of days ago we told you about a new poster print of the ultra-rare Stan Lee at Carnegie Hall poster from 1972.
Now, we are unveiling even more ultra-rare material from our archives, now made available to you as collector's item prints in the Atomic Kommie Comics™ Art Gallery!
There are three sub-galleries...
 (which includes movie, tv, Broadway and genre convention material)
(HTF comic book covers from the 1930s to 1950s)
(pop art / pop culture stuff that doesn't fit into either category)

Over the next few days, we'll be going into detail about each gallery.
These prints would make ideal dorm or bedroom decor for students or game-room decoration for pop-culture-oriented teens!
Keep in mind we're just getting started. There'll be a lot more images placed in the galleries over the next few weeks.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Design of the Week--Captain 3-D Redux

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...due to popular demand (and pretty good sales), the first superhero created specifically for 3-D...Captain 3-D!

In the early 1950s, "3-D" using red and green prints of simultaneously-shot movie footage from cameras a couple of feet apart. (note: sometimes blue was used instead of green, but the stereotype of 3-D is a red / green lens juxtposition.)
When a viewer wore glasses like these they would perceive the two projected images as a single 3-D image!
Taking comic book line art and modifying it to produce a similar 3-D effect was technically simple, so almost every company attempted at least one 3-D book between 1952-55.
Most were 3-D versions of existing comics including Superman, Batman, Tales from the Crypt, Tor, even Katy Keene.
However, Captain 3-D was the Simon & Kirby team's attempt to jump on the 3-D bandwagon with NEW material.

A disheveled, stranger stumbles into a seedy used bookstore.
He hands a book and pair of weird glasses to the young clerk, warns him to never sell it, just as a gunman comes in and shoots the stranger, disintegrating him.
The clerk, Danny Davis, disarms the gunman, who flees and is shot by an associate waiting outside.
Danny puts on the glasses and looks thru the book, which is blank except for an illustration of a costumed man which jumps from the page and stands in front of Danny.
Before another word is said, the associate gunman returns...with allies!
The costumed man defeats the group with ease and tells Danny to look at them thru the strange glasses.
Danny sees the attackers as cat-people!
As it turns out, the costumed man is the last survivor of an advanced civilization wiped out in a war against the Cat People 50,000 years earlier.
Placed in the book by advanced technology, he is brought to life by the holder of the book and glasses to battle the Cat People, who were all but wiped out, but who now have sufficient numbers to try to conquer the world again!

A cool premise and nice set-up, playing up the use of glasses to both empower the hero and perceive villains. (The movie They Live! used a similar gimmick)

Unfortunately, a legal battle involving the 3-D process all but killed the financial viability of producing 3-D books, and, though material was already finished, there was never a second issue of Captain 3-D!

Due to your interest, Captain 3-D will be a permanent part of the Atomic Kommie Comics™ lineup.
The only question being; where do we put him?
First appearing in 1953, he's definitely after the Golden Age (1938-1949), but a couple of years before the earliest of the Silver Age (1955-1969) heroes!
Or, since we're doing an entirely-new section dedicated to 3-D in movies and comics, we'll put him there! (Oops! did I say that out loud?)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Design of the Week--Captain 3-D

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...the return of the first superhero created specifically for 3-D...Captain 3-D!

In the early 1950s, "3-D" using red and green prints of simultaneously-shot movie footage from cameras a couple of feet apart. (note: sometimes blue was used instead of green, but the stereotype of 3-D is a red / green lens juxtposition.)
When a viewer wore glasses like these they would perceive the two projected images as a single 3-D image!
Taking comic book line art and modifying it to produce a similar 3-D effect was technically simple, so almost every company attempted at least one 3-D book between 1952-55.
Most were 3-D versions of existing comics including Superman, Batman, Tales from the Crypt, Tor, even Katy Keene.
However, Captain 3-D was the Simon & Kirby team's attempt to jump on the 3-D bandwagon with NEW material.

A disheveled, stranger stumbles into a seedy used bookstore.
He hands a book and pair of weird glasses to the young clerk, warns him to never sell it, just as a gunman comes in and shoots the stranger, disintegrating him.
The clerk, Danny Davis, disarms the gunman, who flees and is shot by an associate waiting outside.
Danny puts on the glasses and looks thru the book, which is blank except for an illustration of a costumed man which jumps from the page and stands in front of Danny.
Before another word is said, the associate gunman returns...with allies!
The costumed man defeats the group with ease and tells Danny to look at them thru the strange glasses.
Danny sees the attackers as cat-people!
As it turns out, the costumed man is the last survivor of an advanced civilization wiped out in a war against the Cat People 50,000 years earlier.
Placed in the book by advanced technology, he is brought to life by the holder of the book and glasses to battle the Cat People, who were all but wiped out, but who now have sufficient numbers to try to conquer the world again!

A cool premise and nice set-up, playing up the use of glasses to both empower the hero and perceive villains. (The movie They Live! used a similar gimmick)

Unfortunately, a legal battle involving the 3-D process all but killed the financial viability of producing 3-D books, and, though material was already finished, there was never a second issue of Captain 3-D!

We at Atomic Kommie Comics™ feel the character deserves better than that, so we restored him (or at least his cover) to our Design of the Week line to test his viability.
If he sells well, we'll find him a permanent place in our lineup. If he doesn't, he's gone after next Friday!
You decide if he "lives" or "dies"! Vote now...