Saturday, November 20, 2021

Space Force Saturdays SPACE BUSTERS "Battle for Alana"

No, your eyes do not deceive you...
...This Space Busters #1.5 tale is in 3-D!
Put your 3-D glasses on (blue lens on right eye!) and enjoy!
One of the changes made for the second issue of Space Busters was to expand the war against Belzar as the aliens lost their hold on Mars and "Earthian" forces pushed outward!
Human traitor Senstral commands these attempts to "hold the line", after having failed to do so on Mars!
When Ziff-Davis dropped their comics line (except for G.I. Joe), several publishers bought up the unpublished material, with St John picking up the bulk of it!
This never-published Space Busters story by Bernie Krigstein was converted to 3-D to fill out the St John one-shot Daring Adventures 3-D (1953)!
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Friday, November 19, 2021

Friday Fun PATSY AND HEDY "Patsy's Pals 'Everything Old is New Again!' "

Our post last week about beatniks reminded me of how current hipsters...

...have embraced vinyl music a generation after it all but disappeared!

Along with a return to analog has come an interest in music from the 1950s...and earlier!
Though this never-reprinted tale by writer/artist Al Hartley from Atlas' Patsy & Hedy #49 (1957) leans more toward a generation gap-style narrative, the basic concept still holds true today!

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Reading Room WORLD OF FANTASY "Inside the Tunnel"

Ever wonder where writers come up with their ideas?
Art by Joe Maneely
...well, here's a never-reprinted story from Atlas' World of Fantasy #2 (1956) that offers a clue!
Of course, if it was an original manuscript/draft by Verne (which I think was the writer's intent), it would be in French...
The writer is unknown, but could be Stan Lee or Larry Lieber.
The art is by Al Williamson who did quite a bit of work in the fantasy and Western genres during the late 1950s for Atlas before it became Marvel.
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(A new translation in contemporary English, heavily-illustrated, and with lots of info about the era when the book was written to put the tale in context!)

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder ROCKET TO THE MOON Part 3

...he had arrived on the Moon to try to negotiate with the inhabitants, who are bombarding Earth after they mistook a reconnaissance missile sent by Ted as an attack from Earth!
Note: May be NSFW due to racial stereotypes common to eras of both the original novel and the comic.
Can Ted escape?
Is Earth doomed?
Be here next Wednesday for the astounding finale!

This 1951 one-shot comic from Avon Comics was scripted by Walter (The Shadow) Gibson and illustrated by Joe Orlando and Wally Wood, based on the high-adventure sci-fi novel Maza of the Moon by Otis Adelbert Kline..
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by Otis Aldelbert Kline

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Reading Room WORLD OF MYSTERY "Night I Lost My Body!"

Some people lose their minds!
This guy will tell you about something even worse... a never-reprinted tale from Atlas' World of Mystery #7 (1957)!
Illustrated by longtime Simon & Kirby Studio artist Marvin Stein, the story seems to have a very Jack Kirby "feel" to the panel structures and character poses.
Could Kirby have helped out by doing uncredited layouts?
We'll never know...
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