Showing posts with label t-shirt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label t-shirt. Show all posts

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sale on SummerWear! $5 off ANY item, no matter how small!

It's summertime, and you'll need loungewear/beachwear!
How about something like...?
 ...or this?
...or this?
...or this?
 You're in luck!
Starting today thru next Saturday, June 11th, our entire storefront is on SALE!

Coupon Code: DogDays
Discount: $5 off any order!
Use code at CheckOut!
Coupon Code: Summertime
Discount: $10 off subtotal of $50+
Use code at CheckOut!
Coupon Code: HotSeason
Discount: $35 off subtotal of $100+
Use code at CheckOut!

Disclaimer: Please enter coupon code DogDays or Summertime or HotSeason before completing checkout. Discount is applied to the base price subtotal and does not include shipping, taxes, or additional charges. Email us if you have questions. This offer may not be combined with other offerst. Coupons valid from 6/4/2011 to 6/11/2011 11:59 pm Mountain Time.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

BIG Sale at Atomic Kommie Comics™--Printfection Division

One of our subsidiaries, specializing in garb with oversized art/imagery including Green Hornet, Lost Heroes of the Golden Age (DareDevil, Black Terror), military tributes, current events, and even Woodstock Anniversary, is offering a WINTER SALE
NOW (this very second) thru Feb. 27th...
Save $5 off $25-$49.99: PFBDAY$5
Save $15 off $50-$99.99: PFBDAY$15
Save $35 off $100+: PFBDAY$35 
Disclaimer: You must enter coupon code PFBday$5, PFBDay$15 or PFBDay$35 before completing checkout. Discount does not include shipping, taxes, or additional charges. Offer valid from 02/24/2011 until 02/272011 11:59 PM MST. May not be combined or substituted with any other promotion.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Design of the Week--XZ-31 Ray Gun!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This those aliens you mean BUSINESS with this classic Buck Rogers XZ-31 Rocket Pistol from the 1930s!
While there are numerous XZ-31s available on eBay and other sites, finding one MiB is one of the Holy Grails of sci-fi collecting!
It was the very first metal toy ray gun produced in the US (by Daisy, the people also responsible for A Christmas Story's Red Ryder BB Gun)!
And, in a reverse-merchandising twist, the XZ-31 didn't look like the weapon Buck was actually using in the comic strip, but once it came out, the strip introduced the XZ-31 as Buck's "upgraded" weapon!
(And you thought the Walther people had a great deal when James Bond adopted the PPK!)

The Astounding Artifacts blog has a more detailed history of the XZ-31 HERE!
And Toy RayGuns has an overall history of Buck Rogers weaponry HERE!

Buck re-armed with new designs several times in the 1930s-40s, and we'll be introducing those designs, as well, over the next few months.
Available on an assortment of goodies from clothing to collectibles,  and the best thing of won't shoot your eye out!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Christine O'Donnell--Which Witch was Which?

When a clip from Bill Maher's old series Politically Incorrect surfaced showing Tea Party candidate Christine O'Donnell's admission that she "dabbled into witchcraft"... positively inspired me to do a campaign poster for her targeting an audience sadly neglected by the Tea Party up to now!
I've even given it it's own shop HERE, filled with t-shirts, mugs, magnets, messenger bags, and other collectible goodies just perfect for upcoming rallies!
PLUS: I did an extra-large version as seen HERE...
...for those times when you REALLY want to get your point across!
No need to thank me!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

MARVEL-ous Evening with Stan Lee at Carnegie Hall--the Poster!

Face Front, True Believer!
Here's a digitially-remastered and restored print based on the HTF poster from January 5th, 1972, the MARVEL-ous night when Stan Lee and the Marvel Bullpen filled Carnegie Hall with song and story!

From the Bullpen Bulletins that ran in all July, 1972 Marvel comic books:
"ITEM: January 5, 1972! Mark that date in your memory-book, faithful one - 'cause that's the night the batty Bullpen got it all together at Carnegie Hall, in the hectic heart of New York City!
As we told you last month, the whole magilla was called 'A MARVEL-OUS EVENING WITH STAN LEE' - and it was a way-out compendium of music, magic, and madcap Marvel mayhem!

