
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder ATARI FORCE Part Four "Part 1"

We Return to the Atari Universe, where in 2005, we started travelling into other dimensions...

..including some where humans definitely aren't welcome!

To Be Continued...
Next Wednesday!
As of this tale in the 1982 fourth cartridge insert comic by writers Gerry Conway and Roy Thomas, Penciler Ross Andru and inker Dick Giordano, it's clear that the pioneering crew of Scanner One finished their initial assignment, returned home, provided vital intel to Atari and helped organize and train a second wave of explorers!
Besides this digest-sized mini-comic, the story was also published as a bonus comic-sized insert in DC's DC Comics Presents #53 and New Teen Titans #27 (both 1983).
That version had some differences...
...starting with a retitling from "Phoenix" to "Code Name: Liberator"...
...and a new subtitle"Liberator Mission: Freedom or Death!"
Plus, every reference in the captions, dialogue and signage is altered from "Phoenix" to "Liberator"!
In addition, the alien Malaglon are altered from brutish, fanged extraterrestrials to...
...frogs, albeit armed and armored frogs!
I'm uncertain if the Comics Code Authority pushed the alteration of the aliens for the mass-market comics version...
...though it is so much more satisfying to see them getting blown up as hideous monsters than cute frogs.
But, that's just me...
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