Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Here's a fascinating tale that makes perfect sense...
...up to the last two panels, when it all falls apart!
If Harlow disappeared after the machine merely slowed, why didn't the rest of them disappear after it was wrecked?
Wouldn't the logical thing to do be to insure the machine be kept running at that slightly-lower level?
I suspect writer Carl Wessler didn't think through the consequences of the machine's destruction in this never-reprinted tale from Atlas' Strange Tales of the Unusual #10 (1957)!
What's your opinion, dear reader?
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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Art Gallery Exhibition Opening: SH*T MY PRESIDENT SAYS!

Opening tomorrow, January 10th, within sight of Don (the Con) Trump’s "Winter White House"... an exhibition of  Shannon Wheeler‘s collection of cartoons visualizing Donald Trump’s Tweets, entitled Sh*t My President Says: The Illustrated Tweets of Donald J. Trump cartoons (from his acclaimed book of the same name) at EmKo gallery, 2119 South Dixie Hwy, just across the water from Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach.
If I can get a cheap round-trip deal during the week, I'll pop down before it closes!
If you can go...GO!
If you can't get down there, you can order the book...

Monday, January 8, 2018

Reading Room NORGE BENSON "Springtime on Pluto"

The writer of this series is as scientifically-literate as Don (the Con) Trump...
...if his descriptions of Pluto's "global warming" are any indicaction!
This Al Walker-illustrated tale from Fiction House's Planet Comics #19 (1942) is over 70 years old, but it's just as entertainingly-hokey as the day it was created!
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Sunday, January 7, 2018

Read the Comic Book that Embodies Don (the Con) Trump's Skewed Mindset!

When Many, Many, People Question the Current President's Grasp On Reality... wonder "how does he see himself and his place in the world"?
A hero who, without making any effort, or requiring any special skills or training, can do anything he wants, simply by willing it to be so!
An uneducated child's ultimate wish-fulfillment brought to life!
Read it for yourself...HERE!
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