Smilin' Stan himself was Master of Ceremonies - presiding over the frantic goings-on while images of mighty Marvel superheroes flitted across a giant movie screen.
A trio of our titanic artists got into the act, too, as Jazzy Johnny Romita, Happy Herb Trimpe, and Big John Buscema did sensational sketches of Captain America, ol' Greenskin, and Thor - which in turn were projected onto that selfsame screen. (There was a passel of our cavortin' characters in actual attendance, too, including Spidey, Daredevil, Doc Doom, and even J. Jonah Jameson himself!)
The standing-room-only crowd exploded with applause, also, at the roster of famous names who had gathered to pay homage to the madness that is Marvel: World-famous film director Alain Resnais translated a few of Silver Surfer's soliloquies into his native French; and there were also a few pungent paragraphs about our heroes which were intoned by radio personalities Alec Bennett and Earl Doud, by actors Rene Aberjonois and Chuck McCa
nn (you've seen the latter a zillion times as the 'Hi Guy' neighbor on the other side of the medicine cabinet in those Right Guard commercials), and neo-journalist Tom Wolfe, resplendent in red, white, and blue as he read about - you guessed it - Captain America.
As for the music mentioned about, most of it was provided by the far-famed Chico Hamilton and the Players - but some more Marvel Madmen got into the act, too, as Hectic Herbie and Bashful Barry Smith plunked a couple of wild electric guitars while Rascally Roy Thomas belted out a rousin' rocker or two!

Then, for the grand finale, just about everybody in the blamed Bullpen crowded onto stage to sing the Merry Marvel Marching Society theme-song - while, not to be outdone, dozens of cheering fans rushed onstage as well, and the show closed amid a revel of handshaking and autograph signing all 'round.
And that was that!
All in all, it was a wildly successful evening - and not necessarily the last of its kind, either!

And, if there were a few bleary eyes and sore throats among the Bullpenners come the morning of the 6th - well, that's show biz, people!" 
With astounding art by Merry Marie Severin, this poster is a funky composite of major Marvel stars as of 1972!
Top Row: Captain America, DareDevil, Mr. Fantastic, Ant-Man
Second Row: Dr. Strange, Information, Spider-Man, Thor
Third Row: Falcon, Invisible Girl, Hulk, Sub-Mariner
Forth Row: Dormammu, Iron Man, Nick Fury, Human Torch
Bottom Row: Black Widow, Thing, Silver Surfer, Conan

Available as a magnificent high-end print here.
The perfect centerpiece to your comics library or bedroom!

Or, if you're looking for something a bit more discreet (and less expensive), there's always a t-shirt emblazoned with the image...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Infra-Man: the Man BEYOND Bionics!

Through my formative (read "teen") years, summertime was when I would head for 42nd Street in Manhattan for double and triple-feature afternoons at a tacky grindhouse theatre! (yeah, I was [and still am] a nerd)
One of my favorites, which kept rotating into the second and third-run theatres for years, was Infra-Man!
Here's the American trailer for it's 1976 release...

Since such live-action rubber-suit superheroics had been limited to tv (Particularly UltraMan and SpectreMan) up to this point, it was a real treat to see it up on the big (or at least larger than my tv) screen!
It was the height of the '70s kung-fu flick craze,  so the hero was not only armed with weapons and powers, but could kick monster as with fists (and feet) of fury!
Plus, the villain of the pic...was a villainess (an extremely cute one) called "Dragon Mom", which I suspect was a mistranslation of the character's original name "Elzebub"!
As for the plot, I'll leave it to the kool guys at BadMovies.Org to describe it...
Make sure that you are sitting down for this. 
...after sleeping through the last ice age Princess Dragon Mom wakes up.
She is dismayed to find what was once her kingdom is now absolutely infested with humans and sets out to make them her slaves.
Lucky for us that Professor Chan just finished developing the Infra-Man and Rayma immediately volunteers to become a super hero worthy of most French fashion shows. 
Battling through dozens of monsters with kung fu, laser beams, and explosive kicks is what being Infra-Man is all about.
Some of the fight scenes are absolutely priceless and the really fun thing is this: when not destroying stuff the evil mutants all stand around in a room dancing (badly)...
(Read the entire review for much more snarky fun)

The 42nd Street of my youth is long gone, Disneyfied into a California-style tourist trap.
But, to relive the memories my wayward teens as well as of this classic of weird cinema (and to add to my burgeoning tacky t-shirt collection), I produced a dark t-shirt for myself with the American release poster emblazoned on it.
My film-going buds wanted to know where I got the shirt, and this led to my setting up the first Atomic Kommie Comics™ t-shirt store, where Infra-Man can now be found in the Pop-Art Martial Arts™ section on shirts, mugs, magnets, iPad / messenger bags, etc.!
Recently, I branched out to create another on-line store using a vendor who could do bigger images on products. This led to the Summer SuperHeroes & Spies shop featuring (you guessed!) Infra-Man!

