Thursday, April 28, 2011

Reading Room: RACE FOR THE MOON "Disc Jockey"

The 1950s.
When "disc" could mean either "flying saucer" or "lp record".
Or both...
A tale of discs and disks from Race to the Moon #1, 1958.
Art by Bob Powell.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

YouTube Wednesday: Megas XLR Pilot, 1st Ep and more...

If you haven't seen it, just watch it.
You'll thank me later.
If you have seen it, you might as well watch it again here, since it's not rerunning on cable and isn't available on DVD.
First up, the 7-minute pilot (an intro, not the origin)

Then, the first 23-minute episode of the ongoing series, "Test Drive", which IS an origin episode!

Bonus: the complete theme song...

Plus have a look at these goodies available thru Amazon...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Reading Room: Pussycat: Agent of S.C.O.R.E. in "Merry Mixed-Up Miss"

Didn't know Austin Powers had a sister, did you?
Actually, he doesn't.
Pussycat preceded Austin by several decades, but we'll save the background for our next entry.
Enjoy this titillating tale, written by Stan Lee and drawn by Wally Wood and Bill Ward!
...for now!
But, Pussycat will return...

Check out the

Monday, April 25, 2011

Have NO Fear! The Man of Bronze is...THERE!

Currently running at our brother RetroBlog™, Hero & Heroine Histories™, is the never-reprinted Movie Edition of Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze.
It's not even included in the new trade paperback from DC reprinting Marvel's Doc series from 1972!
Miss it at your peril!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Design of the Week--Little Red Riding Hood

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...with a new, mature-oriented version of Little Red Riding Hood coming out...

...we thought it might be nice to see a retro, wholesome classic image of the child who outwits the hungry predator.
A vintage illustration suitable for all ages, and emblazoned on a slew of goodies including kidswear, womenswear, mugs, iPhone cases, etc.
Why not go "Secret Chic" and wear it to the theatre?
Better order NOW, before the Big Bad Wolf gobbles them all up!