Monday, April 11, 2011


Comic cover cropped from the paperback art by James Bama
In 1966, with both Bond and Bat-manias at their peak, producers Mark Goodson and Bill Toddman intended to begin a film franchise based on the hot-selling Doc Savage pulp novels being reprinted by Bantam, starting with The Thousand-Headed Man
1966 Newsweek article about Doc Savage and the movie. Click to enlarge.
 They contracted Chuck Connors, who had recently finished a successful run on the RifleMan tv series to play Doc, and began pre-production.
Then, things stopped dead in their tracks.
It seemed that Conde Nast, who now owned the Street and Smith library, including Doc, The Shadow, and The Avenger, didn't own the ancillary media rights to the Man of Bronze!
Those rights had been retained by co-creator Lester Dent, who had written most of the novels (including Thousand-Headed Man) under the "Kenneth Robeson" house name.
(Dent, had previously licensed a short-lived radio version of the character, but had been unable to develop a movie or tv version.  When he passed away, his widow inherited the rights.)
Mrs. Dent was more than willing to negotiate, but time was not on the producers' side.  They had already scheduled the production, and had to start shooting something or lose their investment and the cast (most of whom had commitments scheduled after the Thousand-Headed Man shoot!
To recoup, the producers switched to an already-existing Western script called Night of the Tiger, and shot it as Ride Beyond Vengeance.  (Westerns at that point were still an "easy sell" to theatres and tv.)
Looking at the Ride Beyond Vengeance cast, it's fairly easy to guess who would've played whom...
Claude Akins as Monk
William Bryant as Renny
Jamie Farr as Johnny
Bill Bixby as Long Tom
Gary Merrill or Paul Fix as Calvin Copeland
Kathryn Hays as Lucille Copeland
Not sure who would've played Sen Gat
The cast also included Frank Gorshin and James MacArthur.
In the early 1970s, the character's rights were sold to legendary movie producer George Pal, who produced Man of Bronze in 1974.
The Thousand-Headed Man was eventually dramatized...but as a radio mini-series for NPR, who had scored great ratings with radio versions of the original Star Wars Trilogy.
Here's the original pulp cover...
 ...the rarely-seen British paperback, published at the same time as the 1975 Ron Ely feature film, and, oddly enough, based on the James Bama art for #14, The Fantastic Island...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Design of the Week--Sheldon & Leonard's Hero...CAPTAIN FUTURE!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...
Your eyes do not deceive you!
It's the 1940s magazine artwork the kool poster adorning Sheldon and Leonard's apartment (in the tv series Big Bang Theory) is based on!
It was the premiere issue of a cult-favorite pulp magazine called Captain Future that ran thru the 1940s, was reprinted in paperback in the 1960s, became a fan-fave anime series in the 1980s, and has recently been revived in hardcover!
We covered it in a previous blog entry as well as our own fanpage dedicated to the character's various incarnations!
It's already part of our Captain Future collection featuring the many faces of the character in pulps and comics, but we felt it was time to spotlight this particular piece due to it's historical significance and the fan interest we've seen on the Net.
Plus, it's now on a number of items not part of our main collection, and after next Sunday, they'll no longer be available!
So act now to get the Man of Tomorrow, created in the past, before he disappears next week! (Wha?)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Reading Room: DOC SAVAGE in "Thousand-Headed Man" Conclusion

When Last We left our Heroes...
James Bama cover for the paperback of the pulp novel. It was cropped and reused as the Gold Key comic's cover.
Doc Savage and his men are drawn to Cambodia to find a missing explorer and investigate a fabulous lost city and rumors of a "Thousand-Headed Man" who rules it.
Upon arriving, they are strafed by an aircraft owned by Sen Gat, who also seeks the lost city, and it's treasures...
The End of The Thousand-Headed Man.
But Doc Savage Will Return...
At least, that was the intent of the movie producers, who wanted to create a James Bond-level franchise, beginning with this novel.
Tune in Monday for that tale!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Reading Room: DOC SAVAGE in "Thousand-Headed Man" Part 2

An unmarked package thrown to Doc Savage at an airport contains only a plastic key.
When a trio of men seek the Man of Bronze to acquire the key, Monk drives them away with putrid-smelling gas.
Doc follows them to their leader, Sen Gat, and hypnotizes them all.
Sen Gat reveals he wants the key to use with one already in his possession to gain access to the mythical City of the Thousand-Headed Man in Cambodia. He also informs Savage that a third key, owned by the daughter of a famed husband-wife explorer team, is needed to complete the set and that he sent burglars to get it.
Savage races to the daughter's home, is almost skewered by a spear-wielding woman, and discovers Sen Gat's thieves, dead.
A newspaper photograph shows the girl who almost killed him, then escaped, is the explorers' daughter, Lucille.
Now, on to Part 2 of Doc Savage's only Silver Age adventure...
 How Will Doc and the Amazing Five Survive This Attack?
Tune in Tomorrow for the Exciting Conclusion!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Reading Room: DOC SAVAGE in "Thousand-Headed Man" Part 1

Have NO Fear! The Man of Bronze is HERE!
From 1966, a never-reprinted Silver Age tale, one of many one-shots from Gold Key based on classic properties during the Superhero '60s!
Script by Leo Dorfman, based on the novel by Kenneth Robeson (Lester Dent).
Art by Jack Sparling.
The mystery deepens for the Man of Bronze...tomorrow!