
Saturday, April 1, 2023

Space Force Saturdays TRUMP'S SPACE FORCE Part 2

The Celestial Peacekeeping Astral Coalition contacts the President of the United States, Donald Trump, to deliver a dire warning: Earth is in danger of takeover by another group of aliens from somewhere in the far left wing of the galaxy.
This insidious force, the Sienn’en, have an armada ready to invade Earth for its resources.
But with the CPAC’s help, Trump puts together a team ready to take the battle into orbit and beyond!
A force to make space great again!
(You can tell today is April Fools Day, right?)
Interesting how those uniforms and spacesuits apparently have Spanx built-in, eh?
To Be Concluded in...
Monday Madness

(on Monday, obviously)!
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Friday, March 31, 2023


Ironically, this was planned months ago for 2023's April Fool's Weekend...
...but with Don da Con's indictment last night, it's even more entertaining now!
Reads like a QAnon wet dream, doesn't it?
Appropriately, it continues tomorrow as our April Fool's Day edition of Space Force Saturdays!
When we first posted about this book, we weren't certain if writer Chuck Dixon was doing a serious or satirical take on the concept.
And we weren't the only ones, as shown HERE!

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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder MERCHANTS OF VENUS Part 2

We Have Already Seen...

Charming, rougish (yet honest) tour guide Audree Walthers is engaged by a rich couple to visit (hopefully) untouched Heechee archeological sites on Venus, hoping to find artifacts.
(The Heechee were the inhabitants of the planet, but none are currently known to be alive, so their cities and habitats are considered "abandoned" and legally-salvageble!)
After a couple of days of preparations, the expedition departs...
What will they find?
What might find them?
Be Here
Next Wednesday
to Find Out!
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(Anthology of Frederick Pohl's work featuring the novella "Merchants of Venus"!)

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Reading Room JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY "Three Who Vanished"

One of the joys of doing things like Reading Room... uncovering a rarely-seen work by one of the greats in the business, like this tale from Atlas' Journey into Mystery #50 (1959)!
With a (admittedly somewhat-misleading) cover by Joe Sinnott, interior art by Steve Ditko, and script probably by Larry Lieber (Stan Lee almost always had his byline on his own scripts), it's a great example of the sort of energy and creativity that was just waiting for a spark to coalesce into what would become Marvel Comics only a year or so later.
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