
Friday, May 13, 2016

Reading Room TALOS OF THE WILDERNESS SEA " the Wilderness Sea!" Conclusion

...taken from his beastfolk parents when he was a newborn, Carn is raised by a royal family who weren't aware of his non-human heritage.
(He was secretly swapped for their stillborn child by the midwife.)
While exploring by himself, the now-teenage Carn is attacked by a pack of wolves, but he instinctively communicates mentally with a giant white cat who saves him, then brings him to a nearby beastfolk village whose priestess is...his true mother!
Riding high on the success of the Sword of the Atom mini-series and follow-up annuals which re-imagined the hard sci-fi character in a barbarian adventure setting, Gil Kane (along with collaborator Jan Strnad) was given the go-ahead for another high-adventure series, this time based on a new character.
Planned as a 12-issue mini-series, cutbacks at DC dictated that the already-penciled and scripted first two issues be combined into a one-shot whose sales would determine if the project would continue.
Unfortunately, the unfamiliar character didn't attract a large enough audience (as The Atom had), and only the single, open-ended issue came about.

Here's a Friday the 13th bonus!
The text feature about the project and its' creators!
We hope you've enjoyed this never-reprinted book from 1987.
Keep an eye on this blog as we present more of these long-lost stories!

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Thanx for posting!