Friday, October 9, 2009

Fantastic Femmes--Women of FlashForward

Lynn Whitfield

After last night's ep with both Gina Torres and Gabrielle Union, I couldn't resist the urge to do a page with all the Fantastic Femmes who've appeared on the series so far, along with links to their previous Atomic Kommie Comics™ blog entries!
You'll note we updated their entries to include the FlashForward credits. We'll be doing that for any Fantastic Femmes in the future (as we did with Ming-Na to reflect her role on the new StarGate Universe).

It appears all three actresses will be doing multiple guest appearances!
Now if only they'd do a scene together...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Design of the Week--Halloween Hootenanny!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...
You can dance with ghouls, ghosts and demons in the moonlight with our Halloween Hootenanny design on creepy collectibles and kid-only clothing.
It's a G-rated classic 1950s comic book cover, lots of fun and only slightly frightening, so it's perfect for little ones!

If you have the courage (or kids 6 and older), check out our main Haunted Halloween section for all sorts of sinister stuff based on vintage comic books and movie posters (nothing naughtier than PG-13)!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ride the Halloween Night with The ORIGINAL Ghost Rider!

He began life in the late 1940s as The Calico Kid, a masked hero whose secret identity was a lawman who felt justice was constrained by legal limitations. (There were a lot of those heroes in comics and pulps of the 40s including our own DareDevil and Blue Beetle!)
But, with masked heroes in every genre doing a slow fade-out after World War II, and both the western and horror genres on the rise, the character was re-imagined in 1949 as comics' first horror / western character!

The Ghost Rider himself was not a supernatural being.
He wore a phosphorescent suit and cape, making him glow in the dark, appearing as a spectral presence to the (mostly) superstitious cowboys and Indians he faced.
Since the inside of the cape was black, he'd reverse it, and appear in the dark as just a floating head, usually scaring a confession or needed information out of owlhoots.
Note: some covers, like the one here, show the inside of the cape to be white! Chalk it up to artistic license (and face it, it looks damned cool).

BTW, the artistically-astute among you can tell that cover was by the legendary Frank Frazetta!
He did several of them, three of which are included in our collection!

In the series' early days the villains were standard owlhoots or, like the Rider, people pretending to be supernatural beings.
That changed around 1952, when he started facing real mystic menaces including Indian spirits, vampires, and even the Frankenstein Monster (though not the one from Prize Comics.)
Unfortunately, it was about this point in time that Dr. Wertham began his crusade against comics in general and horror comics in particular...
By 1954, the Ghost Rider had lost his series. The next year he disappeared entirely.
But, over 50 years later, Atomic Kommie Comics™ brought him back, digitally-restored and remastered on a host of kool kollectibles to go with our other masked Western heroes including The Lone Rider, The Red Mask, The Black Phantom, and The Masked Ranger.

If you're a fan of horror, masked heroes, Westerns, or all three genres, take a long, lingering look at The Ghost Rider!
You'll not see his like again!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Whoopi!!! WTF???

My admiration for Whoopi Goldberg is boundless (as you can see from my linked blog entry).
But her recent comment on The View regarding Roman Polanski's arrest for fleeing America after his conviction on rape charges is disturbing, to say the least!

There are several questions I'd like to ask Ms. Goldberg...
"Is your opinion based on the concept that Polanski's status as an "artiste", as opposed to the average untalented Joe Schmo, frees him from the moral responsibilities imposed by society?"
"Since Polanski is not American, does that allow him to ignore our laws while in America?"
"Do you believe Polanski has already 'suffered enough'?"
"Do you believe that fleeing the jurisdiction after pleading guilty to a crime is not grounds for incarceration?"
"What if it was your daughter he molested?"

Ms. Goldberg, I think you're fantastic!
But, in this case, I think you're unbelievably WRONG!