Showing posts with label @realDonaldTrump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label @realDonaldTrump. Show all posts

Friday, May 8, 2020

Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday Fun / CoronaVirus Comics How Medicine has Changed Under Trump

Sometimes the jokes write themselves, thanks to Don da Con...
Rick McKee ©2020 Cagle Cartoons
Norman Rockwell
Medicine in Eisenhower's America (1958)
This is Progress?

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Friday, April 10, 2020

Friday Fun / CoronaVirus Comics CEREBUS IN HELL "Super-Cerebus Vs. Covid-19"

Dave Sim's Cerebus the Aardvark has been a comics standout since the late 1970s, running more than 300 issues...
Originally a parody of Roy Thomas & Barry Smith's Conan the Barbarianthe Cerebus comics stand out for their experimentation in both storytelling format and editorial content, often mirroring the creator's sometimes controversial beliefs.
The current on-line series Cerebus in Hell, is no different, mirroring the CoronaVirus pandemic and the US government response!
You can download the current chapter in PDF form (including this double-page spread), for free, HERE!
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The storyline that started it all!

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Where are the "Kool" Uniforms for Don da Con's Space Force?

The uniforms for Don da Con's "Space Force" have been unveiled...

...and are military surplus camos...for space warfare!
When you're given a multi-million dollar budget and you cant even do better than a 1970s tv series...'re really badly off!
Ironically, the comic-book version of Space Force has a much better uniform...
But, then, in the comic, Don da Con has lost over 100 pounds from his real-world weight!
(Or those spacesuits have built-in Spanx!)
Sad, ain't it?
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(either for yourself, or as a gift for a con friend/relative)

Saturday, August 3, 2019

TRUMP'S SPACE FORCE Serious or Satire?

Self-identified con comics writer Chuck Dixon created this one-shot...
..which claims to be a "work of satire and parody"!
Consider the following...
Don da Con has lost over 100 pounds from his real-world weight!
(Or those spacesuits have built-in Spanx!)
Fellow three-wife-philandering con and hypocrite Newt Gingrich is shown to have tech knowledge far beyond his real-world mental capacity!
And, like many senior citizens (but not anyone under 65 with an average IQ or higher), he wears a baseball cap with a suit or blazer!
We won't even go into the plot point that anyone who disagrees with Don da Con is a disguised alien!
To any rational person, this is, indeed, a satire!
But to a con, (including many of the "deplorables"), the story reads as "possible if not probable".
But then, they thing pro wrestling is unscripted...
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(either for yourself, or as a gift for a con friend/relative)

Thursday, August 9, 2018


...VP Pence will outline the Drumpf administration's plan to create a new branch of the military focused on defending the ultimate high ground.
You can watch it live HERE!
Were Don the Con's grandiose plans inspired by these comics about "space marines" from his childhood?
(I doubt he actually read any books, so it's unlikely he was inspired by Heinlein's Starship Troopers!)
Published in 1952, the series ran only two issues, with a couple of unpublished stories appearing in other mags later on.
Conceived by Superman co-creator Jerry Siegel, illustrated by comics legends Bernie Krigstein and Murphy Anderson, with covers by Norman Saunders and Allen (no relation to Murphy) Anderson, the series took the concept of the US Marine Corps and transplanted it to outer space in the near-future.
Though not specificially-stated, the Space Busters were Americans and Western Europeans, with no Communist countries or non-white nations represented.
You can read a complete digitally-remastered re-presentation of this apparently-groundbreaking (and still never reprinted) series at our brother RetroBlog, War: Past, Present & Future!
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Saturday, May 12, 2018

Holiday Reading Room "American Indian Day"

Want to bet Don the John ignores this long-standing holiday?
A somewhat sanitized version of history, but it's well-intentioned.
Also note it points out "Who could blame the Indians for fighting desperately to keep their homes and hunting grounds?", disputing the still-popular concept of Manifest Destiny which goes hand-in-hand with American Exceptionalism!
Why is this comic entitled "Every Day is a Holly Day" instead of "Every Day is a Holiday"?
Because it was given away to kids by grocers who sold Holly Sugar!
Illustrated by John Rosenberger, it's a unique pamphlet covering a number of American holidays, including both Lincoln and Washington's Birthdays (before they were combined into "Presidents' Day"), Mothers' Day (though not Fathers' Day), Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and a couple of holidays we've largely abandoned...Pan-American Day and American Indian Day!
We'll be presenting the other chapters on the dates they fall upon.
Watch for them!
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Saturday, April 14, 2018

Trump Reading Room EVERY DAY IS A HOLLY DAY "Pan-American Day"

Here's a holiday I'm sure Don (the John) Trump is glad we've abandoned!
The idea of us actually working with those South of the Border is anthema to such as Don the John.
Don the John followed it with a less-than-enthuisastic proclamation in 2017, making the usual bellicose veiled threats against the other American countries.
I suggest you read both links, then compare and contrast the attitudes presented by both Presidential proclamations!
Why is this comic entitled "Every Day is a Holly Day" instead of "Every Day is a Holiday"?
Because it was given away to kids by grocers who sold Holly Sugar!
Illustrated by John Rosenberger, it's a unique pamphlet covering a number of American holidays, including both Lincoln and Washington's Birthdays (before they were combined into "Presidents' Day"), Mothers' Day (though not Fathers' Day), Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and a couple of holidays we've largely abandoned...Pan-American Day and American Indian Day!
We'll be presenting the other chapters on the dates they fall upon.
Watch for them!
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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Trump's Space Force Already Existed! SPACE BUSTERS

...perhaps inspired by these comics about "space marines" from his childhood?
(I doubt he actually read any books, so it's unlikely he was inspired by Heinlein's Starship Troopers!)
Published in 1952, the series ran only two issues, with a couple of unpublished stories appearing in other mags later on.
Conceived by Superman co-creator Jerry Siegel, illustrated by comics legends Bernie Krigstein and Murphy Anderson, with covers by Norman Saunders and Allen (no relation to Murphy) Anderson, the series took the concept of the US Marine Corps and transplanted it to outer space in the near-future.
Though not specificially-stated, the Space Busters were Americans and Western Europeans, with no Communist countries or non-white nations represented.
Starting next Wednesday, we're presenting a complete digitally-remastered re-presentation of this apparently-groundbreaking (and still never reprinted) series at our brother RetroBlog, War: Past, Present & Future!
Don't Miss It!
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