
Saturday, October 10, 2020

Space Force Saturdays SPACE SQUADRON & SPEED CARTER: SPACEMAN "Future History Chronicles" Part 1

Much as Star Trek fills in the gaps between the "past" (our present) and their future-set series..
...Atlas' two 1950s 21st Century series also did so with different strips that carried the same title, as seen, first, in this never-reprinted tale from Space Squadron #1 (1951) about the first manned space flight in 1953 (yes, 1953)!
The Famous Explorers of Space feature ran in all five issues of Space Squadron and the single issue of Space Worlds that used up material left homeless when Space Squadron was cancelled.
Sol Brodsky penciled and Chris Rule inked this premiere chapter, whose writer is lost to the mists of time!
When Speed Carter: SpaceMan came along a couple of years later, writer Hank Chapman ignored everything done in Space Squadron, producing stories that often contradicted "history" established in the earlier series.
(Having one of the first space pioneers in Space Squadron named "Carter" could've provided a perfect "hook" to link the two, but Chapman made the wise choice to not do so!)
Speaking of Chapman and his version of "Future History"...'s his version, set in the "distant past" of 2004!
The concept of Venusians all being beautiful women was a cliche even then.
The art on this story from Speed Carter: SpaceMan #1 (1953) is by a young up-and-comer named John Romita, who had a real knack for drawing gorgeous females.
I wonder whatever became of him?
One interesting note: the astronauts in this story, which takes place three generations in the "past" of Speed Carter: SpaceMan, have different uniforms and lower-end technology than what's shown in the "present-day" Speed Carter tales.
BTW, Space Squadron actually ran two "Future History" strips in each issue, one about Famous Explorers of Space, plus a series about the adventures of young Blast Revere, who in the Jet Dixon strip was the elderly commander of the Space Squadron!
...1960 (which was still "the future" in 1951)!
While the writer for Blast's never-reprinted debut (also in Space Squadron #1) is unknown, the artist should be familiar to Speed Carter: SpaceMan fans...Joe ManeelySpeed's designer/co-creator and primary illustrator for the first half of his run!
Blast Revere ran in all six issues of Space Squadron. and it's one-issue "sequel", Space Worlds.
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Thanx for posting!