Friday, June 8, 2018

Friday Fun REX DEXTER OF MARS "...Goes Through!"

Ever hear of Nathaniel Nitkin?
If you're a Golden Age fan, you've probably read his work...including this story!
Nitkin wrote text features for Fox covering almost all their ongoing characters.
(Those text features were a requirement for the less-expensive periodical mailing permit the Post Office issued!)
Unfortunately, as this piece from Fox's Rex Dexter #1 (1940) shows, Nat would take a fairly generic genre plot and cram it into a story about whatever chararacter he was doing.
It's OK, but it lacks the weirdness of Dick Briefer's version of the strip.
BTW, the art is existing Briefer art "clipped" from a couple of stories!
Since it's never been reprinted, we thought Rex Dexter fans (and judging by the hits on his tales on Friday Fun, there are quite a number of you) would find the only non-Breifer Rex Dexter tale to be an interesting curiosity!
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Thursday, June 7, 2018

Reading Room CRUSADER FROM MARS COMICS "Escape to Nowhere"

The idea that we should leave Earth before atomic war destroys it is not new...
...nor is the "surprise ending" to this never-reprinted backup tale from Ziff-Davis' Crusader from Mars #1 (1952)
"You blew it up!
Damn you!
Damn you all to hell!"
Almost two decades before Rod Serling had Charlton Heston scream those words to the sky at the conclusion of Planet of the Apes, artist Mike Becker and an unknown writer presented a much more mellow discovery by space travelers returning to Earth centuries in the future!
The script may be by editor Jerry (Superman) Siegel...
Mike Becker illustrated over 100 crime, horror, romance, sci-fi, sports, spy, war and western stories for various publishers including Timely, Ziff-Davis, Hillman, Youthful, and Nedor/Better/Standard from 1948 through 1956.
What happened after that is, regrettably, unknown.
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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder CARSON OF VENUS "Babes in the Woods"

Note: this tale might be NSFW due to the alien cannibals' (Noobargan) ape-like appearance!
 It wasn't unusual for early sci-fi writers to pattern aliens after stereotypes of non-white humans like Africans, Asians, or Native Americans!
Hell, James Cameron patterned Avatar's Na'vi after the classic stereotype of "primitive yet noble savage" Africans and Native Americans...and that was only a decade ago!
The adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Lost on Venus continues under the typewriter. pencil, pen and brush of Mike Kaluta in DC's Korak: Son of Tarzan #56 (1974).
It's the last appearance of the strip in this book, which goes on for a couple of issues before changing format.
But, it's not the last we see of Kaluta's version of Carson, Duare, and the other inhabitants of Amtor (aka Venus), as you will see next week!
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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Reading Room HOUSE OF MYSTERY "Human TIme Capsule"

Under this kool Ruben Moreira cover...
...lurks an even kooler, never-reprinted tale of illegal aliens and crime from DC's House of Mystery #64 (1957)!
So the American citizen is the criminal, not the "illegal alien"!
The Mort Meskin-illustrated tale left a possibility for a sequel, which was never realized!
Since even DC doesn't know who wrote it (and the odds are the author is deceased by now), we'll never know...
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Monday, June 4, 2018

Monday Madness FANTASTIC COMICS "Space Smith Visits the Hollow World of Bloodu"

Here's the final, Fletcher Hanks Space Smith tale...
...unfortunately, scanned from a color microfiche copy so it's very blotchy!
Apparently, Fox's Fantastic Comics #8 (1940) is so rare, that only slabbed copies are known to exist!
And they can't be opened to scan the stories without losing value...
With Hanks' departure, several writers and artists would try their hands at the series!
Wait'll you see who's coming!
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