Showing posts with label 2010s. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2010s. Show all posts

Monday, July 13, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics / Monday Madness GRIMM TALES OF TERROR "Red World" Part 1

With Covid-19 spreading after people failed to follow procedures during America's reopening...
...on Memorial Day Weekend, it's time for another tale (based on an Edgar Allan Poe classic) of malaise and mayhem...this time set in a post-apocalyptic future!

Be Back Next Monday to See What Happens...
Plotted by Joe Brusha and Ralph Tedesco, scripted by Shane McKenzie, and illustrated by Antonio Bifilco, this take on Poe's "Masque of the Red Death" from Zenescope's Grimm Tales of Terror #4 (2014) is one of the wilder "re-interpretations" of the legendary horror tale.
But then, that's the sort of thing they do so well...

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(containing this tale, plus issues 1-3 and 5-13)

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder / CoronaVirus Comics LAST OF US "ART OF..." & "AMERICAN DREAMS"

With the release of the sequel videogame Last of Us Part II... behooves us to explore the post-apocalyptic, but still pandemic-ridden world the series takes place in!
The game stars Ellie...
...a teenage girl who carries the disease, but hasn't yet "turned" into one of the "Infected"...
...who have been mutated into mindless killers by an extremely-contagious fungus!
The game is unique in that one of the two playable ongoing protagonists, Ellie's traveling partner and protector, Joel... unstoppably killed during the events of the new game!
There's a kool article at the New York Times that provides more background, as well as detailing the events in Part II!
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(detailing the creation of the original game and prequel graphic novel)
(the prequel graphic novel)

Thursday, June 18, 2020


We showed you this amazing tale of past and present  Star Trek doctors fighting a disease...
...HERE and HERE, but we didn't answer the question...WHY?
Why do a stand-alone story about the medical personnel of the various (pre-CBS All-Access) series solving a medical mystery?
It turns out, a company called "Qualcomm" (in conjunction with Paramount) was behind it!
This will explain it...
Even those who didn't have a degree in medicine or electronics could participate...
If you keyboard "" site, you find this!
And, it appears that, in 2017, someone did win the competition!
However, three years later, despite much publicity, there's still no tricorder, even in beta!
We sure could use it during this pandemic, eh?

Monday, May 25, 2020

Monday Madness / CoronaVirus Comics PANDEMICA "Chapter One: Get Down with the Sickness" Conclusion

There's a conspiracy to use biological warfare to target specific genetic types...non-whites!
Dr Moses Katz has deduced the key to the plot, but needs help to gather evidence!
After a botched assassination attempt against him, the medical researcher begins recruiting a team of experts with extremely-special skills...
So the cover depicts where the issue ends, not a scene within the issue itself!
Combine speculation about Covid-19 with the X-Files and Mission: Impossible and you get this (prophetic?) series produced last year!
Where does it go from here?
This tale from IDW's almost-prescient Pandemica #1 (2019), by novelist Jonathan Mayberry and illustrator Alex Sanchez begins the set-up the rest of that first issue (of five) completes!
Luckily, they're publishing the entire mini in one trade paperback with kool extras...
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Monday, May 18, 2020

Monday Madness / CoronaVirus Comics PANDEMICA "Chapter One: Get Down with the Sickness" Part 1

Combine Covid-19 with the X-Files and Mission: Impossible...
...and you get this (prophetic?) series produced last year!
Remember, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean you don't have enemies...
This opener from IDW's almost-prescient Pandemica #1 (2019), by novelist Jonathan Mayberry and illustrator Alex Sanchez begins the set-up the rest of that first issue (of five) completes!
You'll see the rest of #1 next week...
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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Where are the "Kool" Uniforms for Don da Con's Space Force?

The uniforms for Don da Con's "Space Force" have been unveiled...

...and are military surplus camos...for space warfare!
When you're given a multi-million dollar budget and you cant even do better than a 1970s tv series...'re really badly off!
Ironically, the comic-book version of Space Force has a much better uniform...
But, then, in the comic, Don da Con has lost over 100 pounds from his real-world weight!
(Or those spacesuits have built-in Spanx!)
Sad, ain't it?
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