If you're into GREAT bad movies with good graphics...grab an Infra-Man goodie from either store (While I grab Dragon Mom)!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Only REAL Americans in Arizona! T-Shirt

Well, if you take the argument to it's logical extreme, Native Americans / Amerinds were here first...EVERYBODY else was an "illegal alien"!

If you're interested in making a political / socio-economic statement with this shirt, click HERE!
(It's American Apparel! Non-sweatshop-produced!)

For the record, I'm not for any sort of amnesty for undocumented aliens.
I believe they should be registered and go thru the same legal procedures and schooling / testing as any other immigrant wanting to become a US citizen.
No shortcuts, no special privileges.
My grandparents did it by the book (including learning English, though none of them were native English speakers), and I believe anyone else who wants "in" has to do the same!

Tomorrow, back to less controversial stuff...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Robin Hood-the Man-the Myth-the Merchandise!

Just in time for the new Russell Crowe film...go "Secret Chic" with kool kollectibles featuring imagery from these previous versions of the legendary outlaw including Douglas Fairbanks' 1922 silent movie, the classic 1938 Errol Flynn flick, and several Golden Age comics covers (including Classics Illustrated)!

We're talking dark & light t-shirts, messenger bags, mugs, magnets, and other tchochkies...and all at a price that won't feel like we're stealing from the rich! ;-)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Inexpensive Geek Chic! Part 2

Looking for a cool, campy (but cheap) way to spruce up your autumn wardrobe?
Get back to basics with our Value T-Shirt!
Enjoy a great look and fit at a reasonable price...ONLY $14.99 each!
Made of cool, midweight white 100% cotton perfect for casual wear with a letterman jacket, sport jacket, blazer, zip hoodie, or sweater!
PLUS: the shirts feature digitally-remastered full-color classic comic book and movie poster artwork (shot directly from the original comics and posters) UNAVAILABLE IN OTHER STORES!

War: Past, Present & Future Value T-Shirts

Buy 'em! Trade 'em! Collect them ALL!
(Or at least one or two!)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Design of the Week--Halloween Hootenanny!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...
You can dance with ghouls, ghosts and demons in the moonlight with our Halloween Hootenanny design on creepy collectibles and kid-only clothing.
It's a G-rated classic 1950s comic book cover, lots of fun and only slightly frightening, so it's perfect for little ones!

If you have the courage (or kids 6 and older), check out our main Haunted Halloween section for all sorts of sinister stuff based on vintage comic books and movie posters (nothing naughtier than PG-13)!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Inexpensive Geek Chic! Part 1

Looking for a cool, campy (but cheap) way to spruce up your back-to-school wardrobe?
Get back to basics with our Value T-Shirt!
Enjoy a great look and fit at a reasonable price...ONLY $14.99 each!
Made of cool, midweight white 100% cotton perfect for casual wear with a sport jacket, blazer, zip hoodie, or sweater!
PLUS: they feature digitally-remastered full-color classic comic book and movie poster artwork UNAVAILABLE IN OTHER STORES!
War: Past, Present & Future Value T-Shirts
Coming soon:
Seduction of the Innocent
Sci-Fi / Fantasy
Pop Art Martial Arts
Value T-Shirts!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Design of the Week--Super Circus!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...
"Be a clown! Be a clown! All the world loves a clown..."
A bright, cheerful image of a clown from the long-running 1950s live-action tv show.
Perfect for tykes, toddlers, and preschoolers!

Interestingly, since it was broadcast in black-and-white, the only time kids saw the performers in color was on ad posters, magazine photos, or on licensed products!

FREE Back to school BONUS: Downloadable episode of the series available here! See what enthralled your parents and grandparents before YouTube!