Friday, July 4, 2014

Safety Tip from the Fighting Yank on the 4th of July...

Here's the word, kids, from the Fighting Yank himself...
Art by Mort Meskin
...from the final issue of his 1940s series, Standard's Fighting Yank #29 (1949)
Art by Alex Schomburg
And here's the patriotic cover from that issue, which features the only time the character appears in costume, but without a mask!

Update: I goofed.
When the art team of Jerry Robinson and Mort Meskin took over the book as of #25, they modified Fighting Yank's costume, removing the mask and adding a Revolutionary War-era powdered wig and the frilled, looser shirt.
However, the covers, prepared in advance by Alex Schomburg, didn't reflect the change until #27 (which I had not read).
My bad.

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Thanx for posting!